- #21 [ernest], 12-02-04 12:44如果地方許可,考慮C7啦,易推又全面,以在下玩M30嘅經驗,20W class a唔夠嫁!
- #22 [patkwok], 12-02-04 15:10百零尺地方用C7,會否大得濟?
如用膽機推,要用幾多火機去推比較好? - #23 [ernest], 12-02-04 18:33梗ok la,三十零瓦膽機夠嫁啦!
- #24 [patkwok], 12-02-04 21:50梗ok la,三十零瓦膽機夠嫁啦!
耍成三十瓦有多,即係要推挽機,單端無份。 - #25 [ckhlsw32], 12-02-05 15:33Thx ernest Ching!
- #26 [栗山千明], 12-02-05 17:36唔知NAD C 375BEE 150w x 2爆唔爆得起呢???
- #27 [ernest], 12-02-05 21:28用單端都OK嘅,但略略唔夠全面囉!
- #28 [Rosenbloom], 12-02-05 21:41RE #26:
最後修改時間: 2012-02-05 21:48:24 - #29 [vincentaudio], 12-02-05 22:24我用緊 P3 ES 黑檀.擺離後墻6尺 兩叭距離7尺,以一部三仟多元大陸膽機推之.聽古典大爆棚 各聲部穩如泰山,定音鼓沖出窗外...是我最喜歡的細喇叭!
- #30 [vincentaudio], 12-02-05 22:42P3 ES 係Harbeth 家族中唯一採用氣墊式設計的品種 確是非同凡響!
- #31 [Rosenbloom], 12-02-06 09:00RE: #30
Ching, what is "氣墊式設計"? - #32 [ernest], 12-02-06 12:22我估係全密封式音箱
- #33 [dy111], 12-02-06 15:55P3ESR Spec.
Transducer system 2-way: Harbeth 110mm RADIAL2™ mid/bass; 19mm Ferro-cooled tweeter with HexGrille.
Freq. response 75Hz - 20kHz +/-3dB free space, 1m with grille on with smooth off-axis response.
Impedance 6 ohms - easy to drive.
Sensitivity 83.5db/1W/1m
Amp. suggestion Works with a wide range of amplifiers, ideally from 15W/channel.
Power handling 50W programme
Connector Two 4mm gold-plated binding posts for wires or plugs
Dimensions (hxwxd) 306 x 189 x 202 mm (inl. grille and terminals)
Finish Cherry, black ash, maple, rosewood, eucalyptus.
Space needs Ideally > 0.30m from rear wall
Stands Typically 24+ inches
Weight 6.3kg each (without packing) - #34 [vincentaudio], 12-02-06 20:32>> 但始終係細size speakers,bass不要期望過高 <<
Rosenbloom ching講得啱, P3仔玩到識飛 都出唔到大舊深潛低音!
另外 大陸膽機也並非神物 曾見過此機與一部用上全套金獅復刻膽的新裝MC-275(電源線可分離果期)比試 結果(大陸膽機)輸到佢阿媽都唔認得... - #35 [yiu3141], 12-02-08 15:19我都有一對,聽小提琴,鋼琴,8,90年代流行曲等都好好,炸機都係座地好些,但唔代表她低音弱
- #36 [brmc123], 12-02-09 19:15I'm using Lyngdorf 220 (200W @ 8 ohm, 375W @ 4ohm) to push my P3ESR, but still can't handle 爆棚交響曲 well. I believe it's the limit of small speakers. Other than that, no complaint at all.
And I think it's very easy to push. I once connected them with a < HK$2,000 Marantz amp, they still reproduced reasonably good and enjoyable sound! - #37 [mcdonfung], 12-02-10 10:11有人說83 db 靈敏度低, 燥音都少D, 吾知真吾真
- #38 [tmk824], 13-09-14 12:09小弟用加拿大土炮Cdt+dac
來招呼對p3esr都推得巧巧矣^_^ - #39 [大海], 13-09-14 20:19個人覺得P3係聽小品
如果想爆得,又要呢個價P3,不如比多少少上ATC啲SCM十幾系列,一定爆得,或者平啲玩SCM 7都低玩,人聲係ATC強項之一,Luxman 550AII我朋友用嚟推SCM 7都無問題,未加價前只$6xxx,就算加了價$9xxx都低玩,SCM系列而家好似會轉款,格蘭代理Harbeth加價加得好勁,除非對Harbeth有情意結另計
最後修改時間: 2013-09-14 20:23:03 - #40 [tmk824], 13-09-14 20:39大海兄說得好有道理
能否勝任有餘呢?大海兄禾想請教你的意見?^_^ - 下一頁 (2 of 3)
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