- #34 [達摩], 25-02-06 21:28十幾年前用五萬元可以買到一套唔錯的前後級或合併机啦,使乜在此處問,晒時間
- #33 [七仔], 25-02-04 18:042012年的5萬元,跟現在差遠了。
- #32 [伏喱哩], 25-02-04 16:18現在用五萬買唔到乜好料前後級.
物價太貴了. -
- #31 [Linn2468], 25-02-04 08:58
Try QUAD brand new pre & power amp. - #30 [tingmoon], 25-02-03 12:26AN M3
- #29 [FenderGibsonPRS], 12-10-28 14:02Accuphase E-460 + ATC SCM7
- #28 [k_w_t], 12-10-28 10:032nd hand market with Audiolab 8000m power, take a look
- #27 [rf2899], 12-10-28 09:56Electrocompaniet pre EC4.7/ 4.8 / power AW2x120-M , should within your budget. Sound is tube quality. Highly recommended.
- #26 [ckco], 12-10-28 07:18Vincent Audio 德國牌子,價錢合乎budget,還有錢剩買speakers and cables.
- #25 [木川], 12-10-26 20:27
- #24 [pc1122], 12-10-26 17:55我見議一炮過買以下二手器材:
Ayre CX7e CD機
Ayre AX7e 合併機
B&W 805S 喇叭
三件加埋應該不用5萬元,一次過玩晒. - #23 [dickllee], 12-10-25 22:33Melody
- #22 [ikw], 12-10-25 22:26我覚得你對現時的器材欠缺什麼?五萬元可買另一套兩聲道作影音分家,又可加個Amp做ByPass,不一定要買前后級,膽機也可是另類選擇,你套嘢咁新玩下先啦。
- #21 [hahayanyan], 12-10-25 20:19so nice...as someone buy brand new..and worry about for 2nd hands.., otherwise....
if u really want to get a combo at 50K for amp.., then u need to prepare to spend another 100K for a balance system
for matching the rest of your system, i would only spend less than 15k for an good int. amp for 2ch music. for example..a new krell little int. amp, u be so happy.., and no need to spend too much for the rest of your system..
最後修改時間: 2012-10-25 20:24:39 - #20 [sealteam4], 12-10-25 20:05膽機啦不如
- #19 [ptcm], 12-10-24 19:54Naim 202/200 + HICAP DR
- #18 [rf2899], 12-10-24 18:10It is a good suggestion by buying 2nd handed in R33.
Hi Fi is truely a personnel hobby, you should listen it by yourself first before buy. Otherwise, you will keep buying and selling the equipment instead of enjoy the music.
- #17 [lamhokai], 12-10-24 17:41Suggest not to think about model or brand as of now. It is like asking "where to dinner with $500 budget". Chings here can give you 100 diff brands/ models and you end up choosing nothing.
My suggestion, spend <10k for an 2nd int amp. Don't ask me which models as it is bullshit tell you any model when i even don't know what you want/ like.
You cannot do anything with your 609 as it is rubbish in 2ch world (I owned it years back)
Then with your budget try to listen to those speakers and see what you like (it is difficult to tell what character you like from the speaker but you need to be trained). Then you can sell your int amp if it is really not matching your speakers. Actually I suggest both speaker and amp should buy 2nd hand. You don't lose selling out. - #16 [FenderGibsonPRS], 12-10-24 16:26NAD M3 + ATC SCM 7
- #15 [rf2899], 12-10-24 14:49Try the Densen , it is a good combo, there is aguy selling in R33
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