- #3710 [Dynavector], 25-01-13 08:11
- #3709 [fotheringay], 25-01-13 07:06Warm Daddy's memory in a cold night..........no ordinary wonder.
- #3708 [Springroll], 25-01-13 06:50今晚不自覺地播起呢隻曾經多年小女兒指定播放安眠曲大碟,而呢隻安眠 album 於去年亦已完成佢既成長任務,今晚且讓老爸緬懷一吓。。。^_^
Good Night, all
Diana Panton - A Cheerful Little Earful -
- #3707 [Dynavector], 25-01-12 21:17
上白石萌音 嘅妹妹上白石萌歌 ...........「東寶灰姑娘」
257K views 4 days ago
最後修改時間: 2025-01-12 21:22:41 - #3706 [Springroll], 25-01-12 17:07#3703
同舅仔一家傾開,先知原來 Norwich 其實甚少落雪,阿嫂直頭話一年都唔知有無落得15分鐘。。。未黎英倫之前,總以為歐洲地方,冬季總會連綿大雪吧!就是睇得太多電影之誤。。。哈~ ;D
最後修改時間: 2025-01-12 17:08:15 - #3705 [Springroll], 25-01-12 16:56#3704
謝 Dyna San. 上白石萌音,初睇個名,以為賣萌,事實上,小妮子唱得好唔錯!以往印象,能上武道館嘅,都有一定能耐 :) - #3704 [Dynavector], 25-01-11 23:55
- #3703 [fotheringay], 25-01-11 20:52No snow here but still it felt cold so I didn't go far to take the countryside pictures.
Instead, I just take some snap shots with my garden.
Lazy man!!!!
最後修改時間: 2025-01-11 20:57:24 - #3702 [Springroll], 25-01-11 19:13
今朝望住出面雪景,播住中島美嘉呢隻'雪の華', 好有意景。 =)
最後修改時間: 2025-01-11 19:13:41 - #3701 [Springroll], 25-01-11 18:50趁呢幾日冰天雪地,不好出車,也就喺屋企幫對喇叭換埋對新腳仔試吓聲。
換完後,新脚仔比舊脚高咗一寸有多,對於氣孔喺底嘅 Virgo25 有乜影響。。。?
一開聲,整體感覺好似突然戴咗副啱哂度數既眼鏡一樣,微弱細節比前清晰,線條棵粒更加分明,分隔度更明顯,使得音場縱深度感覺加強;而升高咗嘅一寸,低頻似乎並無減少,反而增強咗少少低頻彈跳同 punch 感,至於係咪潛低左dd定 booming。。。再聽多啲先 confirm (因為多咗感覺 sofa 同褲脚輕微震動,唔知係咪自己年紀大咗腳震。。。哈~)
玩咗幾日,要提兩樣野:一.滾珠釘座係要俾少少 run-in 時間 settle down performance;二. 收實釘腳上嗰粒絲母鬆緊係會影響出黎嘅音質:鬆啲高音會出啲;緊啲中音會出啲。
遲啲可能會買啲陶瓷珠返黎再換走啲不鏽鋼滾珠玩吓。。。let's see! ;)
最後修改時間: 2025-01-11 18:56:02 - #3700 [Springroll], 25-01-11 17:17已經連續幾日維持至零下6至8度,要等到星期一先至開始暖番,繼續 enjoy 吓呢度難得嘅白雪世界。。。(不過地面已經結哂冰,小心小心!)
最後修改時間: 2025-01-11 17:24:21 - #3699 [fotheringay], 25-01-11 07:15
Belated Happy 84th Birthday on 9th January to Joan Baez.
A birthday present from my wife to see her in Royal Albert Hall 6 years ago.
Loved her performing in bare feet, just the Hippy Days. - #3698 [Springroll], 25-01-10 01:45今朝送阿女返學途中失驚無神落咗一場超大雪,將呢度全部又再鋪天蓋地重新粉白。。。再送滑冰。。。將原本一天的計劃又再粉筆字一野抹去。。。哈~ ^_^!
跟住濃厚 MIST 降臨,隨心步行落附近已冰封 canal 行一轉,影吓相,美!
最後修改時間: 2025-01-10 01:52:33 - #3697 [Springroll], 25-01-08 06:15今日大風雪雨底下,終於收到送俾自己嘅新年小玩意。。。兩盒都頗重手既不鏽鋼釘腳加滾珠底座,打算跟現用於喇叭底嘅 soundcare 比較同更換。。。如效果更理想的話。。。
其實呢套釘脚最引起我興趣嘅,係佢個滾珠釘座 design;要知道英倫屋仔地板都係木桩木板架構,點堅固結實都好,都總覺得容易受到周遭動靜而有點輕微浮動,而滾珠釘座似乎可以對應稍為缷去這點輕微浮動影響,從而還原所有細節線條清晰度及音場音像穩定度;但估計還估計,一齊留代實試後再分享。
最後修改時間: 2025-01-08 06:16:15 - #3696 [Springroll], 25-01-08 05:33"玫瑰玫瑰最嬌美~,玫瑰玫瑰最艷麗~,
哈哈哈~~ 有聲。。。!!!咔咔咔!!>o< - #3695 [Dynavector], 25-01-08 05:07
玫瑰包你路路平安~,玫瑰包你朝氣勃勃~。 咔咔咔!
最後修改時間: 2025-01-08 05:18:30 - #3694 [Springroll], 25-01-08 05:01經過幾日大風雪雨,再加上黎緊幾日持續維持零度樓下,各位英倫師兄呢幾日出車小心冰面路況!祝路路平安!
- #3693 [Springroll], 25-01-08 04:32
東瀛 Jazz Cafe 多如牛毛... 原來如此。睇黎㗎仔 HiFi cafe/bar 都係鐘情大 JBL + Mcintosh.
既然 Dyna San 嫌 Jazz 悶,不如一齊同我跟啲細路聽吓啲0靚妹歌仔,即刻人都 young 番哂,包你朝氣勃勃!;D
最後修改時間: 2025-01-08 04:32:30 - #3692 [Dynavector], 25-01-08 04:01
Tonight Concert : Klaus Mäkelä / Beethoven Symphonie n° 9 / Orchestre de Paris
Excellent ! ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
買最貴嘅飛入場都睇唔到 Klaus Mäkelä 七情上面 。
May 2024
Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie
Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphonie n° 9 « Hymne à la joie »
Orchestre de Paris
Chœur de l'Orchestre de Paris
Klaus Mäkelä , conducting
Angel Blue , soprano
Catriona Morison , mezzo-soprano
Siyabonga Maqungo , tenor
René Pape , bass baryton
Richard Wilberforce , choirmaster
The monumental Ninth Symphony, a pillar of the canon that has figured in countless films and novels. Of its four movements, including a contemplative Adagio, in the spirit of a string quartet, the most illustrious is of course the last, with its introduction of voice and its rousing rendition of Schiller's ‘Ode to Joy’. Grandiose in structure, it exudes a deceptive simplicity, possessing a subtlety of detail graspable only on close analysis. This composition is one of the finest in the history of music, and the finale to a work so tremendous that it broke the mould. Indeed, viewing Beethoven's Ninth as unsurpassable, Wagner called it the ‘last symphony’.
最後修改時間: 2025-01-08 04:02:54 - #3691 [Dynavector], 25-01-08 01:25
東瀛 Jazz Cafe 多如牛毛,聽 Jazz 悶,又一家開檔。
KENRICK Tuned JBL 4344 MkII, McIntosh C40 + MC1000
最後修改時間: 2025-01-08 02:18:48 - 下一頁 (1 of 186)
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Really Late Night Concert : Linda Ronstadt – Live In Hollywood 1980
Linda Ronstadt Live In Hollywood from Television Center Studios on April 24, 1980.
1. Intro 0:00:00
2. I Can't Let Go 0:01:25
3. Party Girl 0:04:33
4. It's So Easy 0:08:47
5. Willin' 0:11:37
6. I Can't Help It 0:15:33
7. Just One Look 0:18:53
8. Look Out for My Love 0:22:24
9. Mad Love 0:26:22
10. Cost of Love 0:30:11
11. Blue Bayou 0:33:17
12. Lies 0:37:47
13. Faithless Love 0:40:58
14. Hurt So Bad 0:45:18
15. Silver Threads and Golden Needles 0:48:54
16. Band Introductions 0:51:43
17. Poor Poor Pitiful Me 0:54:03
18. You're No Good 0:58:15
19. How Do I Make You 1:04:38
20. Back in the U.S.A. 1:07:31
21. Heat Wave 1:10:39
22. Desperado 1:13:34
Linda Ronstadt: Lead vocals
Kenny Edwards: Guitar and banjo, backing vocals
Danny Kortchmar: Guitar, renowned session guitarist
Russ Kunkel: Drums
Bob Glaub: Bass
Billy Payne: Keyboards, from Little Feat
Dan Dugmore: Guitar and pedal steel guitar
Wendy Waldman: Backing vocals
Peter Asher: Percussion and backing vocals, Producer