- #3790 [Dynavector], 25-02-16 07:15
- #3789 [Springroll], 25-02-16 07:06Saturday Night music
聽 Dyna San 推介, Maria 最新 Paganini,不俗!=) - #3788 [Dynavector], 25-02-15 03:20
German-Japanese pianist Alice Sara Ott releases her new album, on which she immerses herself in the rarely performed world of John Field, the lesser-known “father” of the beloved Nocturne. “Engaging with Field's nocturnes was a deeply rewarding experience,” says Ott. “Their beauty and grace affected me profoundly and enriched my life while I was preparing for this recording. By recording this album, I hope to share the story of this historically important composer and to encourage listeners to discover the origins of the Nocturne.”
The album is a visual and auditory exploration of the pianist's journey through the music of a nearly forgotten composer. It is not only the first recording of Field's complete Nocturnes on DG but also the first Dolby Atmos version ever. Additionally, in a complete first for classical music, the album will be accompanied by a series of sophisticated music videos, uniquely crafted in a cutting-edge LED studio, pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling. The full 45m film will immerse viewers in the pianist's imagination and her connection to Field's music, offering a rare glimpse into the artist’s mind during her creative process.
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 20:39:25 -
- #3787 [Springroll], 25-02-13 21:19
尋晚一個靜靜晚上,終於睇咗早前 Haha 兄提及嘅電影 "Touch",一套關於追尋年青歲月一段刻骨銘心遺憾愛情嘅故事,驀然回首,一幕募仍銘記心頭。。。
套戲拍得好靚,尤其昔日片段嘅調子,取鏡,各個角色,尤其年青男女主角嘅演繹,都令人入戲;一個 Iceland 導演,卻拍出滿有日本細膩感情氣息嘅電影,驚喜!
最後修改時間: 2025-02-13 21:20:13 - #3786 [Dynavector], 25-02-11 01:58
Flac 24/96 file 》》 FooBar2000 (V1.5.5) 》》 Output : DsD256 》》 Uptone Regen 》》 USB DsD Dac ......
Her new album Lieder focuses entirely on German-language songs of the Romantic era: Lieder by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann and Brahms.
New album out on 7 February 2025
最後修改時間: 2025-02-11 01:59:12 - #3785 [Springroll], 25-02-10 07:08
今日上網見人提起,今晚又攞出黎播吓。。。Memoirs of a Geisha - OST
套戲老實講係有啲不倫不類,但 John Williams 呢隻 OST 卻真係唔錯!Itzhak Perlman 嘅 violin 著實拉出味道,配以 Yo-yo Ma cello 相輔相成,再加上不同日式樂器配合,音樂感同音效我覺得好唔錯吓!
最後修改時間: 2025-02-10 07:09:12 - #3784 [Springroll], 25-02-10 06:51#3783
Thx a lot for sharing such 日式美景,Dyan San!! 真係靚!同埋日本總係多一點親切感!=D - #3783 [Dynavector], 25-02-09 08:04
大阪 私市 星の里「星のブランコ」(「星之鞦韆」) 適合親子老少郊遊。從大阪出發,可以搭京阪電車交野線,尾站私市站,步行大概20/30分鐘,就到公園入口,(自駕在公園入口有收費停車場)。然後步行上山。
我上年12月去,當日氣溫10度,所以出發前要預備適合衣物/口糧/水 (公園入口有旅客中心,好多嘢賣)。
最後修改時間: 2025-02-09 08:04:41 - #3782 [Springroll], 25-02-08 05:22
Friday Night music
睇咗咁多 Dyna San 介紹啲後生靚才女,係時候睇/聽吓啲老薑!
Martha 同 Mischa 呢對老搭檔,果種熱情交融,真係高潮迭起!!
Enjoy =) - #3781 [Dynavector], 25-02-07 07:19
Late Night Concert : Aline Calixto / Bossa Nova
Set List
00:00 - Parte 1
02:29 - Oxóssi
07:29 - Parte 2
11:21 - Flor Morena
15:07 - Parte 3
17:33 - Meu Ziriguidum
20:29 - Parte 4
23:07 - Dona do Pedaço
26:38 - Parte 5
29:43 - Beijo Mesmo
32:20 - Parte 6
34:46 - É D'Oxum
37:29 - Voyage Voyage
40:45 - Parte 7
- #3780 [Springroll], 25-02-06 06:16今日睇完 Trump Trump 咁激嘅 news, 忍唔住爆咗兩隻 Frederick Fennel 嘅 albums, 一隻係我甚為愛聽嘅 "Trittico",另一隻係當年發燒友極力推廣既 "Hi-Fi a la Española & Popovers",音色音效,兩隻都係爆棚之作,講音樂性,個人較喜歡 "Trittico"。
最後修改時間: 2025-02-06 06:17:49 - #3779 [Springroll], 25-02-06 06:03#3778
呢條4百萬既G弦的確唔錯!=) - #3778 [Dynavector], 25-02-06 04:16
ToNight Music : 400萬 views 達成
最後修改時間: 2025-02-06 04:16:40 - #3777 [fotheringay], 25-02-05 19:40He is the maddest man in the whole universe.
Like 星爺,you could never be able to guess his next move.
Nonetheless, I would not find it surprising at all!
Musk and Trump are feeding each other with outrageous ideas. He may say he would buy off Ukraine to settle the war!! - #3776 [Springroll], 25-02-05 17:47
今朝一開電視睇 BBC news,就聽到 Trump Trump 個癲佬宣布嗰個中東震撼彈策略!!簡直真係震撼全世界,估佢唔到!!!@_@
是好是壞,尚未能定論,但當今甚至近代能夠敢講敢做大開大合嘅國家級領袖,唯此一個癲佬!!I kind of like it! ;D
睇黎,我要重新審視新嗰套另類 Captain America。。。因為而家黎緊真係 Brave New World...!! 睇吓有乜啟示。。。@_@
最後修改時間: 2025-02-05 17:48:39 - #3775 [fotheringay], 25-02-05 05:05@Audiofan, many thanks for finding the information for me which is much appreciated.
To be honest with you playing my speakers without grills(if not crucial) is normally my style.
These days without proper hearing sonic performance, or Audiophile reproduction or not, has never been an important part of my listening. More to the point that the visual part is as important, if not greater, as with musical reproduction.
The music itself is the main reason, and the only reason I have the audio gears.
With a little bit of research I am sure to make the replacement foam or cloth grills shouldn't be too much a challenge to me.
That said, do I need to?
Frankly my answer would possibly be no. - #3774 [audiofan], 25-02-04 22:39#3771 Don't recall speaker front grilles factor in sonic design. More of aesthetics and prevention of dust accumulation on woofer (a bit sticky due to application of damping materials on woofer). Found the attached which seems to suggest 3mm thickness is about right if anyone is looking for replacement grilles for Isobarik or indeed any speakers.
- #3773 [ich], 25-02-04 21:22#3772
Should clarify that I had my own space when moved to Australia 6 years ago, few months after my retirement.
My screen is >330 cm only though the max can be 400 without the speakers blocking the screen.
My man cave is under the same roof, and it is MY area...haha
最後修改時間: 2025-02-04 21:23:34 - #3772 [fotheringay], 25-02-04 20:40@ich,
It’s inside the main house so I don’t think I could mess around the room like I did with my garage.
Also many congratulations with your. Ew home-theatre.
How big is your screen now? 200, 500 or bigger!!! - #3771 [fotheringay], 25-02-04 20:37@Audiofan,
Thanks for the information.
Is the foam/grill part of the sonic design that you have to listen to them with them on?
I myself tend to listen to speakers without the grills, apart from some BBC monitors. - 下一頁 (1 of 190)
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Springroll 兄,
你聽 #2 24 Caprices for Solo Violin, Op. 1, MS 25: No. 2 in B Minor. Moderato,第5/6/7秒,有人跌咗嘢。........
The Spanish violinist María Dueñas releases her second DG album, on which she plays Nicolò Paganini's iconic 24 Caprices. She couples the pieces, which are known as some of the hardest works that have ever been written for violin, with a selection of later works inspired by Paganini, presenting music by composers ranging from Berlioz and Kreisler to Gabriela Ortiz.
“Paganini's 24 Caprices are a milestone for every violinist,” explains Dueñas, when asked about her choice of repertoire. “I grew up listening to and performing them, and when we hear the word ‘caprice’ we instantly think of Paganini, but there are so many other caprices, from Saint-Saëns's Rondo capriccioso to works by contemporary composers like Cervelló, for example. I really wanted to show how a lot of little moments from the musical world all come together.”
最後修改時間: 2025-02-16 07:16:31