- #1 [UFO33], 10-03-13 00:09
- #2 [T.K.T], 10-03-13 00:18速度快,動態大,充滿專業味道 >>
同意上邊描述;但這 DAC 的聲音就是不耐聽,無音色可言,
當然幾舊水貨仔只能對沒玩開 DAC 的電腦人選用,效果比電腦直出的好,
但如果聽開CD機音響以上者,它沒可能叫這一眾人讓它成為 DAC 終點。
我之前用過PS AUDIO DL﹣III,後來到而家都用緊哩部,
未來日子會換過另一 tube DAC。
最後修改時間: 2010-03-13 00:21:55 - #3 [254mm], 10-03-13 00:27***不耐聽***, 死症黎!!
- #4 [navyseals], 10-03-13 00:33但卻很少有ching在此谈淪此机,是否此机太平不值一談
有誰會"吹" 這些機,當然係真正用家! - #5 [elo], 10-03-13 00:36For a price around RMB400 (from Taobao), it's OK. Don't expect too much. However there is a UK modifier offer a modified one and claims can perform on par with DAC costs several times more...
http://www.audiosmile.co.uk/src2496-875-0.html - #6 [UFO33], 10-03-13 00:36ching 我用后又不像師兄所講,它就是音色KO了P.S.Audio Ultralk Link l 所以才換了它,是否我的前DAC太舊聲音色落伍了
- #7 [T72BM], 10-03-13 00:43
- #8 [UFO33], 10-03-13 00:46navyseals ching 小弟正有意嘗試學玩EQ 你所提到的DCX2496(數位電子分音)是否=EQ 在那可買到和价錢多少,能否告知?多谢
- #9 [T.K.T], 10-03-13 00:51UFO33,为何不到TAOBAO网找找看呢?
看你打得很多简体字,TAOBAO买下不更方便吗? - #10 [navyseals], 10-03-13 00:51UFO33 Hing,
香港不知那處有售,我是廣州海印買的。 - #11 [UFO33], 10-03-13 00:59T.K.T hing & navyseals
多谢指教 - #12 [UFO33], 10-03-13 01:13T.K.T hing & navyseals
多谢指教 未試過在TAOBAO网買野,不敢嘗試,所以早前找CD lasser head 在Taobao戕到,(CDM9pro & Kss151A)都唔敢買, - #13 [batmanames04], 10-03-13 01:24you can get deq 24/96 in us ebay
- #14 [CKL2], 10-03-13 07:43You need to upgrade its power supply:
- #15 [cryingfreeman], 10-03-13 10:181. this one no need 一仟幾佰 due to a lot in china just rmb299 and hkd350 in r33 several months ago!
2. the machine has bug making it cheap! - #16 [avdirect], 10-03-13 10:28I am the victim, I joined the group purchase and got this DAC, but it was dead one month ago.
So be careful! But what it is good to use the Chinese DAC.
Two target now : Lite DAC60 or GD DAC19
Any brother tried these two before, any comment? - #17 [254mm], 10-03-13 10:37got this from Opampexpert long time ago, Black version, very good, DAC72 from Lite
- #18 [UFO33], 10-03-13 14:32CKL2 hing I have also upgrade the power supply when I use befor. the sound is great so I change the p.s.ultralk l.
- #19 [UFO33], 10-03-13 15:46photo post
- #20 [UFO33], 10-03-13 15:48one more
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專業CD解碼器 BEHRINGER ULTRAMATCH PRO 2496 帶升頻功能的專業DA/AD轉換器,可將普通CD格式升到20,24BIT 可以將頻率提升到48,88.2,96KHZ,也可降到32KHZ 德國百靈達,聲音不錯,速度快,動態大,充滿專業味道 這台解碼器是零件價出售,裡面用的晶片是CS8420接收,AK4393做DAC轉換,AK5393做ADC轉換,運放全部用JRC4580,每個數位通道均用一個脈衝變壓器隔離!另外用一片CPU控制CS8420作升頻和顯示等