- #1 [zbigniew821], 09-04-30 15:31Soundtrack 同好會 is for discussion and sharing of OST. Many OST are so good in terms of music quality and sound quality. Let's talk about them in a productive way ...
- #2 [zbigniew821], 09-04-30 15:39The one I recently listen again is 3橘之戀. I bought it years ago. It'a an amazing record in terms of the mood it created with simply
提琴、鋼琴、吉他、長笛、手風琴,和來自香港梁小衛的人聲吟唱. Listen more you will find it tries to portray the deepest melancholic emotion with basic instruments. The arrangement is quite modern and some songs may appear to be experimental to some (but not noisy), but it has its classical legacy.
While the movie seems to be about youth, its music is not.
In terms of recording quality, what can I say - it's very satisfactory and for some audiophile-like. It has been one of my favorite records ... anyone has this CD?
If you like 《戀戀風塵》, this is a must ...
Source: http://ent.sina.com.tw/music/product/137221
電影原聲帶 / 3橘之戀
被譽為繼《戀戀風塵》之後,台灣表現最傑出的電影配樂。 - #3 [eurojazz], 09-04-30 16:09
誘僧 (1995) >
Have been looking for ages. Yet in vain. :-(
- #4 [zbigniew821], 09-04-30 16:12誘僧 (1995) is good oh! Have you looked at Wan Chai 2nd second shops? I think it's once there ...
- #5 [rickymartin], 09-04-30 16:15Music from the Screens (Philip Glass)
- #6 [rickymartin], 09-04-30 16:23天地英雄 Warriors of Heaven and Earth (OST)
- #7 [rickymartin], 09-04-30 16:30我和殭屍有個約會 II (YAMAHA Recording)
Excellent OST of audiophile quality. - #8 [rickymartin], 09-04-30 20:14.
- #9 [lplhyf], 09-04-30 20:42阿波羅13有感想
- #10 [bigfatstranger], 09-05-01 00:33這個thread有意思, 非加入不可~
- #11 [bigfatstranger], 09-05-01 00:48要說近期我最喜歡的soundtrack, 卻是波兒...
說到從前, 有套蒼海遺珠叫Gattaca, 音樂由Michael Nyman搞出黎, 電影呢, 好睇到不知所謂, 電影音樂呢, 仲緊要, 簡直係好聽到得人驚, 全力推介比大家!! - #12 [musicfor1314], 09-05-01 01:16One From The Heart
- #13 [barrytsekwong], 09-05-01 01:48PARIS,*TEXAS.
- #14 [bigfatstranger], 09-05-01 03:08Tom Waits, 我啱喎~
德州巴黎絕對係發燒界至愛soundtrack之一啦, 最近朋友上黎我屋企聽歌, 聽聽吓都有播呢張呀, 真係好有氣勢... - #15 [rickymartin], 09-05-01 11:25爆到九彩
- #16 [tckl], 09-05-01 11:40戀戀風塵!
- #17 [penndan], 09-05-01 11:47戀戀風塵 and PARIS,*TEXAS are my 飛 佛.
- #18 [5585], 09-05-01 11:48這兩Soundtrack常聽....
- #19 [ck2005], 09-05-01 11:58戀戀風塵 and PARIS,*TEXAS are my 飛 佛.
me too, plus many others. - #20 [ck2005], 09-05-01 12:00碟面有D 污點, 見證歲月的流逝..........
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