- #3362 [fotheringay], 24-10-29 00:15
- #3361 [fotheringay], 24-10-28 17:18
Springroll Hing had a family walk in the Golden Autumnal Etherow Country Park at Stockport.
Missing the days with our son.......
最後修改時間: 2024-10-28 17:18:27 - #3360 [ich], 24-10-28 06:45#3356
Spring roll 兄,
唔好擔心,Fotheringay like teasing me sometimes, 佢知我退休前做乜.如果同一醫院做的話,我可能間中打去OT問侯佢,問候完佢會多謝我哋picky, 搵到 D minor "errors", haha...
Haha...好似work. 成班唔熟嘅人開cross departmental meetings 時,我哋都好易估到邊個係surgeon.
澳洲習俗、規距又好似英國.初初我見到伸過隔離屋branches 俾鄰居trim完掟落我後園會激氣.後來朋友解釋呢樣係standard practice. 吹樹葉出街又唔會.有個suburb 條街種了好多大梧桐樹,秋天落葉街上後園堆到好多好多.Council會出notice幾時有人處理樹葉.各house可以放/吹D樹葉出街.
我哋suburb 就唔見neighbours 吹樹葉出街,亦唔多大deciduous trees
最後修改時間: 2024-10-28 06:51:59 -
- #3359 [fotheringay], 24-10-27 22:20Springroll,
I never require gardening service so I don't know the common practice. That said, from your description it seems.......very wrong!!!!
If the leaves or branches fall off from a tree from the front of your house but not yours you don't need to do anything. The local council should be dealing with them. Of course you could do it if it is necessary.
Technically it's not illegal for such action. The common sense is that if the tree or any plants, for example, grow too big into your property. You may want to cut it because of causing obstruction(sunlight, laundry etc). You could tell your neighbour of your intention. They may actually cut it for you.
If not, you can still go ahead and throw the branches back to their garden. I am not sure if this applies to the leaves but very plausible.
"將自家門前落葉吹出馬路" that may be a problem. If it causes accident to people or cars in the road and if they have proof that you have done it I am sure they would make a claim against you.
"直至 stormy weather 某日黎到一次過大風吹走哂唔知邊度。。。。" that's why the council is waiting for it to happen. It's either there is no need to do it or not much left to clean up!!!! Saving money!!! - #3358 [Springroll], 24-10-27 22:01#3353
Fotheringay 兄,
".....sweeping the fallen leaves!!!!"
黎咗英倫幾年,local 英倫文化清掃落葉做法到而家仍然令我發笑同不解。。。你或者可以幫我理解吓。
就係俾錢請人用 blower 將自家門前落葉吹出馬路,更多係就咁吹去隔離屋門前就完事;呢度呢啲 gardening services 並唔包執走倒咗佢。。。。
如是者,隔離屋請果啲 gardener 過幾日黎到,又重複同一 process 吹返轉頭。。。
直至 stormy weather 某日黎到一次過大風吹走哂唔知邊度。。。。
What for?! ;D - #3357 [fotheringay], 24-10-27 21:59
Don't worry, we just like to tease each other. Occupational hazards!!!!
If not often I do behave like the guy in the video!!!! ...............not really!!!!
A video we love to play around ....it's good fun!
I even make up a prank saying that there was a paper published by UEA that team members swearing in theatres are actually having positive result in team bonding! Because I always swear but my colleagues love it!!! - #3356 [Springroll], 24-10-27 21:47哈哈~~ fotheringay, ich 兄,稍安毋燥。。稍安毋燥。。。 哈~~ :D
It's always good to clarify the true meaning of wordings from others'!
我成日同阿仔講,words & language being used for communication by human is still at really low level... its meaning is only determined by the interpretation and perception of the listener but not the speaker.... so clarification is essential if you have a doubt and do care about the true meaning of the wordings.
But nowadays, the use of words is much more complicated and is in chaos! No longer just determined by facts, scientific elements and truth, but being 扭曲 by 新價值觀,新道德觀,甚或政治觀。。。簡單如稱呼細路 girl, boy 呢啲稱謂,黎咗英倫幾年,已學懂不敢隨便說出口。。。 @_@! - #3355 [Fotheringay], 24-10-27 20:40Ivan,
Please ignore my ignorance as sometimes I would go “crazy” as my colleagues told me.
“ Here he goes again!! Everyone leaves theatre! Or he will drive you mad!” - #3354 [ich], 24-10-27 19:38#3353
Chi Gor,
Not picky, I am sort of straight thinking , call a spade spade , 擔X唔偷食type of character. Just knee jerk action and honestly suprise whether UK really wind the clock 1 hr faster during Winter due to some reason? Then search the net about whether 2AM becomes 1 or 3.
This is our professional trait at work. I once had a longgggg meeting with my colleagues talking about the definition of :
12 years old
And I realized that we have to have a very very very unambiguous and logical definition of age and related terms. We did use BNF as one of the references
Yes..I am too sensitive to minor details and exact wordings :(
BTW, Yellow and red leaves in colder region is so nice! No such scene in Sydney or cities even warmer.
最後修改時間: 2024-10-27 19:43:11 - #3353 [fotheringay], 24-10-27 18:55Iavn, don't be so picky!!! You are not making diagnosis!!
"原來今日啱啱轉咗冬令時間,撥前咗一個鐘。。。!" I think it is also correct in time concept.............
Inception? Interstellar? .......Ha...ha.....
The tree in our front garden has also turned "Golden".
Looks nice but nightmares starts soon......sweeping the fallen leaves!!!! - #3352 [Springroll], 24-10-27 17:51#3349
That is Etherow Country Park at Stockport.
'... so golden'
Yes.. it is lucky that we picked the most gorgeous time to walk there after 4pm yesterday, when the sun light before sunset was so golden in colour while the sky is still bright and blue. =) - #3351 [Springroll], 24-10-27 17:44#3350
哈哈~~ ich 兄,中文你啱!係撥'慢'一個鐘, back 1 hour.
前,後,I somewhat also confused which one is appropriate for 'forward' or 'backward' in 中文 for time.. ;D
最後修改時間: 2024-10-27 17:45:21 - #3350 [ich], 24-10-27 17:01#3348
你唔係我wor,十月撥 慢 一小時 - #3349 [Fotheringay], 24-10-27 16:51It’s so “Golden”!!
How beautiful!! Where is this spot? - #3348 [Springroll], 24-10-27 16:32一早起身。。。搞乜鬼5點鐘就醒咗。。?!
訓唔番,行落廳,望吓牆上個鐘。。。哦~~ 原來今日啱啱轉咗冬令時間,撥前咗一個鐘。。。!
最後修改時間: 2024-10-27 16:38:08 - #3347 [Springroll], 24-10-27 07:20#3344
Haha...fotheringay 兄,原諒小弟真係唔識答你呢個問題。。。 @_@ - #3346 [Springroll], 24-10-27 07:16
Very late Saturday night music
最後修改時間: 2024-10-27 07:17:11 - #3345 [Dynavector], 24-10-27 07:15
上 R33 相係 640X640 65k
上 Flickr 相係 1920X1920 275k
上 Flickr 相 嘅 cut:
最後修改時間: 2024-10-27 07:23:35 - #3344 [fotheringay], 24-10-27 07:10Not sure if I got the right idea and I wonder if this " video upscale enhancement " is close to Adobe Photoshop Interpolation?
- #3343 [Springroll], 24-10-27 07:01試吓。。。得咗!
Thx Dyna San 提點!;)
試用 Flickr 相,雖然要攞番條 direct embed 相 link 要用番電腦 web browser 有啲煩。。。-_-!
最後修改時間: 2024-10-27 07:07:45 - 下一頁 (2 of 170)
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Well, "Blue Monday" what can I say?
Ivan will know what I am talking about.
Sad but so much memory.....
We went to see Peter Hook last Saturday with much sorrow and sadness.
Not for Hooky, but the whole Joy Division and New Order with my growing up.....
I still have yet to make a video with New Order but I thought today is the day.....
I gather that Springroll resides in Manchester and Ian Curtis, Joy Division, New Order, Factory Records and the infamous Hacienda Night Club were all happening in "Madchester"
Peter Hook and The Light at UEA