- #1 [ultraman.beethoven], 11-05-12 09:26
- #2 [cpu8088], 11-05-12 10:42咁有無需要用咁粗身嘅導體呢 ??
of course the thicker the better. better profit to the manufacturer as u buy more materials including some exotic gold, silver or refined copper. - #3 [孟波], 11-05-12 23:33of course the thicker the better. better profit to the manufacturer as u buy more materials including some exotic gold, silver or refined copper.
電源線係跟機送既,原來廠家利潤係度。咁送條幼既咪重賺得多?KaKa.....你好叻呀! -
- #4 [OTO], 11-05-13 02:01唔係夠唔夠電用既問題 !
係用條線去加強力度 ,音色 ,層次 ,電源干擾......等等 !
去符合你環境 , 口味 和全個音响組合 !
飲水都可以解渴 !
咁点解你又飲 汽水 , 啤洒 , 咖啡 ,奶茶 , 檸茶 , 鲜奶....
因為唔同人 , 唔同環境 ,有唔同需要 !
全套器材用鷄線一樣得架 !
開到聲 !
自己又 ok 就ok ! - #5 [ultraman.beethoven], 11-05-13 08:56OTO ... 言之有理 !
但係 ... 咁樣用線材係吾係等於調味去改變聲音呢?
Please share. Tks a lot ! - #6 [孟波], 11-05-13 21:48cpu8088
快d叫你好吹噓既focol以後造大d隻Be高音口徑,1"唔夠造夠4",再造厚d振膜,起碼1mm厚啦。咁就可以賣多d鈹金屬同磁石賺多d錢啦,話唔定個廠有獎金獎勵你咁叻仔喎。KaKa... - #7 [孟波], 11-05-13 22:09重有記得叫佢音圈要用粗銅線繞和繞多幾圈,咁又可以賣多d銅啦。KaKa.
最後修改時間: 2011-05-13 22:16:47 - #8 [NAR], 11-05-13 22:13Tell Focus to also use triple size inverted cone for the tweeter. This way, more money. Ka Ka Ka !!!
- #9 [OTO], 11-05-14 02:12但係 ... 咁樣用線材係吾係等於調味去改變聲音呢?
( 多數) 線材又真係用於調味同改變聲音喎 ! - #10 [sugizo], 11-05-14 02:55唔係夠唔夠電用既問題 !
係用條線去加強力度 ,音色 ,層次 ,電源干擾......等等 !
去符合你環境 , 口味 和全個音响組合 !
飲水都可以解渴 !
咁点解你又飲 汽水 , 啤洒 , 咖啡 ,奶茶 , 檸茶 , 鲜奶....
因為唔同人 , 唔同環境 ,有唔同需要 !
全套器材用鷄線一樣得架 !
開到聲 !
自己又 ok 就ok !
agree - #11 [cpu8088], 11-05-14 06:39here too nar and man ball mouth to mouth
- #12 [NAR], 11-05-14 08:32cpu8088,
To cpu8088,
Have you better things to write than post the same message everywhere?
you are sick, may be that is they way you think all the time to be able to write something like this in a forum!!!! - #13 [栗山千明], 11-05-14 17:15有水可以玩Siltech,Transparent Cable!!!
冇水可以玩Belden!!! - #14 [OPP9546], 11-05-14 17:41千明兄,之前你推介o個條Belden power cord 係咩型號?想買但唔記得左?鴨記邊樹有得賣,或可pm小弟,THX
最後修改時間: 2011-05-14 17:56:19 - #15 [栗山千明], 11-05-14 18:50OPP9546兄,please check PM,THX!!!
- #16 [孟波], 11-05-14 21:32屎屁八零八八
真係入形入格 - #17 [george1977], 11-05-15 08:29快d叫你好吹噓既focol以後造大d隻Be高音口徑,1"唔夠造夠4",再造厚d振膜,起碼1mm厚啦。咁就可以賣多d鈹金屬同磁石賺多d錢啦,話唔定個廠有獎金獎勵你咁叻仔喎。KaKa...
Surely U will advise his French boss at FOCAL to do so in order to keep FOCAL speakers at the top of the top position.
As such, FOCAL is an exceptional snakeoil.....among HiEND Brands
最後修改時間: 2011-05-15 08:43:04 - #18 [george1977], 11-05-15 08:34Tell Focus to also use triple size inverted cone for the tweeter. This way, more money. Ka Ka Ka !!!
Make my day! KA KA KA KA KA.......X N - #19 [cpu8088], 11-05-15 08:51focus? or focal?
your spelling is so bad or u want to mislead other members?
focal make speakers. they churn out new models only when there is genuine innovations. they do not get involved with making exotic cables although most cables are audio jewelry and manufacturers/retailers can make astronomical profits. - #20 [george1977], 11-05-15 08:59focal make speakers. they churn out new models only when there is genuine innovations. they do not get involved with making exotic cables although most cables are audio jewelry and manufacturers/retailers can make astronomical profits.
Grand Utopia EM is sold at over HK$950K, FOCAL also upgrades more frequently than any other Hi-End speaker label(s) which I know
For me, QUAD ESL does maintain its longevity instead.
Is FOCAL speaker a Snakeoil?! Quite possibly.... - 下一頁 (1 of 4)
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歐洲嘅導體在1.0-2.5 mm sq 左右
美國在12-8 AWG (3-6 mm sq)
導體粗通常聲音會強勁些 (所以美國聲咁勁咁行??)
但其實插頭Amp數, 牆蘇Amp數, 和市電電壓已經決定咗電流數值
香港係 13A x 230V = 2990W
一般家庭電器,例如高電流用量嘅泠氣機 , 電線都係1.0 mm sq
問過一些線廠 ,1.5 mm sq 已經可以承受超過4000W
咁有無需要用咁粗身嘅導體呢 ??
請指教 ! Thanks !