- #41 [springroll], 22-07-04 20:25Bc Lo 兄, Good point and suggestion! ; )
- #42 [koalaau], 22-07-05 08:56香港係高級音響大市場,外國人好實際,中古日本野靚聲夠聽係唔會追新野。
- #43 [koalaau], 22-07-05 08:59#37
咁有冇問佢邊隻傢私係for man?^o^ -
- #44 [hahayanyan], 22-07-05 10:57My buddy at nottingham was invited to the demo session for a prototype phono stage.. Bloody expensive one... At "definitive audio"... Quite a hi end store, they may be the brand owner of the Living Voice speaker
Once I brought a used speaker from the home of Lowther too.. When I was 21.. Funny places
My impression... British audiophile put musicality before those sound stage things..
Haha - #45 [w.lo.bc], 22-07-05 11:34That living voice "Vox Olympian" is my dream speaker.
I once had a set of mono vitavox speaker, I was so stupid, sold it to a guy from Taiwan. After almost 30 years, I still regret it. - #46 [hahayanyan], 22-07-05 11:49haha but at that day of the prototype phono SUT listening ...there are no "living voice "Vox Olympian" in the room .. haha too bAd....
最後修改時間: 2022-07-05 11:49:38 - #47 [springroll], 22-07-05 13:10#43
哈~ 佢後生時鐘意 DIY~
呢度啲鬼佬好多時都擺哂架生喺garage 整野,我真係見過屋企附近有個鬼佬打開個garage, 開咗個車床喺度鋸緊木板。。。
另外,喺英國呢度訂造本地傢俬,閒閒地需時6 至12 個禮拜不等,初黎步到樣樣由零開始o既時候,呢樣野係其中一個煩惱, 所以我果時儘量揾現成有現貨,個樣唔太差就算 :P - #48 [rcywong], 22-07-05 13:12Vitavox, a sign of British Sound.
There will be cost more and more, if you still kept it in hand until today. - #49 [springroll], 22-07-05 13:47#42
其實香港曾經係一個非常好嘅地方,發燒友嘅天堂 (除咗聽音空間嘅問題), 音響器材十分多選擇,世界各地由平去到天價唔同類型嘅都有!再講,由於香港發燒相對地有要求,代理揀得進得口入得貨嘅,通常都已經一定係好野!!所以就如 fotheringay 兄所言,香港人見慣大蛇疴尿,黎到英倫 HiFi 文化確係有分別!
但唔代表呢度無高級高價音響,喺曼城有間 HiEnd HiFi shop named Doug Brady HiFi, 賣嘅有香港人好熟悉嘅牌子,B&W, Focal, Naim, Rega, Chord Electronics, Sugden, Michell Engineering, Vertere, SME, ATC, Spendor, Harbeth, ProAc and KEF,dCS, Gryphon, Marten, Bergmann , Magico, Dan D’Agostino, Mola Mola, Auralic, Accuphase and Hegel. 我有次去試聽2,3千鎊價位嘅 B&W, ProAC 同Harbeth 喇叭,佢仲招呼埋我去大房聽 Marten 同 Magico!! 佢哋啲 service 好好,有禮兼 knowledgeable, 讚!! - #50 [w.lo.bc], 22-07-05 14:17Here in North America,service is generally very good. Even a customer is just tire kicking, overall salesperson still provides very appropriate responses
By saying that, I haven't visit any audio shop for long time. Only record stores. - #51 [w.lo.bc], 22-07-05 14:23By the way, there is a record shop about 4 miles from my place, they carry both used and new records.
The best part is the shop has several turntables there, with the headphone, customer can test listen their used record before buying.
Such a cool place. - #52 [hahayanyan], 22-07-05 14:24From my UK buddy.. Some info about hifi services
- #53 [springroll], 22-07-05 16:21#52
Thanks haha 兄. Very good sharing! - #54 [springroll], 22-07-05 16:25#51
bc 兄, this sounds a fantastic place for record lovers! 這裡有好多黑膠店,但我無見過有得試聽,the one at your place is wonderful! - #55 [springroll], 22-07-05 16:49英倫 HiFi 店有樣野幾普遍,但香港到而家都未能夠做到嘅,就係可以 on loan 器材返屋企試!
我喺 Doug Brady 試咗幾對 B&W, ProAC 同Harbeth 喇叭, B&W 705 sig 係最搶耳嘅,高頻響亮,低頻彈跳,相對 Harbeth 柔醇舒服嘅傳統英國聲,係一個強烈對比;但最後 sales 放對 Marten Duke 2 黎聽,我就即刻同佢 loan 咗返屋企試真佢!當然價位以倍計,但聲音質素真係有大段距離!
我好欣賞尼度 home test 嘅服務,因為 HiFi 尼個Mix and Match 嘅玩意,可以喺自己嘅環境同配置試清楚,洗少好多寃枉錢同時間. - #56 [fotheringay], 22-07-05 17:53Springroll 兄果是很有效率,Marten 喇叭初比我感覺很像Raidho那些高級制作,利用一些高價技術及材料,如ceramic 及diamonds 這類技術難道及成本高昂的物料。
Springroll 可能有著對音埸,人聲及樂器的displacement要求很高。
我未試過Marten但我在港妹夫有對三單元座地Raidho, 它正是比到那些些我妹夫的要求。他先前是用Tannoy Canterbury,用全套Kondo 去推,佢話Canterbury is good but Raidho is much better!
Doug Brady has been in business for a long time, good choice.
最後修改時間: 2022-07-05 17:54:06 - #57 [ich], 22-07-05 18:29#55
Welcome to the Brave New World. Open your mind and enjoy。
BTW, 未睇 Stranger Things的話可以一口氣追哂 4 seasons。 Seasons 4 Vol 2 最後兩集我特登用投射大畫面睇。 - #58 [fotheringay], 22-07-05 19:45I feel sad because the Stranger Things Season 5 won’t be released until 2024!
Papa is dead, long live Papa!
最後修改時間: 2022-07-05 19:45:57 - #59 [hahayanyan], 22-07-05 19:50papa not dead
最後修改時間: 2022-07-05 19:51:23 - #60 [fotheringay], 22-07-05 19:58Mad Papa looks quite dead to me. Bullet holes all over his body!
But, never say never!
It is the Stranger Things!
Where has Max gone? That’s the question. - 下一頁 (3 of 161)
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