- #1 [wesan], 24-09-28 22:33
- #2 [fotheringay], 24-09-28 23:35
我也是音樂愛好者,同樣也用hearing aids 超過十多年了。
據你報知,你係損失高頻,不知是否雙耳仍有聽覺能力?我就右耳已全失能力,左耳用耳機加強力。右邊仍有耳機不過只作用為microphone, 收向音源而輸入左耳機,經過audiologist 由電腦calibrate 令我大腦分別音源方向,做個假stereo image.
我初初有用耳機聽音樂,但效果強差人意,反而不用耳機扭大volume, 還可接受。
我用的全部是NHS(我身住英國)提供,十多年來己用過八對,由有線到wireless到Bluetooth 不用一文, 但你可以私人購買,我曾check過價錢,我用過嘅大約要成£25000!不枉我交咁多稅。
至於音樂方面,我一早已打定沒法再享受那2-channel stereo ,甚至麽音場、定位或樂器層次這些發燒情懷只是回憶吧了。
不過自問一句,我欣賞的是音樂及其一切,這關係到我對樂者的喜愛,歴史及制作,硬片方面我仍然喜愛vinyl, 因手拿着唱片及能放下唱針是我欣賞音樂其中一個好重要心理歴程。
最後修改時間: 2024-09-28 23:43:19 - #3 [wesan], 24-09-29 08:41謝謝您的回應,我也是用這個牌子,六萬多一對,有藍牙,收聽電話或者調教音量,用手按耳機上的buttons 就可以,10分方便。我比較幸運,雙耳未完全失聰,左耳較右耳差少少。該公可以通過互聯網監察,知道我每天使用幾多小時,不能偷懶。原本公司說可以用6至7年,但最近說過了三年的保養期就不再提供保養,零件都沒有了,真是有點惱人。
提到加EQ,我請教過一位在中環非常資深的老師傅(他替 cello,AR,……做外判維修),是多年的老友記,他說幫助不大,我忘了詳細問原因。現在前級仍然用CJ 的ART 2,可以左右調教音量,但沒有Tone control.看來家裡的東西都要一件一件講拜拜啦。正如老兄所說,要求要降低,重返黑膠碟時代,(CD 日子久了也脱色)甚至考慮用streaming 加integrated,舊東西始終有小毛病,重到死,搬來搬去,無謂了。
未來有很多音樂愛好者也會變老,聽覺漸差,因此提出這個主題,讓大家分享一下。謝謝。 -
- #4 [cornercube], 24-09-29 08:57>>#2...."....加上EQ是...有幫助,這個是肯定的。" x2
age related reduction in frequency response
https://tinyurl.com/4bmttehn - #5 [wesan], 24-09-29 09:02師兄的右耳方面,是否完全 air and bone conduction 都不行?若只是空氣傳音不行,可以請教 audiologist 有沒有 device 可以用骨傳音(耳筒放在mastoid bone上,就像他做audiogram 時其中一個步驟)。
- #6 [fotheringay], 24-09-29 16:04Wesan兄,
因我也在NHS工作,我幾位ENT Consultants 同事也給我看了,大至上如你所說的聲音傳入沒問題,但耳骨可能因受到nano stoke 而斷了blood supply, 可能短期或長期會回覆,但我情況重沒回覆。
你提議的BAHA(Bone Anchored Hearing Aids)我曾試過模擬headphone,效果如BAHA,這給人做選擇,但試過一個月後同戴耳機差唔多,故不選擇因不想個光頭多條天線!lol!
至於耳機方面因我在醫院工作,有需要精準溝通(藉口),故每三年就換新耳機兼做hearing test。
你朋友所說無幫助可能以為你全部聽覺能力己失,故甚麽frequency改動也沒有幫助,但你情況只係高頻失去,但可不死馬當活馬醫?用上各frequency 去調較,這可能給你新體會。
以你器材知識及朋友相助,可能會給你一個驚喜。 - #7 [fotheringay], 24-09-29 16:40My typo, not stoke but "stroke"!!!!
Wesan, message noted. - #8 [ich], 24-09-29 23:05#7
Or TIA induced typo instead of stroke ;)
"Stoke" remotely reminds me a naughty 對聯 related to your HK origin and current country of residence:
史篤城外成篤S - #9 [fotheringay], 24-09-29 23:12Ivan,
你好攪笑啫,不過又幾好喎,等我轉比在澳洲及仍在上水屋企人先。 - #10 [ich], 24-09-29 23:29#9
澳洲好多英國地方名,就係冇"Stoke".下聯好似在Gordon Banks最勁踢Stoke City時多人識就作出來.
上水居民冇史,最勁Foley (廖侯)
最後修改時間: 2024-09-29 23:35:31 - #11 [fotheringay], 24-09-29 23:43好在ich 你,樓主wesan 及我同樣在工作上少不免和”史” “廖”有關係,故崩口人不忌崩口碗。
- #12 [ich], 24-09-30 12:15#11
我冇follow clinical progress 好耐, complete loss of hearing 可否死馬當活馬醫: cochlear implant 得唔得, pros and cons, clinical benefits vs side effects? - #13 [fotheringay], 24-09-30 16:26My colleague suggested the possibility of cochlear implant but after various consideration we concluded that hearing aids would be sufficient enough in my case.
There are criteria for cochlear implant set out by NICE and I didn't think it was justified for me.
https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ta566/documents/final-appraisal-determination-document#:~:text=In%20the%20base%2D%20case%20analyses,was%20doubled%20(%C2%A329%2C222). - #14 [ich], 24-09-30 19:11#13
Thx Chi Gor,
以前在港工作時都好多時會睇下 NICE 。 - #15 [fotheringay], 24-09-30 20:37Ivan,
As far as I am concerned NICE has served well in the past with some guidelines but now I don't always agree with them
18 months ago our committee has agreed to purchase a new Cyclodiode Laser which could replace both aged units with the expansion that it could also be used for LIO for ROP.
One advanced feature as recommended by our Ophthalmic Consultant Surgeon that it could perform the standard Cyclodiode laser, but more importantly it has the advanced technique of SubCyclo cyclophotocoagulation.
However, after in use for 6 months our Trust had received guidelines from NICE that the procedure would not be recommended in the UK due to lack of clinical trials. Well, much clinical trials and data had been conducted by many in the States and the Continent and as such it has been used widely in those regions.
That said, the Ophthalmic guy, also sitting in the Laser Protection Committee in the region, argued that after studying the guidelines, NICE didn't say "we could not use it" indefinitely. He argued that for clinical benefit patients should be receiving the treatment upon further consultation with more detailed Pros and Cons, together with a separate consent for the procedure.
He had done a few cases with such technique but eventually it was stopped when he retired this May.
最後修改時間: 2024-09-30 20:49:28 - 返回 ...
助聽器就是一個微型 equaliser,再加一些 gimics, 平價的,例如千多元的,就是全頻率提昇,噪音更多。
想請問在套 hifi加 equalizer 會有什麼效果?