- #2818 [Dynavector], 24-09-10 05:36
- #2817 [hahayanyan], 24-09-10 05:03One of my old engineer, just land Barcelona for a few days (黃金簽證) ... Called me and talked about some good old time at China /hk... Business/projects... etc..
From what he told me.. He does not need any operation at China now, as their production has totally move to Bangladesh
Interesting things, if today, someone at China want to make 5 million pcs of printed t shirt quick...,those t shirts shall be imported from Bangladesh, China made cotton tee as such had lost the competitiveness for quiteany years
Business moving out from hk since long time.. And business moving out of China since early 2010.. Accelerated even more at 2018.... Then covid, even even more, well global expat find more stories and fun elsewhere
Somehow hk can be seem as a victim
我在這裏都認識很多菲律賓人... 他們對菲律賓的愛 so pure.., 不是因為 菲律賓曾經很成功令他們自豪... Love is love... Me always impressed by some organic happiness from them
Who does not want good time last longer...
最後修改時間: 2024-09-10 05:06:44 - #2816 [rcwy], 24-09-10 04:43
There was/is a superstar shinning across the Asian world to the communist thorne 12 years ago.
It was 2012, the year the superstar hit the world, gradually in sight, and now by storm. And.. yes, it was 20 years or in fact 75 years ago, that superstar was born!
最後修改時間: 2024-09-10 04:55:04 -
- #2815 [hahayanyan], 24-09-10 04:30Rcwy
Mind to tell why 12 yrs.. But not 20 yrs..
Is 12 yrs ago was something special, but I forget?
Or it was triggered by that video made 12 yrs
. Ago..
2012... Was crazy fast money years... From 2007/8 Golden years of money laundry...
About 2014..2015..the tap was actually half closed..
最後修改時間: 2024-09-10 04:34:07 - #2814 [Springroll], 24-09-10 03:13今日趁住鄰居揾人修樹,我都順個便揾埋佢哋黎幫我後院修樹。
一個 local 嘅 tree services family business,三父子一齊黎開工,個大仔負責黎兜生意同 trim hedges 同 tree branches, 阿爸負責電鋸,細仔負責清理修完嘅殘枝垃圾。
就咁睇同傾,估計大仔應該係啱啱考完 GCSE 畢業出黎幫阿爸一齊開工,細仔最多初中;大仔向我講解棵樹應該要點修,枯死嘅分支樹幹要點鋸,修樹枝嘅要乜野角度剪等佢之後向邊邊生,棵樹而家修完出年春夏季將會大概生長成乜形狀。。。等等,老豆再講解吓棵樹同 hedge 一啲植物特性俾我聽,等我了解之後要點繼續維護。
三父子好快完成哂修葺同清理,咁我順理成章梗係要俾餞啦;大仔收錢,跟住問我:"do you mind giving us £10 tips if we were doing good? "
大仔好開心咁收咗 tips, 跟住擰轉頭望住老豆好開心咁講:"we got £10 tips!" 老豆望住大仔微笑點一點頭,無講出口,但表情已經係同仔講:"Well Done!"
我自己諗,呢個做 tree services 嘅 family business,做街坊生意,有無植物學雙。。雙碩士學位,又或者 tree surgery 博士銜頭,對我呢啲簡單小樹修葺工作並唔重要,重要嘅係佢哋已經有足夠 knowledge 同經驗完成佢我要嘅野!仲有呢個對自己工作認真同充滿信心嘅後生仔,為自己屋企 family business 認真拼搏 (no matter temporary or permanent job),你敢問,我肯俾!
You deserve it with my respect, young man! =)
最後修改時間: 2024-09-10 03:18:28 - #2813 [rcwy], 24-09-10 01:44
今天.. 都係分享吓CD好喇
舊香港出品... - #2812 [rcwy], 24-09-10 01:41
12年前的TVB, 12年前的香港大學, 12年前的香港
國際金融中心 遺址
股票交易 制裁版
香港人欲哭無淚 欲笑無聲... - #2811 [hahayanyan], 24-09-09 21:11作為一個香港人
我覺得 香港這個地方最值得驕傲是198X年前
這麼少一個地方... 憑著本地人的努力努力努力, 竟然可以 大 比例 的 世界 某類型 鐘錶玩具及某幾類型產品的 主要製造及出口
90年代開始就轉型了... 時代改變不得不轉
就是這個轉型令到世界幾達地方 都發展起來 因為香港 本地工業家往外發展...
孟加拉斯裡蘭卡 服裝製造業...
Etc.. Too long to list...
到時當年真正的香港人 努力自己創造出來的
性質與及獨立性 和97後 之都201x 年風光的日子有些不同
我有理由相信整個世界的 需求 只要四至五億嘅工人已經可以 完善地解決 demand...
中國工人六億以上.... 看不出 某些行業如果 沒有政策資源補貼幾10%... 可以自負盈虧
Automation is quite mature and affordable now
最後修改時間: 2024-09-09 21:17:31 - #2810 [rcwy], 24-09-09 20:09
最後修改時間: 2024-09-09 20:17:20 - #2809 [Dynavector], 24-09-09 18:30
Besides 乜乜中心,物物樞紐,...... KC博士 建設性建議開個 "制裁板",漁村發達啦!
呢集好正,我笑咗幾日,"制裁板" 係50分開始。 - #2808 [fotheringay], 24-09-09 18:07奢望?
Aim to is too civilised for them and too honest in achieving. - #2807 [Springroll], 24-09-09 18:01當今日繼續睇到苦海明燈嘅卓越高層領導能夠為世界知名嘅萬能中心繼續推陳出新咁,夢想(英文應該係 aim to, 原諒小弟中文措辭貧乏,唔知點正確翻譯) 加入更多强化功能,乜乜中心,物物樞紐,實在係十分驚喜同滾動!
令我突然聯想起曾幾何時 AV AMP 果條越黎越長嘅功能招紙!但起碼,果條功能招紙上標明嘅,部機真係有嗰個功能俾到你!!;P
最後修改時間: 2024-09-09 18:07:57 - #2806 [Springroll], 24-09-09 17:39
FULL RESPECT to all those striving their best at their roles!!
One of my favorite moment when 香港電影金像獎 still means something serious. Full of feeling till now.... Thank you, Deanie! - #2805 [rcwy], 24-09-09 17:13
Eva Cassidy's posthumous success
Indeed Eva's voice is touching. It came to my ears in 2001 when I jumped on the tube audio hifi band wagon..
"On her deathbed Bruce Lundvall, president of Blue Note Records rang and apologised for not signing her. In later interviews he admitted he had made a bad mistake. Eva Cassidy died on November 2 at the age of 33. Her ashes were scattered at St Mary’s River. Eva loved this spot. Southern Maryland is beautiful. Four years later Eva Cassidy’s album Songbird outsold Dido’s No Angel becoming the UK’s number one album, eventually even the best sold album of the year 2001. Eva Cassidy’s posthumous success was repeated in other countries, including Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania and Australia. Songbirds keep singing!"
The name of city: "Old Hong Kong" should be added to the above list. RIP Eva. - #2804 [fotheringay], 24-09-09 17:10Richard,
I don't like AI !!!
Perhaps I watch too many Terminator and affiliated movies!! - #2803 [fotheringay], 24-09-09 17:06Haha,
When I first made videos on Youtube there wasn't much or lesser control and issues with copy rights.
I suppose this is not an issue from Youtube but from materials owners, especially record companies. Youtube got warnings from those people so there is only one way to protect itself!
Ban the videos once and for all!!
However, some videos made before certain time may be eligible to be kept so some of mine survived.
That can't be said with any new materials. Trust me I had tried. There are so many I had made but couldn't be shown on Youtube but for my own archive.
最後修改時間: 2024-09-09 17:09:49 - #2802 [rcwy], 24-09-09 17:04
Not yet Chi's, my sudden reply: The stupidity of Google (Youtube)'s AI. - #2801 [hahayanyan], 24-09-09 16:55chi
i been wonder, why many of your video NOT banned , as u said...it shall BAN some of your video...
why some are not but some were?
any idea?
btw...the cannon lens seem good - #2800 [fotheringay], 24-09-09 16:32
Thank you Dyna San for the file.
I first knew Eva Cassidy was watching the Terry Wogan Show (also known to discover Kaite Melua ) when he played Eva's "Over The Rainbow". To be honest with you I didn't take much notice about this song because it wasn't my favourite. Then later I heard "Fields of Gold" by Sting and I really like it.
Then in 2008 an acquaintance from R33 asked me a favour if I could buy "Songbird" LP and "Like Wave Against Sand" CD for him since he couldn't find them in HK.
Not only did I buy the set for him but also buying the same set for myself.
This video was made 9 years ago but unfortunately since then I couldn't use any Eva's songs in my videos because Youtube would ban any videos I made with her materials.
So this is the only video I could ever make.
最後修改時間: 2024-09-09 16:33:50 - #2799 [Dynavector], 24-09-09 07:42
作為最後一個錄音,應該嘅,但係 Blix Street Records, Inc. ,Barbara and Hugh Cassidy 又不停咁出新嘅,好似最近 key 咗 London Symphony OrchestraI 嘅 Can Only Be Me,我覺得係冇需要嘅,其實一把結他,加 Eva 嘅聲已經係 best。
Callas 冇得模仿嘅,Angelina Jolie 講打冇問題,文戲唔好啦!如果係 "戰神卡拉斯" ......... ........ Diva!
最後修改時間: 2024-09-09 08:01:04 - 下一頁 (1 of 141)
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A new Eva Cassidy album, Walkin' After Midnight, released on September 6th. The album has twelve previously-unreleased tracks, which were recorded at the Maryland Inn's King of France Tavern in Annapolis in 1995. Alternative renditions of most of these songs have appeared on previous albums, but these new ones have a different western swing sound.
It would be two months after the Maryland Inn show that Cassidy and her band would record the set at the Blues Alley nightclub in Washington, DC that would largely define her posthumous career. One year to the day after the Maryland Inn appearance, she would be gone.
最後修改時間: 2024-09-10 05:36:58