- #1 [VSVS], 24-11-22 11:51
- #2 [Bluesilver], 24-11-22 19:45Hi, as an ex-user of SXR rack & platform, i would certainly voted for the HRS which was absolutely stunning in performance! For the same ranking, i would only suggest CMS, regardness of price preference! Bassocontinuo, sorry, it was priced mainly costmetically.
However, i have no experience on Basso...just subjectively in my pojnt of view only.
最後修改時間: 2024-11-22 19:46:58 - #3 [VSVS], 24-11-29 11:45Thank you for feedback the feedback on Basscontinuo. I was having some doubt on them too.
What do you also think of the Stillpoints Ultra ESS, Artesania EXOTERYC RACK PRO or the SolidSteel HP Series Rack?
The SXR is very high on its price point and wanted to understand if there are other options which would deliver the same level of performance.
The SXR Looks good and with its modular design and flexibility attracted me the most but hope to understand whether it really justify its price what they HRS claimed on them.
最後修改時間: 2024-11-29 11:47:54 -
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Which one would be better, disregarding the price difference?
Is HRS SXR so much better and justified for it's price tag?
最後修改時間: 2024-11-22 11:52:32