- #3077 [twinggy], 25-01-08 18:26
- #3076 [Twinggy], 25-01-07 17:00
With a good dose of African singing thrown into the mix ^^ - #3075 [Twinggy], 25-01-07 16:47
- #3074 [twinggy], 25-01-07 16:41In a Better World OST CD (Back)
- #3073 [twinggy], 25-01-07 16:392010年丹麥電影《愛有新世界》。
負責替電影配樂嘅係瑞典電影音樂作曲家Johan Soderqvist。電影原聲CD入邊二十三首音樂都係配樂選段,基本上以簡單嘅真樂器演奏,屬於典型北歐電影嘅配樂風格。
電影原聲CD由瑞典電影音樂label Movie Score Media發行,音質上乘,富有立體感而包裝就只係跟普通CD盒一個同一份有簡單解說嘅封面頁。
In a Better World OST CD (Front)
Music Score by Johan Soderqvist
EU Pressing - #3072 [Twinggy], 25-01-07 16:38They are good for breaking in or invigorating speakers !
- #3071 [fotheringay], 25-01-07 10:14
Perhaps we could also have another kind of drums and percussion music.
- #3070 [fotheringay], 25-01-07 10:13
不過似乎仲未開聲,睇黎要揾你啲 beloved Rocks 煲番滾佢一段時間 ;)
Suggestion from another R33 member. Not quite using Rock music to run in, instead I try using dome deep drums and heavy percussion musical instruments to test the bass performance.
Some familiar OST from our famous HK/China movies. I once praised for their visual breakthrough from them.
Now, with more and more movies rely on visual effects and nothing more they become quite sterile to me.
- #3069 [Twinggy], 25-01-06 20:00Oh My bad. Tks for your correction, any input is always appreciated.
Mistake like this is going to be more frequent in the future . Now that it takes much effort n time to post and correct any typos / mistakes herein , the phone just lags and becomes hot like pancake whenever it is used for word processing in the R33 app.
BTW I am no fan of Wim Wenders whose pictures are usually thought provoking , artistic etc, certainly not for a cheapie guy like me who is more into those slasher flicks .^^
最後修改時間: 2025-01-06 20:13:14 - #3068 [fotheringay], 25-01-06 19:04
Wim Wanders?? Wim Wenders younger brother???? ha....ha.......
Just teasing and hope not upsetting the film mastero!!!!!!!
I have not seen Palermo Shooting. Sounds like produced in German, right?
As usual Wim Wenders would attract lots of big names in musical world.
A reprise from Until The End Of The World and rumours have that many big names were fighting to provide soundtrack to get the recognition that they were not just a "Big Band" but also a very much a "Art Band"!! - #3067 [twinggy], 25-01-06 17:53
The theme song ^^ - #3066 [twinggy], 25-01-06 17:47
- #3065 [twinggy], 25-01-06 17:38Palermo Shooting OST CD (Back)
- #3064 [twinggy], 25-01-06 17:362008年德國導演Wim Wanders作品《巴拉莫死神約會》。
曾經風光一時,曾執導1984年嘅《Paris、 Texas/ 巴黎、德州》等電影作品嘅Wim Wanders,近年出品劣評如潮,呢套由德國搖滾樂手Campino主演嘅電影亦唔例外,參與演出嘅仲有Dennis Hopper 同Lou Reed (!)等。電影故事講述男主角係一位時裝攝影師,佢一路以來都係過住都市人嗰種work hard play hard嘅物質主義生活。一次交通意外後大命不死嘅佢決定離開德國杜塞多夫去到意大利小城Palermo,希望能夠尋求靈感去開展新生活。佢喺當地仲認識咗一位從事古壁畫修復嘅當地女友Flavia。正當一切看似向好嘅時候,佢發覺自己比一位企圖加害於佢嘅陌生人追蹤,之外佢仲發咗好多離奇古怪嘅夢,呢一切令佢開始反思生命與死亡間嘅關係⋯
電影原聲就似呢位導演嘅其他作品一樣,充斥住大量黎自唔同歌手、樂隊所創作嘅新舊音樂同小量配樂選段。電影原聲CD入邊二十一首音樂中只有三首係由德國資深電影音樂作曲家Irmin Scmidt 創作嘅配樂選段,其餘都係歌曲。至於電影配樂專輯就從來未有發行過實體版,聽眾只可以選擇聽Spotify 。Grinderman演唱嘅主題曲《Dream (Song For Finn)》係出自Nick Cave同Warren Ellis手筆。其餘嘅歌曲有Beirut嘅《Postcards From Italy》、Portishead嘅 《The Rip》等。歌曲風格首首不同,十分多元化因為全部都係導演嘅個人機遇而產生嘅選擇。
Palermo Shooting OST CD (Front)
Music Score by Irmin Schmidt
Songs Sung by various
German Pressing
最後修改時間: 2025-01-06 17:39:05 - #3063 [twinggy], 25-01-05 15:11Rare beast in HK, saw once only during a home visit long time ago but never got the chance to sit down and have a listen.
Heard that they need some macho amplifiers to sing. Good luck to you ! ^^ - #3062 [fotheringay], 25-01-05 00:40
Happy movie watching in 2025.
New toys for the new year, however they are still old things.
One of my favourite British LINN audio is DMS Isobarik speakers , apart from LP12 Turntable. For many years I had nearly got myself a pair many times over but never getting one at the end.
They are difficult to play, the best play is to use active external crossovers, three large output power amp. Or you can not play it well.
So a lot of people like me would play his little brother.
Although the LINN SARA Isobarik is small mount stand speaker, it still needs a lot f power to push. I hope my Onkyo Power Amp with 175W per side will handle it! - #3061 [twinggy], 25-01-03 18:55
- #3060 [twinggy], 25-01-03 18:54
- #3059 [twinggy], 25-01-03 18:35Blue Valentine OST CD (Back)
- #3058 [twinggy], 25-01-03 18:29The film makes an ironic comment on the realstionship of men and women, which is sad but true ....
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睇嚟要臥病在床幾日 !^_^