- #2567 [hahayanyan], 24-09-10 07:35https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFotKbjdAzQ
- #2566 [hahayanyan], 24-09-10 06:33
有啲片段睇下更 有趣
最後修改時間: 2024-09-10 06:34:02 - #2565 [hahayanyan], 24-09-10 05:05
- #2564 [fotheringay], 24-09-10 01:12
I am back!!!
Sorry for not being here for a while. Just holiday and too many toys to play with!! - #2563 [bigleung], 24-09-09 21:49
- #2562 [hahayanyan], 24-09-09 03:28
- #2561 [twinggy], 24-09-08 23:25Christopher Nolan 嘅電影唔單止娛樂性高,藝術性亦不遑多讓。^^
Tks for sharing ! - #2560 [hahayanyan], 24-09-08 04:46
- #2559 [twinggy], 24-09-01 12:14Having a caring and understanding wife is truly a lifetime blessing. ^^
I’d very much love to visit Pennan sometime in the future too, guess it must be a place of tranquillity ! - #2558 [fotheringay], 24-08-31 19:16
It was my mistake that "Lily Was Here" was a Dutch production and not a German production as narrated in my video.
In October me and my wife are having a short holiday and initially we are thinking a walking holiday in Europe.
We have looked into some destinations, my old place Alcudia in Spain, also Menorca and Bilbao in Spain, Greece and a small island but I can't remember the name.
I know my my wife doesn't like flying so it has taken her a while considering the final destination.
Then she told me why don't we go to Scotland? And specifically The Pennan Inn in Pennan, Scotland where they filmed Local Hero, my favourite movie and OST.
What a lovely wife!!!!
I thought why not? We always want to to go to Scotland but it's not a good idea in the summer because of the midges!!!
最後修改時間: 2024-08-31 19:31:20 - #2557 [hahayanyan], 24-08-31 18:29受到呢個post 嘅 inspiration
突然間諗起一啲樂章及歌曲, 就睇下有冇關連嘅電影.. 有得聽有得睇幾好呢
有時諗起一啲電影 想回味一下片段, 就睇下有冇soundtrack睇下..., 有得回味又有好嘅音樂實在太好了
覺得唔錯就在這裏分享一下 haha
最後修改時間: 2024-08-31 18:29:47 - #2556 [twinggy], 24-08-31 18:11#2552
小弟一向對John Williams嘅配樂作品冇乜感覺但《Geisha/藝妓回憶錄》算係少數幾隻嘅例外作品之一。
Tks for posting some classic film music. ^_^ - #2555 [twinggy], 24-08-31 18:03#2551
當年好多朋友買咗隻OST返去先至發覺Sting首歌唔係原聲大碟入邊⋯ - #2554 [twinggy], 24-08-31 18:01#2550
Seal唱歌真係正! - #2553 [twinggy], 24-08-31 18:00#2548
The OST LP’s SQ outperforms that of my CD. ^^ - #2552 [hahayanyan], 24-08-31 08:50
- #2551 [hahayanyan], 24-08-31 08:12
- #2550 [hahayanyan], 24-08-31 06:53
- #2549 [hahayanyan], 24-08-31 01:50
Add 推兩個video
Haha - #2548 [fotheringay], 24-08-30 22:34
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