- #1 [himlok], 24-05-15 23:51
- #2 [伊雲士], 24-05-16 00:27除非鬆到打滑 否則對轉速應無影響
要換 同原裝咁上下長就得
不過做音響時賣過好多皮帶 - #3 [himlok], 24-05-16 08:35講留咗,其實原庒膠帶已經冇左,所以唔知道長度同闊度!網上搵唔到尺寸資料!
謝謝師兄 -
- #4 [Db2022], 24-05-16 10:09有時間可以到油麻地廣東道,新填地街一帶有皮帶/膠圏配。
好耐之前喺“立泰”買過。不過樓主無原廠尺寸就麻煩,但最起碼都要知大約尺寸先可以買嚟試下。 - #5 [ckwan2014], 24-05-16 13:21想知尺吋,自己有機喺手就簡單啦。
甩開platter,自己用攣衫線圍inner platter同drive pulley一圈就知長度,闊度着量咪得囉。 - #6 [newcolor], 24-05-16 13:22淘寶訂晒所有長度都係有限錢
- #7 [ckwan2014], 24-05-16 13:24#6,又唔好咁任性,畀條生路其他師兄行吓嘛。畀你訂哂,佢哋冇得聽嘢,好慘嘎!
- #8 [himlok], 24-05-16 15:52多謝各位師兄寶貴意見!
- #9 [伊雲士], 24-05-16 16:54去老舊無線電行或鴨記就有啦 帶埋去配
最後修改時間: 2024-05-16 16:55:10 - #10 [hahayanyan], 24-05-16 17:01I can measure it later today for u
I have one pd300 set up and running daily
Good table haha - #11 [himlok], 24-05-17 15:11有勞hahayanyan師兄
Thank you - #12 [himlok], 24-05-17 15:12再次多謝各位師兄寶貴意見!
- #13 [hahayanyan], 24-05-17 16:08Hehe. Ok a little bit later
Haha please wait
Haha - #14 [hahayanyan], 24-05-17 19:06對摺大概46cm長
Approx. 5mm width
Wish your 真空吸力 still OK
Haha - #15 [hahayanyan], 24-05-17 19:07Is quite a good table..
Haha - #16 [hahayanyan], 24-05-17 19:12好嘅belt同差belt係會有影響嘅
我建議你睇下standard thorens belt 啱唔啱用, worth to check
I packed my thorens table 所以拆唔到出嚟去試一試. 有可能啱..
應該三百蚊可以買到, 雖然好似貴好多倍但係一條belt用十年值得嘅
最後修改時間: 2024-05-17 19:12:46 - #17 [himlok], 24-05-17 20:53多謝hahayanyan師兄幫忙!
真的要謝謝你 - #18 [hahayanyan], 24-05-17 20:56這個唱盤三點避震, 如果set up唔平均轉速會冇咁好的, 但係都好容易set嘅
- #19 [blackspin], 24-05-18 00:06#16
Thorens belt is much smaller in diameter, because it is driving the sub-platter rather than the Luxman format, driving the actual platter..........
Apliu street does not have such kind of belt for Luxman, it is better to order it from online shop, such as LP Gear in USA, or try search on Google for other online shop in EU, UK, the postal fee from EU and UK are lower than USA. - #20 [hahayanyan], 24-05-18 00:28Oh blackspin hing
U so right.. It is the inner platter,
How's silly I am
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請問Luxman pd300 黑膠唱盤皮帶香港有冇買?