- #1 [michaelyah], 13-06-11 12:38請求提供建議
- #2 [hahayanyan], 13-06-11 13:0920K.., many good old stuff.., what speaker u are using?
- #3 [wash], 13-06-11 13:14土砲膽機
- #4 [com-buddy], 13-06-11 13:15can buy European product la.
- #5 [solidsiu], 13-06-11 13:212手 SONIC FRONTIERS LINE 1 + POWER 1 應該吾駛2 萬, 平價靚聲之選.
想POWER 大啲就用POWER 2....
好聲過以加既4,5萬名牌合併機啦.... - #6 [hahayanyan], 13-06-11 13:25haha..many nice stuff for below 20K..., old but nice..
tell us more about your preference, surely many people here would love to blow water..haha
SONIC FRONTIERS LINE 1 + POWER 1 ...very sensible
yes any quite a number of choices for European Gear too ..
Solid state.., valve....etc..
何等級數 - high class - #7 [solidsiu], 13-06-11 14:28不過要睇下樓主用咩喇叭同聽咩歌多囉....
- #8 [com-buddy], 13-06-11 15:04what speaker u are using? X 2
- #9 [hahayanyan], 13-06-11 15:12haha may be later..someone shall suggest "AQxx " super good..and on sales now..i brought them from Mr. XXX ...super nice..etc.. ..haha
may be... no offense
1st..need to know your speaker now..or in the near future..
2nd.. we shall ask what kind of music..
3rd..may need to know about your space too..
many helpful C hing around.. if it is not those hard selling Fighter .. even if someone is a fighter, and open mind not too hard selling..why not to blow water..haha
many nice OLD stuff..
sonic frontier
Old naim , naim..meridian, audionet, very old spectral.. some audio research , quad.. herron...audiolab..and many unique but super nice but less well known brand too many..all different kind of nice...and with a bit of study and a bit of luck and a bit of negotiation skill ....and a bit of effort..then u shall have a very nice system which just a little bit less nice than those New but expensive hiend..haha
最後修改時間: 2013-06-11 15:26:45 - #10 [michaelyah], 13-06-12 12:29喇叭 : 自己DIY 4路8寸 , 理所當然自己DIY自己評價很高的
歐美牌子機有考慮過, 能夠入耳動輒都要3-40K,且聲音都不能滿足自己,
日前去聽過科寶膽機, 價錢很不便宜, 聲效却不太滿意.
考慮過國產或土炮可合乎預算, 請問各大哥可有推荐 ?
以聲音效果為主導, 沒有任何國界地域名器之分.
最後修改時間: 2013-06-12 12:38:44 - #11 [dearmylord], 13-06-12 17:20買對Dignity Audio DA08se 300B玩下,8w有氣有力,正!
- #12 [Pilotrol], 13-06-12 17:39Vintage Combo 1: Pilot SP-210 + Pilot SA-232
Vintage Combo 2: Dyanco ST-70 + Dynaco PAS-2/3
Vintage Combo 3: Eico HF-85 + Eico HF-86
Vintage Combo 4: Fisher 100-T + Fisher SA-100 - #13 [Ptcm], 13-06-12 17:46Naim 202/200 but $25k
- #14 [hahayanyan], 13-06-13 10:20DIY 4路8寸 , ,sound like something not easy to handle...
any photos to share, interesting..
u prefer tube? then u better have something at least 4xkt88, or even 4xkt88 each channel. 20K , still possible..some vintage have super good output transformer, that is the core for a good tube amp - for example from UK - Bill Beard P100 power amp...El34... or BB100 integrated
最後修改時間: 2013-06-13 10:24:49 - #15 [嚦嚦二世], 13-06-13 11:10如果唔介意玩2手,可以考慮Herron VTSP-2A膽前+Parasound A21石後.
- #16 [fomhk], 13-06-13 11:45Nick,
But it is over 20K wor for Herron VTS-2A + Parasound A21. - #17 [jaylam], 13-06-13 11:45我出售一套DENSEN前後級,B-200,B-320,價錢2萬多,有興趣PM我
- #18 [嚦嚦二世], 13-06-13 11:56oh sorry I'm never good with money, haha.
how about Herron VTSP-1A/166 + Parasound A23 then? - #19 [hahayanyan], 13-06-13 12:03Herron VTSP-2A膽前+Parasound A21石後.>>good idea
- #20 [icefox_2001], 13-06-13 12:07Herron VTSP-2A膽前+Parasound A21石後.>>good idea
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