- #3481 [Springroll], 24-11-24 22:30
- #3480 [Springroll], 24-11-24 22:11#3479
哈哈~~ 小弟忍唔住諗 fotheringay 兄 嘅 implication... 哈!!;D
Anyway, 我本身唔識 diaspora 呢個 word,睇完段 interview, 我都忍唔住去詳細查閱個 definition...
我只能夠講,愛國情懷,係會有自動自覺逼人認祖歸宗嘅覺悟。。。!;P - #3479 [fotheringay], 24-11-24 19:13
This pops up in my Youtube home page. I don't even know she was elected as a Labour MP in the last General Election.
If you live in Reading area you may have first hand experience with her. If you have time you may want to follow this interview.
if you do what do you think of her?
PS. Skip the comments from other people first, then read them later. -
- #3478 [Springroll], 24-11-24 16:51尋日帶細路去咗睇佢哋等咗好耐,近排話題熱到爆燈嘅 "Wicked" IMAX 版!
首先,呢套 Musical movie 真係算拍得好唔錯!絕對係華麗認真,歌舞編排場境一絲不苟!娛樂性音樂性水準以上!
套戲長達2小時40分鐘,都只係僅僅講完 Wicked musical 頭半 part,裡面嘗試交待補完多點 musical 本身人物感情關係細節,但老實講,歌舞係佢哋强項,論演技真係一般,當中複雜感情實在難以駕馭。。。同埋 Ariana 太搶鏡,搞到個導演喺故事舖排同鏡頭調動剪接都稍有走焦情況。。。(唔係話鏡頭 out focus...係講個情節焦點。。。)
Nevertheless, 呢套戲都好值得入大銀幕睇!仲要有大睇大,因為畫面真係好豐富吓!音響固之然更要揾間正嘅去盡情欣賞!!(可惜尋日去果間 Odeon IMAX 音響真係一般。。。-_-!)
最後修改時間: 2024-11-24 16:53:48 - #3477 [Dynavector], 24-11-23 16:51
Morning Concert : 平妹妹
上月係台北西門町見到呢盒 Blu-ray ,TWD2169,係 平妹妹 做隊長嘅走廊奔跑隊解散演唱會 (2014年2月9日、Zepp Diver City)..........,當時 平妹妹 已經 (2012/02) 退團,但關係良好,所以退咗團,一樣揾番 平妹妹。
張 Blu-ray 裡面有乜? 成張係呢度↓↓↓
0:57 初恋ダッシュ
3:34 やる気花火
7:54 白いチューリップ
11:07 メンバー紹介
16:13 「一番カワイイーHarukaー!!」
17:05 菊地あやか登場
20:07 アッカンベー橋
23:09 猫騙し
25:44 若気のイタリアン
30:14 岩佐美咲登場
31:45 小森美果登場
33:24 バレンタイン・キッス
37:16 へたっぴウインク
41:22 地下鉄のTeddy boy
44:03 希望山脈
51:05 「なっちゃん歌上手い」
54:27 姉妹どんぶり(浦野一美、渡辺麻友)
58:58 へそが曲がる(多田愛佳)
1:01:39 マンマ、グラッチュ!(仲川遥香、平嶋夏海、岩佐美咲)
1:03:55 犬語を話せる男の子(多田愛佳、菊地あやか、浦野一美)
1:07:33 美咲のために(岩佐美咲)
1:11:42 軟体恋愛クラゲっ娘(渡辺麻友)
1:19:26 青い未来
1:22:11 骨折ロマンス
1:24:33 君は考える
1:26:59 ギュッ
1:30:45 少年よ、嘘をつけ!
1:35:21 完璧ぐーのね
1:40:35 「本当に解散するの?」
1:42:00 手のひら
1:45:50 走りたいGO!GO!GO!
1:49:02 青春のフラッグ
1:53:43 服を着た王様
1:57:50 小森美果
1:59:34 浦野一美
2:01:34 平嶋夏海
2:03:56 岩佐美咲
2:06:06 菊地あやか
2:08:26 多田愛佳
2:11:12 仲川遥香
2:14:03 渡辺麻友
2:21:41 初恋ダッシュ
最後修改時間: 2024-11-23 16:53:02 - #3476 [Springroll], 24-11-23 16:35Adele, will stop from performing for quite some time after last show this month. Best wishes for her new journey!
https://ew.com/adele-announces-extended-hiatus-from-performing-8705080#:~:text=Adele%20announces%20extended%20hiatus%20from,longest%20I%20will%20ever%20do.%22 - #3475 [fotheringay], 24-11-23 07:28
Watching her from the beginning is like watching your friend's daughter growing up as you were aware her shaping up.
She was shy, overweight but talented young teenager but gradually she became the Las Vegas Diva.
She may not be as fresh and exciting she once was but I am glad I saw her live in Royal Albert Hall. - #3474 [fotheringay], 24-11-22 23:05
Played these music at work yesterday and they got the attention from one of my colleagues.
He was curious about the instruments and I told him I would make some videos for him to watch.
I used to play and record them a lot in the past for referencing the systems. - #3473 [Dynavector], 24-11-22 21:18
Behind the scenes
最後修改時間: 2024-11-22 21:28:17 - #3472 [Springroll], 24-11-22 17:21
- #3471 [Dynavector], 24-11-22 02:38
主角:八木莉可子 14歲
Behind the scene - #3470 [fotheringay], 24-11-22 00:47
Asian/Far East Electronics........
- #3469 [fotheringay], 24-11-21 05:05
Then Yazoo, one of my favourite Syn-pop groups fro the 80's.
- #3468 [fotheringay], 24-11-21 05:02
It was snowing first time in winter while I was making these recordings. It didn't last long though.
Playing the multi-mic recording and the mics are hanging down from the wood beams from the ceiling.
First trying with the Dire Straits.
- #3467 [fotheringay], 24-11-20 20:27
咁又幾十年..........個 Rega Planar 3 Turntable.........
When my brother-in-law started his Hi-Fi journey he was not convinced my saying that playing vinyl with take you to another level and perspective of Audiophile sound.
I said get a cheap or reasonable turntable and see if you would agree with me(he was using expensive Naim system at the time).
We bought a Rega Planar 3 with a cheap AT AF5 MC and he was gobsmacked after listening.
To cut the long story short the rest is history and there is no return for him with vinyl.
The journey started with a cheap Planar 3 and now he had used Linn LP12, Clearausio, SME 20/3, Thorens Reference and now TW ACUSTIC Raven.
As for me? Just a £50 Ariston. - #3466 [Springroll], 24-11-20 20:20咁又幾十年。。。變幻原是永恆。。。
Bose Corporation Acquires McIntosh Group, the Leader in Luxury, High-performance Audio
強如 McIntosh 同 Sonus Faber.... 雖然我從來都唔覺佢哋夾聲。。。@_@
好彩唔係犀利國。。。 - #3465 [Dynavector], 24-11-20 08:01
咁又幾十年..........余Sir 都好嘢,個 Rega Planar 3 Turntable 同支 Magnepan Unitrac 1 Carbon Fiber Uni-Pivot Tonearm 用咗半個世紀...........仍然使用中!
我第一個 Belt-Drive Turntable, Rega Planar 3 就係幫 余Sir 買,開 SME hole,幾十年後,我都係用Uni-Pivot Tonearm。.......... 咁又幾十年!
最後修改時間: 2024-11-20 08:02:33 - #3464 [Springroll], 24-11-20 05:55堅守立場,不惜代價悍衛民主自由!沒有神奇力量,只有一棵公義嘅心!
真.香港人嘅 Wonder Woman, HIGHEST SALUTE!! - #3463 [fotheringay], 24-11-20 02:05
咁又幾十年..........播咗半世紀,仍然 playing 中。
Yap........recorded it some 8 years ago.....
最後修改時間: 2024-11-20 02:06:26 - #3462 [Dynavector], 24-11-20 01:47
RE [#3640]
咁又幾十年.......... .........Video 裡面 00:54 播果張 Lee Oskar,播咗半世紀,仍然 playing 中。
聽 01 - I Remember Home: a) The Journey b) The Immigrant 8:32 c) The Promise Land 12:35 已經足夠!
最後修改時間: 2024-11-20 01:51:33 - 下一頁 (4 of 178)
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Adele says goodbye in emotional statement: 'I am battered'
The "Hello" singer's last show takes place on November 23