- #3573 [fotheringay], 24-12-12 18:14
- #3572 [Dynavector], 24-12-12 17:57
新聞報導 ...... 全新裝修 AKB48劇場 開張 ......
- #3571 [fotheringay], 24-12-12 06:19
- #3570 [Springroll], 24-12-11 22:25Caitlin Clark, TIME 2024 Athlete of the Year
一個我近呢兩個月先認識嘅名字,一個22歲嘅美國女籃超爆新星!除咗技術超哂班外,佢嘅强項三分投射可以遠至三,四十尺外投射,即係差唔多一過半場就可以起手投射!!仲要準繩度不低!呢個距離比非常出名嘅 NBA 遠投神射手 Stephen Curry 嘅常規三分投射距離還要遠!!
Caitlin Clark 初次參賽剛剛果季嘅 WNBA 旋即引爆美國女籃風暴!!除破幾項女籃紀錄外,更將從未引人注目嘅 WNBA 推爆歷史 viewing record, 比 NBA 還高!咁你應該大概感覺到佢嘅超高風頭程度,詳細介紹可以細閱以下 links:
不過,除咗 Caitlin Clark 以上呢啲咁勁咁正面嘅報道外,其實我亦想講,佢參賽 WNBA 引爆嘅美國女籃風暴亦包括咗佢喺黑人主導嘅 WNBA 受盡 bully 欺凌排擠嘅事跡。。。揭露咗 WNBA 背後種種黑幕,亦令 Caitlin 喺啱啱完咗呢季 WNBA 後, 斷然以超高價 $100 Million 簽咗 EuroLeague Contract 去歐洲打波!令美國各界嘩然,對 WNBA 管理同風氣議論紛紛!
有興趣知多啲嘅,只要喺 Google search 同 Youtube 搜索 Caitlin Clark, 好容易就會睇到關於佢各種報道同評論。
最後修改時間: 2024-12-11 22:31:04 - #3569 [fotheringay], 24-12-11 04:48
- #3568 [fotheringay], 24-12-10 07:19
Continuing with more Christmas songs.
Some may not have direct reference with the festive reason but they just happen to relate with the theme. - #3567 [Dynavector], 24-12-10 03:42
又系廣告,又系廣而告之 ............ 上架6日,2.2 million view !
本土日日 "破地獄 ",東瀛無 "地獄 "可 "破 " ,辦大事仲有 discount!
- #3566 [fotheringay], 24-12-09 07:42
Here comes Sissel, one of my wife's regular many years ago....
- #3565 [Springroll], 24-12-09 07:24
Fotheringay 兄,
何止 never mind, 呢個時節直頭要盡情 share, 普天同興!! =D
Joy to the world! - #3564 [fotheringay], 24-12-09 07:15
I did Christmas songs every year here but perhaps my chosen titles were not familiar with most here so it was always just me posting them.
So if you don't mind I would post some more old and maybe some new ones later approaching Christmas.
Let's start with the wintry mood with snow. It always lifts the Christmas spirit with a little bit of snow and some Cambridge Choir.
最後修改時間: 2024-12-09 07:19:42 - #3563 [Springroll], 24-12-09 06:44
Thx Dyna San. Good song, Great live performance!
呢個時節,大家可以盡情攞你哋啲聖誕飲歌出黎 loop 啦!!=D
Diana Krall 呢隻 Christmas Songs 每年都攞出黎播吓宴客。。。 :)
最後修改時間: 2024-12-09 06:45:02 - #3562 [Dynavector], 24-12-09 01:27
- #3561 [Springroll], 24-12-07 01:34
藤井樹,お元気ですか? 私は元気です!
最後修改時間: 2024-12-07 01:37:07 - #3560 [fotheringay], 24-12-06 06:44
When we were in Scotland we experienced sunny days, rainy days, stormy weather, cold and dry.....but we love it!!!
You may wonder and think "Are you mad? how can you enjoy holiday in such conditions!!!"
Well, if you like staycation and live in the UK for a while you will find or adopt to the conditions sooner or later.
I may sound ridiculous to people from Down Under or California as they have the luxury of fine climate.
The weather will polish one's character or destroy it to the extreme. - #3559 [fotheringay], 24-12-06 05:51
I imagine that you live close to Manchester so you do have the advantage to go north.
I think taking M6 to Glasgow would need around 4 hours of driving and I think this is doable even with one driver.
Obviously if you go further north to Inverness, or to Orkney Island or Shetland Island you will have to stop for the night somewhere.
That's the reason why we didn't go to Scotland when our son was young. Adults could survive the long journey, but not with children unless they have been trained.
Why not holding a family discussion to test the water. I hope my videos will give you some reference. - #3558 [Springroll], 24-12-06 05:41#3557
Thx for your valuable suggestions and comments, fotheringay 兄!!
其實,如果唔係要諗就埋啲細路,I can fit in any time... haha...! =D - #3557 [fotheringay], 24-12-06 04:06
We chose not to go to Scotland in the Summer for a few reasons.
It was just us so no need to struggle with the sea of visitors during the summer holiday peak.
Moreover, the the midges issues from late April to September are quite talked about. While some say never mind them it is gorgeous in the Summer to visit Scotland. Then you have some found the midges quite annoying especially if you are sensitive to insects and panic about them.
For family holiday, you can't beat the good weather and long day light so obviously it will be nice to go.
Having said, everything will be expensive, hard to book beautiful spots and long driving journey if you are the sole driver.
And one crucial element, the British weather though it applies to holidaying in the UK in general.
To me I prefer early October as you can see and feel the deep Autumn in the Northern Scotland but mild weather of late Summer in the south.
最後修改時間: 2024-12-06 04:27:55 - #3556 [Springroll], 24-12-06 03:38Fotheringay 兄,thx so much for sharing your beautiful Scotland video with lovely songs!!
睇黎10月 Scotland 都已經幾凍同大風吓,咁係咪 Summer 去天氣風景最好呢? - #3555 [fotheringay], 24-12-06 02:53
It's cold and wet....nonetheless beauty as it is defined to a different perspective.
- #3554 [Springroll], 24-12-06 02:46#3552
Thx for sharing, Dyna Dan. That's sweet! :)
呢種含蓄細膩嘅感情表達,喺日本獨有。。。 - 下一頁 (1 of 179)
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Today I have another new toy, another turntable...
This time this one is the Teac TN-400 direct drive turntable, should be made in the 70s, so get the old plinth out which is hidden for a long time(10 years +!!!) . So there will be crazy DIY things to play!!!!!