- #3200 [Springroll], 24-10-14 00:25In the prophecy, we need Will Smith to save humanity! 好在佢而家仲在生,人類仲有得救!!
- #3199 [Springroll], 24-10-13 22:53
Wow!! This is incredible!!! >o<
- #3198 [hahayanyan], 24-10-13 20:38Quite. A nice morning, been doing some garden work for keeping body fit... Already made more than 10k steps, happy for it, shall reward myself a can of 7up zero haha
For anyone who may into this...
最後修改時間: 2024-10-13 20:39:23 -
- #3197 [Springroll], 24-10-13 19:36John Connor has another new target to terminate in advance... hahaha~~ ;P
最後修改時間: 2024-10-13 19:36:49 - #3196 [Springroll], 24-10-13 19:04今朝 FB 又彈咗俾我一樣好神奇嘅野,就係一張我先幾日啱啱影完仲喺度 share 過嘅落葉相 (captioned "Good morning, Autumn!"), 話係 2023 年嘅當年今日!!
Are you kidding me...!? 我都無放上 FB! How come FB took my picture from my mobile phone without my knowledge??! And even dated it back to last year 2023 to show it back to myself???
意外地,原來我上年真係差唔多同一日(今年係 10月10日),喺同一地點,同一角度影咗張差唔多一樣嘅落葉相,最神奇係,同一位置喺果一刻一樣有架車駛過!!!
It made My Day!! =D
最後修改時間: 2024-10-13 19:10:31 - #3195 [Springroll], 24-10-13 18:00今朝 Sunday morning background music. 當年買嘅第一隻 Diana Krall cd album Love Scenes
Oh... released in 1997, almost 30 years. Time flies... - #3194 [Springroll], 24-10-13 05:43#3192
"only thing being listed by the government in the whole village is just the red phone box!!!!...."
Haha... that's funny... given that you mentioned all those buildings there, including the rebuilt inn, are over 300 years old.... I don't think telephone was invented older than them.... haha.... - #3193 [fotheringay], 24-10-13 05:31My wife’s F&C⋯⋯
- #3192 [fotheringay], 24-10-13 05:26Springroll,
The Chef is also the owner of the Pennan Inn. He is 100% Scottish and quite friendly. We talked a lot about the movie “ Local Hero” and the other stuff.
He lived in London for a while and trained to be a Thai Chef but decided to come back here. He bought this place from a local guy who rent it out. He converted it into a hotel and using the heritage of “ Local Hero”.
This hotel is about 300 years old, together with other houses here in Pennan. Luckily they may be old but not listed so they can rebuild it or do conversions.
In fact he told us the only thing being listed by the government in the whole village is just the red phone box!!!! We guess that it must be due to the movie!!!
最後修改時間: 2024-10-13 05:27:46 - #3191 [fotheringay], 24-10-13 05:16Hear the gale wind!
- #3190 [Springroll], 24-10-13 05:07#3187
嘩!fotheringay 兄你果個個樣直頭係中式小炒碟頭飯黎喎!無睇錯嘅話。。。左下角果啲應該係腰果黎添!?呢啲炒法,就算唔港式,都起碼廣東南方妙法。。
真係 Scottish chef?! 如果你重要話好食有鑊氣嘅話,咁真係勁!應該有跟個中式厨學。
But, what exactly you ordered for monkfish?? 點解佢會中式炒俾你,仲要跟白飯?? - #3189 [fotheringay], 24-10-13 04:55Superb!!
Tonight we have most stormy weather in the whole UK!
The local people we talked to hoping that there will be no power cut!!!! - #3188 [hahayanyan], 24-10-13 04:28Chi...
How's the sound from the sea now?
Could be super nice... - #3187 [fotheringay], 24-10-13 04:20There are no restaurants nearby within a hundred miles (although a little exaggerated but correct), fortunately the hotel has non-public dinner service. My wife ordered the regular Fish and Chips as ever!
I ordered the North Sea Monkfish caught by local fishermen with mixed vegetables.
F&C is like that forever, I initially thought my monkfish was fillet with mixed salad, but it turned out to be done to stir-fry assorted balls with white rice! It’s also very delicious when fried! More surprise It's that it was coked by a Scottish chef!!! - #3186 [Springroll], 24-10-13 01:42Fotheringay 兄,try to catch Comet A3 with your wife there as well. It will show up soon!
Other 兄弟姊妹 can also try to view it as well!! 80,000 年一遇!!
最後修改時間: 2024-10-13 01:44:06 - #3185 [fotheringay], 24-10-13 01:00丁橋、丁橋。
哈哈! - #3184 [Springroll], 24-10-13 00:27
Fotheringay 兄,
Background music for your current trip =)
最後修改時間: 2024-10-13 00:27:18 - #3183 [Springroll], 24-10-12 22:57啱啱收到個小型 Acoustica Hi-Fi Show 嘅 invitation,喺黎緊 11月2-3日,於 DoubleTrer Hilton Hotel, Chester, CH2 3PD 舉辦,展覽示範品牌得幾個,住得唔遠嘅,有興趣有時間嘅,不妨去睇吓欣賞吓,好過成日去 Costco。。。 ;D
最後修改時間: 2024-10-12 22:58:24 - #3182 [Dynavector], 24-10-12 22:55
嘩,原來 春卷兄 心中有三上姨姨 .......
....... 我的心裡只有三上沒有其她,你要相信我的情意並不假,只有三上才是我夢想,只有三上才叫我牽掛,我的心裡沒有其她。.......
xxxx溫馨提示:三上姨姨 同乜乜48,物物48 etc 係冇關係。xxxx
最後修改時間: 2024-10-12 23:01:10 - #3181 [Springroll], 24-10-12 22:26#3172
不過而家成班乜乜48,物物48,真係花多眼亂,無個記得,剩係知道有個叫三上嘅,不過都好似無唱歌跳舞好耐 lu。。。。
Dyna San 有邊個推介呀?不過要喺果堆妹妹裡面要揾番佢出黎,對我黎講都極難。。。哈~~
又,呢班妹咁樣企喺塔邊唱跳,就算有安全帶縛住,都真係好勇吓!不過,如果俾着舊時日本守舊認真死固固果啲拍,真係隨時安全帶都唔會俾縛。。。@_@! - 下一頁 (2 of 161)
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