- #61 [hahayanyan], 22-07-05 20:04
- #62 [ich], 22-07-05 20:06"Season 5 won’t be released until 2024!"
D細路又再大哂。好似睇 Harry Porter咁..
BTW, 我唔喜歡睇劇集。冇追劇 N年。但我要發掘好劇俾老婆睇,推薦佢睇 Stranger Things,純粹因為 IMDB 高分,Stranger Things 4季我都只係係睇 last 2 episodes。真係拍得好好,演員都做得好,Robin 成個媽餅印、 11 犀利。當然大量 80s音樂更正, Eddie彈 Metallica又係神來之筆。 前排收音機猛播 Running Up That Hill,我仲同老婆講做乜播80s嘅"Hit"。原來係 Stranger Things!!導演揀呢首得十分好。搞到 Kate Bush破哂幾個紀錄。
Millie Bobby Brown + Kate Bush 都係英倫人材, good
最後修改時間: 2022-07-05 20:08:38 - #63 [hahayanyan], 22-07-05 20:08
any specific /theme, topic.....she may like ? i watch quite a few... may be i can suggest u some
feel sad............Eddie is dead.....that BC RICH guitar is dame nice tooooo........................... epic scene ..for that "Metallica"
最後修改時間: 2022-07-05 20:14:18 -
- #64 [Edgware], 22-07-05 21:15Haha兄:
Metallica is good stuff
Happy listening
最後修改時間: 2022-07-05 21:18:22 - #65 [springroll], 22-07-06 00:52ich 兄,多謝介紹!String things 未睇,睇黎不容錯過!!
- #66 [springroll], 22-07-06 01:22#56
fotheringay 兄,我諗逢係 HiFi 友都會對音色音效有一定要求,從而喺欣賞音樂上再錦上添花!
無錯,Marten 係不惜工本之作,佢嘅中高幼滑,極道開揚透明,聲音反應快速高分析力,分隔度及空氣感極好!我聽嘅 Duke 2 屬性入門小喇叭,但低頻已能下潛至38Hz,喺我屋企 home test 算有足夠低頻,整體音色音效我自己覺得已在很高水平!Marten 喇叭十分值得大家去聽聽!! - #67 [fotheringay], 22-07-06 03:35Springroll兄,
除了玩Hi-Fi不忘探討其他活動。我現身處Yorkshire Dales和家人渡假。
我哋喜歡hiking及吸收大自然空氣。 你有時間都要去下,尤其離你不遠。 - #68 [springroll], 22-07-06 05:33Fotheringay 兄,多謝提點!: )
我本人十分喜愛大自然,英倫四季分明,對我黎講係一種享受!黎緊都會帶埋啲細路去 Lake District 休閒幾日!未去過,但個個都極力推薦。:D - #69 [fotheringay], 22-07-06 07:14
Lake District真是不錯,如短時間幾曰就要集中d。旺季可能幾逼人。
如不往外遊,我們喜愛Yorkshire Dales, 其次Cornwall.
我們已前後來了Yorkshire Dales 差不多十次了,但每次都有新體會,並不重復。Cornwall 如是。
一些Yorkshire Dales music videos - #70 [fotheringay], 22-07-06 07:20
一些Cornwall 的記憶。
最後修改時間: 2022-07-06 07:21:11 - #71 [hahayanyan], 22-07-06 13:31today....our HIFI blow water group have a UK summer house design topic ....for HIFI..
quite a few of them already at UK now......
最後修改時間: 2022-07-06 13:32:35 - #72 [springroll], 22-07-06 17:10Fotheringay兄, very nice sharing and clips! A lot of beautiful places to be explored and experienced here. Wish every bro/sis came here do enjoy the same.
- #73 [springroll], 22-07-06 17:18#71
Summer house for HiFi... quite a privilege! - #74 [hahayanyan], 22-07-06 17:49Those are not a full house for summer..
It is just a box within everyone having a rear garden...
We talked about particular width and length ratio, and roof design... Etc
How's the door be arranged... Etc..
Day dreaming haha
Haha - #75 [ich], 22-07-06 18:24#72
Enjoy NEW life in UK. 就算以前,普遍香港人每日嘅重點係恆生指數、樓價、旅行飲食、細路搵學校、補習、興趣班。 You may find more dimensions in your new life. 人生另一階段 as well as HiFi/Music journey 更加精彩,心靈富足。
最後修改時間: 2022-07-06 18:24:54 - #76 [w.lo.bc], 22-07-06 22:24So true
- #77 [hnm], 22-07-07 12:47# 75 we’ll said, life has much more to offer than $$$
- #78 [springroll], 22-07-07 15:08#75
AGREED! For who has started/going to start a new journey here, open up your mind and heart to embrace your new life. You'll get much more than you expected. :) - #79 [fotheringay], 22-07-07 17:22Springroll
That’s the attitude!
That said like everything in life nothing is impossible but also, in reality, not always as smooth as one might expect.
Many make good preparation and have done homework. Some might have done so but still in need of help but scratching their heads where to find help.
What I am going to say is, not only you in particular, you are not alone and help is available. Nonetheless, you need to make the first step before anything else is moving forward.
I sincerely hope all the necessities for you are all settled smoothly eg. schooling for your children, finding new jobs, if any.
UK is not prefect. I could have gone back to Australia but this is my home for many years and I love every moment I share with my family. That’s important that do it as a family.
I wish this will the same to you.
A lovely sunset from Wensleydale yesterday.
最後修改時間: 2022-07-07 17:24:31 - #80 [ich], 22-07-07 20:04"That’s the attitude!"
Agree. HK will never be the same as OUR HK in the past. No need to think of the situation as 走難 as described by some people, but rather a golden opportunity to find a better life style than even the old HK.
"I could have gone back to Australia"
Chi Gor,
Come here !! Beautiful sunshine all around the year and NO snow. Much larger area to explore. Retirement life here is pleasant and medical expenses is basically free :)
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so papa can be alive....
最後修改時間: 2022-07-05 20:04:59