- #21 [erictang], 06-05-05 17:29
- #22 [lym], 06-05-05 17:54eric :
Just a week ago, brother 老友 went to Japan, brothers asked him to bring back AT-OC9 but it went out of stock. We therefore switched to its bigger brother AT33 (roughly yen 35000). I have not yet tried it out though.
I have been using 103R all along and I mainly listen to classical. It is 平靚正 IMO. - #23 [lym], 06-05-05 17:54eric :
BTW, I am using LP12/Ittok. -
- #24 [erictang], 06-05-05 18:06thanks lym hing,
I can find info about ATOC9-MLII which is selling at a bit less than usd300 in web site like needledoctor but cannot find much information about AT33. - #25 [lym], 06-05-05 18:19
- #26 [lym], 06-05-05 18:22
- #27 [erictang], 06-05-05 18:39Thanks again lym hing. It looks very nice.
- #28 [albertino], 06-05-05 18:54eric,
I think you will be disappointed to have AT33 or 103R to replace your VDH cartridge. They are not at the same level for comparison with your VDH. My 103R is kept for backup only. - #29 [clonee], 06-05-05 19:13"disappointed to have AT33 or 103R to replace your VDH cartridge."
tino: 有冇著錯鞋丫, lym買我又羊群跟風買左粒o窩!
lym: AT33 開聲未? - #30 [albertino], 06-05-05 19:36clonee,
AT33 & Denon 103R are very good cartriges at their price range, but I think they are not up to the par with the VDH cartridge that eric is using now. - #31 [lym], 06-05-05 19:49VDH 起馬皮幾野先有得玩吾係我玩既....
Clonee :
吾玩讓埋比我囉... - #32 [clonee], 06-05-05 20:22lym:
你要咁多把兜咩... - #33 [tabletalking], 06-05-05 20:50tino: "AT33 & Denon 103R are very good cartriges at their price range,"
on 2nd thoughts, with every cart having its signature sound, so i can see a special moment of each. - #34 [erictang], 06-05-05 22:36Hi Albert,
No problem la.
By the way, are you free tomorrow afternoon? - #35 [albertino], 06-05-05 22:47eric,
I can't spare much time in the afternoon as I have to back home at 4 p.m. If you can have a day off, I may go to your place to listen to your new set up.
Btw, have you tried my tube pre-amp yet? Hope you will soon poisoned by tube amps. - #36 [erictang], 06-05-05 23:01Hi Albert,
Saturday bor also 4:00pm?
Yes, under the tube pre-amp, 蔡琴 sounds sweet and smooth. For treble, not as crystal clear as my solid state. As a whole, it is a good amp. - #37 [lym], 06-05-08 07:53Good morning
- #38 [eico], 06-05-08 08:03
Seeing the 黃果樹 waterfall, relax and have a nice day all brothers. :) - #39 [dd845], 06-05-08 11:02身體力行,好學不倦..
^___^ - #40 [m6], 06-05-08 12:52Calling dd,
check your email box, please!!!
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Regarding MC Cart, any comments on AT-OC9 & Denon 103R for classical music, mainly orchestral & concerto. Any other suggestion in this price range for Linn Ittok arm?
Thanks in advance.