- #21 [springroll], 22-07-03 17:07
- #22 [hahayanyan], 22-07-03 17:29#14
Is a win...for u haha
Me never like to mix hifi hobby into family living section, but they love music in different manner..
This is why. i have them a simple to use and enjoyable music system.. And isolate my hobby area for my own toys
最後修改時間: 2022-07-03 17:29:56 - #23 [arcet], 22-07-03 17:35#19
因為實在走得太多啦 -
- #24 [fotheringay], 22-07-03 17:59Haha,
It was rather an accidental victory.
As you may know houses in the UK are not generally big especially the newly built unless you are mega rich.
Due to heating efficiency areas inside the house are always partitioned so space is quite confined. This is why people tend to have small to medium size speakers only, not too common with big JBL or Westlakes kind of stuff, unless you have barn converted studio.
We all love music in my family but we enjoy them with different medium. Big toys for me, earphones for my son and iPhone speaker for my wife and we are all happy. - #25 [hahayanyan], 22-07-03 18:11there are still some not mega $$ home with a double garage, or a living room / sitting room..just a bit wider at about 12 to 14 ft... , we may notice many nice sitting room are only 10 ft wide ...some bigger home..very decent at 12.5 ft... ( not bad if it is 12 .5 ft wide )
some single garage is not bad..at 10 ft..wide.., but some at only 9 ft..
i have a feeling British always not into " excessive "....... for home...for car...for piece of steak... and ice creams
things have their wisdom and reasons
a normal family home with more than 1500 sq ft carpet area..may be considered to be decent..spacious at UK
at USA ...family home may start from 2500 sq ft..... understand it...heating..etc..are much cheaper.. ..
give and take..for having family........
worth it..even for a smaller room for hobby
最後修改時間: 2022-07-03 18:22:10 - #26 [springroll], 22-07-03 20:11fotheringay 兄,
能有獨立 HiFi 聽音空間任你搞,已經係王道!!:D - #27 [fotheringay], 22-07-03 21:26
我講及我的車房為music den, 其實現實只係一個junk corner,太太成曰叫我唔好再去 car boots sale搵d垃圾番來。
唔多理佢,繼續enjoy! - #28 [springroll], 22-07-04 01:44fotheringay 兄,
點解右邊 Altec Lansing 封住咗? - #29 [w.lo.bc], 22-07-04 01:49#27,
you have a very nice man cave!
I have watched several uploads from you. Your taste is quite unique.
Anyway there is nothing better than finding your own utopia, even it is cold, tiny, or whatever, as long as it is safe and everything is under your own control.
Cheers from other side of the ocean.
Wal - #30 [fotheringay], 22-07-04 03:04
那有cling film 的Altec DIY音箱因那Altec 604c單元去了repair, 不知何時回家,原本是緊帖brick wall 的,故為了防止受潮濕故用了Clung film保護住。
多謝盧兄也有間中跟住我哋垃圾video, unique是台舉了,實則我音樂範疇是很廣的,只要是音樂我便會收取,當然有些是我會較取向多一點,人總會有偏心的。
先來一些普衆懷舊吧。 - #31 [fotheringay], 22-07-04 03:35
在英國玩Hi-Fi可以話係幾似lone ranger, 如你有同路那是bonus.
首先英國人並沒有太多所謂Hi-End Audiophiles, 以前多些,現在年輕人手機一部做曬所有野,若然有一套2-Chanel Stereo. System已經難得了,且大多數不是甚麼貴價野,如和香港比,本土人真係可以用未見過大蛇屙尿來形容;當我話比同事聽我在港家人用了£25000去換Interconnect ,佢哋話What! Is he mad?
但係香港確是unique 的。
我就冇呢啲本事啦,我車房好多野都係我自己DIY算啦,好似呢對Tannoy Monitor Gold 10”擴大音箱咪又自己做。
在英國如你是黑膠迷,你就開心啦,charity shops, car boots sale及二手唱片舖仍然有很多。
如呢隻係Oxfam搵到。 - #32 [w.lo.bc], 22-07-04 04:04DIY is fun.
I love hunting for lp and audio tubes too. Sometimes I pick up vintage tools like shears, vise, wood working or metal working tools as well. Their quality are usually good or worth to be refurbished
Many seniors just want them go to a good home, they don't really look for profit.
These aren't that common now but still happen. - #33 [fotheringay], 22-07-04 04:07
春卷兄先前提及有專業人士介紹Rega P8盤。當年住Colchester時through 個dealer 去咗探Roy Gandy。當年Rega 似是山寨規務,靠自己品牌及OEM 盤唯生。
但我探班時Roy demo佢嘅新產品,Rega Apollo top loading CD player. 唔係嗎?這是我當時想法。
但我聽完demo後,感覺是Naim CD3 quality ,但只係4分一價錢,即訂了一部。
這是history now.
My point is不一定貴嘅比到你需要的。我最近去咗local hi fi shop 去睇FAYNE Audio新嘅坐地,店內有Linn LP12, Windows 有部平£8000,內面有£25000, 我在未失聰前有過5部LP12, 但最後只留下這部Ariston RD80 及 RD11s,因基本上和LP12差不多設計,不相伯仲,當然Linn EKOS臂肯定好過Rega , 但也不是太多那隻。
先來RD80配FR54. Sandy Denny係我至愛,英年早逝,可惜。 - #34 [fotheringay], 22-07-04 04:35
I couldn’t have agreed more with what you said. Buying old stuff from the car boots is kind of trying to preserve some history for me. I always appreciate some sellers when they put more effort in rejuvenating some old tools. They don’t necessary sell it but showing to people what you can do with some TLC and it will bring back some glory and value of that tool.
Nowadays it’s throw-away culture and everything and anything should be thrown out when ceased functioning. So often we forget it doesn’t have to be this way. We recycle a lot of stuff because we are told to like paper, milk bottle and soft cans. There are also a lot of stuff worth recycling too.
I am not sure if we are sharing the same last name, Lo, but certainly we share the idea about keeping old relics.
When you said you are from the other side of the pond, USA or Canada? If you are from the former then I am going to play you some old American stuff, Carver, Acoustic Research and most of all R.E.M. Been a friend of them since the 80’s and we saw them many times as well. - #35 [fotheringay], 22-07-04 05:11
先前用了Ariston RD80 SL來播放Sandy Denny.
Sandy 係我所推崇”Three Angels” 其中一個。Joan Baez 及 Joni Michelle 是其餘兩位。
她們可勝任為若然甚麼能代表true humanity, 莫過於此三人。
接著是Joan cover 英國民歌手Donovan對Joan 於60年所寫的一首示愛情歌。
今次用Toshiba 平價DD盤,這盤特點是有別其他重量級DD盤要配重臂,這部Toshiba SR-370若配越輕唱臂及頭更能有更好表現。
ST-370 + ADC Low Mass LM2 carbon arm+ Benz Micro MC Gold ( set on 1.5g). - #36 [hahayanyan], 22-07-04 11:50I love to have a wood workshop ,a permanent set up.. I have some tools.. I enjoy wood working.. At this hk home it is 走鬼檔....
When I am at uk.. I can have a non 走鬼 set up too.. So I can hook up my big 3D printer.. And small cnc machine.. And those wood working tool... Without the need of 走鬼檔
A hobby room with hifi. With a back room for those tool.. (keep away from cats..)
Vintage "Vise" is sexy..
最後修改時間: 2022-07-04 11:54:42 - #37 [springroll], 22-07-04 16:25Fotheringay 兄,
多謝分享!DIY 也是一種樂趣和滿足感!最記得上年剛搬入新居,我和太太購置咗香港人最熟悉嘅 IKEA 書櫃,隔黎鬼佬鄰居見到,同我笑着說 “IKEA is for woman”...哈哈~ 讓我對英倫文化有咗初步認識! ;P
另外,以我初步所見,本地大部份 HiFi 友所用嘅都唔係咩野貴價型號,喺香港發燒友眼中4,5萬港紙嘅入門型號,對佢地好多黎講已經係高級野;甚至我見HiFi 群組裡面有啲uncles 仲用緊 80s年代sony , technics 套裝機同喇叭添!!呢度俾我嘅感覺係英倫文化佢哋追求音樂大於音響,當然錢都係主要因素。
如果想要多啲高檔貴價音響選擇,無可否認英國南部,尤其近 London 地區,會有更多選擇。
最後修改時間: 2022-07-04 16:25:35 - #38 [w.lo.bc], 22-07-04 20:07Fotheringhay,
Lo, yes.
BC Canada.
Love R.E.M.
Cheers - #39 [w.lo.bc], 22-07-04 20:12Hahayanyan,
"Vintage vise is sexy"
Right on!!
I have been telling my wife the same thing.
Get a good vintage vise made by a company called Record when you are there.
Everyone home need a good vise. Trust me. Lol.
Ikea is for university. Once you are done, just leave it there or going to dumpster.
最後修改時間: 2022-07-04 20:18:58 - #40 [springroll], 22-07-04 20:23#33
Fotheringay 兄,
Fyne Audio 近幾年崛起,早前我都有慕名到過 local HiFi shop 試聽過幾個型號,不過都係 standmount: F500, F500SP, F701, F1-5。
佢標榜自家靚同軸單元,同有規模低頻,喺HiFi shop 細 demo room 試聽,用 accuphase CD 機同 E-280 推,聽感上走音樂感路線,中低頻量豐滿但唔結實,中高頻有肉地但唔夠開揚,聽小品室樂人聲 OK, 複雜及爆棚請聽其他喇叭;而聽完呢4對型號喇叭,如果你對 Fyne Audio 真係有興趣,可以集中 SP 型號,佢用咗攻良元件同分音,的確喺咁多對裡面,聲音係最細緻圓滑,結像同分隔度最好嘅! - 下一頁 (2 of 141)
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待 settled down 咗,就可以細心欣賞身邊一切!尤其呢邊仲係黑膠天堂,好多HiFi 友仲係一盤在手!:D 呢度有個HiFi 友係sound engineer, 佢極力推薦 Rega P8 或以上型號唱盤,可以諗諗!