- #3861 [fotheringay], 25-03-07 02:22
- #3860 [fotheringay], 25-03-07 02:21
Yes, I quite like the QED, more surprisingly to me too.
Here are the comparison videos between the Atlas Element and QED.
Atlas Element.
QED - #3859 [Springroll], 25-03-07 01:52Welcome back to HiFi toys club, fotheringay 兄!哈~ :D
QED XT40i 小弟用緊黎駁環繞聲喇叭,無投訴。事實上,咁多年黎,都用咗 QED 好幾款喇叭線,當年 GSS 都用過,QED 其實真係好抵用!質素唔錯!
就咁聽你啲 YT video,的確音場聽唔真,純講音色, QED XT40i 係中頻較為厚啲,我相信 fotheringay 兄所追求嘅應該係想多一點中頻嘅肉地同厚度,呢啲音色 fine tuning 嘅野,任何接線,電源線都會影響;(甚至任何承墊腳架等等。。。) 以至乎喇叭擺位高低都已經會有分別。
果啲音色 fine tuning 嘅玩物,就係 HiFi 廠最呃錢嘅地方。。。哈哈! -
- #3858 [fotheringay], 25-03-07 00:02
I don't normally concern what cables I use in my system.
I do use different interconnect cables but they never cost much. I usually DIY my own.
As for speaker cables........never take any notice!! Until now.
I recently thought about the Spendor BC3 that it is almost a complete speaker but I do miss the Mid from the BC1. It seems the Mid is missing a little bit from the BC3.
I then wonder if I put some different speaker cables would it improve?
I already bought the Atlas Element 2.0 Superior and couple days ago I bought the QED XT40i. Nothing to shout about since they are still very cheap and I don't think serious Audiophiles would even take a mention about them!!!
But as cheap as I would be they are my unusual buy !!!
Atlas Element 2.0 Superior
QED XT40i - #3857 [fotheringay], 25-03-06 00:53This is one of the many ways which I am using.
Or smart TV through Bluetooth as well.
Frankly we are after the contents, not the Hi- Res quality and so we would do the easy way.
I have been using an Apple MacBook Pro for my source in another room so if I want to listen to radio I would just use the laptop. - #3856 [why], 25-03-05 23:49Hello Fotheringay,
請問你是指用電腦上BBC website 聽live 或重插?
謝謝 - #3855 [fotheringay], 25-03-05 18:05Could you try online radio?
- #3854 [why], 25-03-05 17:14#3850
我亦曾試用 Magnum Dynalab “ 魚桿”FM 天線試,都未能search 到,可能我後園被其他鄰居屏蔽了接收訊號。 - #3853 [rcwy], 25-03-05 10:31
走到這世界尖端,我已是無法前行⋯⋯ - #3852 [rcwy], 25-03-05 10:20
香港這幾天山上春霧重重,地上水濕漉漉。。。 濕度極高!
(2025年3月2日 西貢長咀) - #3851 [Springroll], 25-03-04 23:08#3846, #3847, #3848
Very nice photos of nature, fotheringay 兄!好耐無見你影啲花花草草相,突然感覺 fotheringay 兄好似在春暖中從冬眠甦醒過來一樣,哈哈~~ :D
最後修改時間: 2025-03-04 23:09:19 - #3850 [Springroll], 25-03-04 22:59#3849
Why 兄,小弟黎到 so far 都無接駁到任何天線,所以從無測試,唯有等其他有經驗師兄解答。^_^! - #3849 [why], 25-03-04 02:52Hello 各位師兄
請問house 嘅TV amplifier 有FM/DAB 接頭,是否有radio 訊號?
我牆身沒有FM 接頭,,我直接駁去TV, FM/ DAB 接頭,但search 唔到台
是NAD silver line S400,運到首次接駁
麻煩晒 - #3848 [fotheringay], 25-03-03 02:46It's so nice to watch some kids do cross-country biking, instead of sitting in front of a phone or computer doing gaming. There was a group of them using shovels to prepare the barriers for their stunts.
I shouted to them "Good job, boys!!" Thumbs up from them.
Also, it's quite refreshing to see schools and forest decorating projects.
最後修改時間: 2025-03-03 02:47:56 - #3847 [fotheringay], 25-03-03 02:44It was nice to see the snow drops and the flowers blossoms.
最後修改時間: 2025-03-03 02:44:36 - #3846 [fotheringay], 25-03-03 02:41The weather was nice because the sun was out and warm, so.... fungus hunting time!!!!... all taken with my camera with this fungus fed Tamron macro lens.
最後修改時間: 2025-03-03 02:43:06 - #3845 [fotheringay], 25-03-03 00:44
I watched "A Complete Unknown" last night, a much anticipated production I have been waiting for.
Folk music plays a very important part in my upbringing. I was a member of the secondary school music club and learning music and watching some seniors performing in the school during our lunch breaks and school assemblies.
I got to learn those folk musicians like Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Peter, Paul and Mary, John Denver and Judy Collins. Not only did I enjoy the music but also it raised my awareness the civil right movement at the time with the music.
How do I feel about "A Complete Unknown"?
I love it!
I would say from a fan of those music and people it is as good as it gets. You could see the effort by Timothée Chalamet trying his very best to act as Dylan. He took 5 years to learn how to sing, speak and think like Dylan. I will give hime the credit.
That said I would say he doesn't deserve to win the Oscar but surprisingly he did win the BAFTA in England!
Overall it was a true reflection of that era, but too briefly, too clean(to avoid political diversity???) and not enough depth for the other characters.
I think the outstanding actors are Edward Norton and Elle Fanning. Both show much deeper interest in their characters, emotionally.
Here are some video(quite a lot actually so be forgive me!) that may be of interests related to the movie.
最後修改時間: 2025-03-03 00:44:24 - #3844 [Springroll], 25-03-02 17:07最後,我最愛嘅環迴聲效終於返黎啦!!^0^
即刻用 Alita true HD Atmos 試機!
哈~ 初步覺得音質聲效係好嘅,但其實同之前分別不大 ^_^!
Anyway, welcome back, my surround sound! =D
最後修改時間: 2025-03-02 17:07:58 - #3843 [Springroll], 25-03-02 16:56跟手著機開始做 config,順便 check 埋有無駁錯野。。。好彩無。。。^_^
基本設置同舊6,7年嘅 SR7009 無乜大分別,跟黎果支 mic 仍然係同舊款用同一型號,係config assistance 項目係較全面咗;唯獨係 LFE bass management 有大改進,就係各聲道而家都可以各自分配 LFE 分頻點,呢樣對多聲道用唔同型號大細喇叭好有幫助! - #3842 [Springroll], 25-03-02 16:38尋晚終於等齊啲 RCA caps 到哂,落手 clean 哂部 SR7015 背板插頭,跟住封哂所有 idle rca 插座,然後埋位插線。
有經驗嘅師兄都知道,除非你 HiFi rack 後有兩,三呎空間,俾你可以鬆容慢慢搞,否則,喺狹小嘅 rack 層中間,半放咗部機入去插線,並唔係一件容易嘅事,尤其 av amp 背後要插嘅線何其多。。。(好彩而家少咗好多機,剩番幾條 hdmi, pre-out rca 同幾組喇叭線咋,如果唔係,真係想死。。。-_-)
最後修改時間: 2025-03-02 16:39:27 - 下一頁 (1 of 194)
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This is my most liked song from her.