- #67 [CodyChan], 24-09-09 17:57
- #66 [tingmoon], 24-09-09 17:14shielding is important
- #64 [george1977], 11-05-23 10:19孟波兄及NAR大哥
嘩! 唔是2位翻查舊post都唔知CPU原來有如此住績劣品,在此謝過!
George -
- #63 [孟波], 11-05-23 00:27呢條可以睇到cpu既C&P技巧有幾高同英文有幾叻:
[點解westlake audio播michael jackson吾掂] - #62 [孟波], 11-05-23 00:06睇番原來cpu還有d舊作漏左,NAR兄可以看看cpu的水準"高"到那程度。
[Speaker 有氣孔反射VS密封式?]
最後修改時間: 2011-05-23 00:12:37 - #61 [NAR], 11-05-22 23:05How often the 'U' told the truth? It appears he had plenty to hide.
I asked the following before:
(1) Does he own a Grand Utopia or Focal/JM Lab of any kind? --- No answer
(2) I asked him to take a picture standing next to his Focal? --- Nothing
(3) Some blog writer informed me he uses borrowed speakers and ask if it is true ---- No answer
(4) Does he works for Focal? --- No answer
(5) Give me the equation and circuot diagram of crossover use by Focal --- No answer and tell me to go search the net the way he did and also said tex book are outdated. - Can you trust a person telling you text books are useless and also do not supply equation and circuit?
(6) Recently, I ask him why he said in one post 'Deigner use sound and sound effect ,not music to design speakers", while in another post he said 'Designer use music and not sound or sound effect to design speakers". I asked him to make up his mind and tell use which is which ---- All I get is a total mumble jumble which does not make sense but for the sake of answering something.
When people quoting him close to his territory, well which cannot agree exactly or deny completely:
Quoting 孟波: 呢d鬼竄說法同某些政客講野一樣,完全係廢話,如果唔係真既,一句話:唔係就得,使鬼講得咁隱晦.
I am afraid 孟波 hits the bull's eye this time. (spot on Man !!!)
最後修改時間: 2011-05-22 23:17:58 - #60 [孟波], 11-05-22 22:30""""虧cpu是開補習社的,老婆又是Doctor ,語文卻狗屁不通,唔知你想講乜,不如叫你老婆先幫你補下英文"""
this is from george so wide of the mark. u probably mixed up with someone else. do your deeper search before posting is recommended.
"""查實是有識佢既人睇唔過眼,以PM告知,是真是假,則無從得知! 鄙人絕不會主動起人地底"""
this is from man ball. your wild guess is also wide of the mark.
重有係你唔敢直接否認,但又話George兄probably mixed up with someone else,呢d鬼竄說法同某些政客講野一樣,完全係廢話,如果唔係真既,一句話:唔係就得,使鬼講得咁隱晦。
最後修改時間: 2011-05-22 22:42:39 - #59 [NAR], 11-05-22 21:58cpu Wrote:
just a bunch of losers mouth to mouth kissing each others. even a few are using tongues. lol
on and off only a few familiar r33 users doing the senseless attacks. there are many members appreciate my voices and down to earth approach like pointing out those who making attacks even did not understand the effects of changing a 1uf cap in speaker design, also not knowing focal not supplying the top rated tweeters to wilson, and the cracked wilson speakers.
There you go again, starting the same again, how disgusting about mouth to mouth kissing according to your picture posted on the blog and your detailed description about using tongues makes my stomach turns. People with the tendency can only make such description. I hate to tell you that.
Please tell us who appreciate your voice and name a few supporters. Does the voice sound better with Focal First Rated tweater.
I wonder who is doing the attack by attacking Wilson Speakers and support Focal all the time in the first place??
Please do not make excuse for the sake of making it and call other 'Losers'.
No one care about 1uF or 2uF or even 0.8088uF, as long as with the correct cap, music sound good from the speakers. But I asked many time before, please show your equation if you know what you are talking about, perhaps Focal can help you IF you do not know how. But if you cannot get an answer from Focal, then why are you supporting them and push their product while upsetting many people here with your comment.
最後修改時間: 2011-05-22 22:10:27 - #58 [NAR], 11-05-22 19:14I simply love this song, thanks for the link.
- #57 [郭台銘], 11-05-22 19:14while r33 moderators have done nothing to delete those posts with foul language and warned those posters, whats the use of setting posting rules? it semms this discussion forum is going dead and no wonder the quality of posters have gone down. for me to associate with those losers is just a waste of time.
wo, because of you, the discussion among members is no longer knowledgable but entertaining, we see someone disclosing one's ignorance and self-righteous, you bastard only love to post FOCAL and correlate some issues irrelevant to the thread!
Go to eat your banana LA, CPU, mother-fucker! - #56 [郭台銘], 11-05-22 18:01
Wow, you said goodbye at post [#52] but show up again in this thread!
What a CREEP with self-righteous attitude,only loser walk away, never heard that self-cheating "winner" walk away like you.
Down-to-Earth? Are you kidding with me?
Bye, obsolete CPU
KA KA KA KA...... - #55 [cpu8088], 11-05-22 17:43""""虧cpu是開補習社的,老婆又是Doctor ,語文卻狗屁不通,唔知你想講乜,不如叫你老婆先幫你補下英文"""
this is from george so wide of the mark. u probably mixed up with someone else. do your deeper search before posting is recommended.
"""查實是有識佢既人睇唔過眼,以PM告知,是真是假,則無從得知! 鄙人絕不會主動起人地底"""
this is from man ball. your wild guess is also wide of the mark.
on and off only a few familiar r33 users doing the senseless attacks. there are many members appreciate my voices and down to earth approach like pointing out those who making attacks even did not understand the effects of changing a 1uf cap in speaker design, also not knowing focal not supplying the top rated tweeters to wilson, and the cracked wilson speakers. - #54 [NAR], 11-05-22 16:06Terminator 3 - The Rise of the Machines? I just finished watching this movie and love the ending.
The only thing to stop the machine is treat it like 萬能插蘇 and plug it from all directions.
最後修改時間: 2011-05-22 16:12:11 - #53 [孟波], 11-05-22 14:34for me to associate with those losers is just a waste of time.
KaKa,係呀,最成功就係你cpu啦,贏得R33眾人齊齊插你,每個插蘇都好充實啦??WaKAKA... - #52 [cpu8088], 11-05-22 14:21just a bunch of losers mouth to mouth kissing each others. even a few are using tongues. lol
while r33 moderators have done nothing to delete those posts with foul language and warned those posters, whats the use of setting posting rules? it semms this discussion forum is going dead and no wonder the quality of posters have gone down. for me to associate with those losers is just a waste of time.
good bye folks. - #51 [NAR], 11-05-22 13:56Ka Ka Ka,
Please keep cool, it is pointless to express strong opinion against any useless pile of component, it may have problem to undestand or receive the message.
I really enjoy a good laugh and good sense of humour in a thread.
I hope this 'U' can learn a lesson to respect the feeling of other people in the blog and how it is like to be insulted.
We Wish the 'U' just go away and never to come back to upset others.
最後修改時間: 2011-05-22 14:00:28 - #50 [epkwokgp], 11-05-22 13:22這麼多人不喜歡一個人.這個人應該自我檢討 XN
- #49 [徐福], 11-05-22 13:09這麼多人不喜歡一個人.這個人應該自我檢討. 小弟只是路過. Thanks!
- #48 [郭台銘], 11-05-22 12:51孟波兄:
Thanks for your hot tips!
BTW, CPU is a cheap and easily accesible chipsets for screwing and drilling (damn chip, so worthy to drill its holes without mercy )
This U always piss off others and try to be mother-fucking "maestro", yet his knowledge is always lacking and even shows his innocence.
最後修改時間: 2011-05-22 12:55:20 - #47 [孟波], 11-05-22 11:51郭台銘兄:
幫幫手看下玩唔玩到b&w 802d
burnt woofer again!
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