- #71 [JTA], 24-09-10 00:08
- #70 [JTA], 24-09-05 22:36
Interview with Matthew Webster YG Acoustics CEO - High End Munich 2024
- #69 [JTA], 24-09-02 17:57夜幕低垂
- #68 [JTA], 24-08-12 19:10Kenny 師兄,
恭喜!我也十分開心能在音響展聽到 YG 新型號喇叭的聲音。
最後修改時間: 2024-08-12 19:10:54 - #67 [Kenny], 24-08-12 17:04我部好鍾意 YG ^_^! 今年有幸聽咗 雙塔型號幾分鐘。
- #66 [JTA], 24-08-12 08:23.
- #65 [JTA], 24-08-12 08:23.
- #64 [JTA], 24-08-12 08:23·
- #63 [JTA], 24-08-12 08:22
Hong Kong AV SHOW 2024 / Audia, YG Acoustics / Demonstration
- #62 [JTA], 24-07-31 07:51
- #61 [JTA], 24-03-22 20:22
YG Talus Speaker & Descent Subwoofer Review
- #60 [JTA], 23-10-21 10:23
專訪YG Acoustics 國際銷售副總 Steve Huntley: 山脈之巔的傑作Peaks系列喇叭
Peaks與過去YG Acoustics喇叭最大差異就是使用鋁合金以外的材料打造箱體,最大影響是直接降低材料製作成本,受惠的便是喜愛YG Acoustics但過去受限於預算的發燒友,在Peaks系列中最小的書架喇叭Cairn定價為34萬,而最大的落地喇叭Summit定價為100萬整,這與過去動輒百萬起跳YG Acoustics其他型號相比實在是友善太多。而且Peaks系列一口氣共有5個喇叭型號,1個超低音型號,在尺寸和單體配置的分野很細,因此用家花點時間就能夠找到完全適合空間的相對應型號,同時在喇叭外觀上也與過去不同,木皮外觀箱體與鋁合金前面板的搭配相當有質感且耐看,簡單說便是對用家選擇增加了許多。Peaks在技術上除了箱體改變以外,單體與技術上運用的與過往高階型號無異,YG Acoustics也是一家擁有許多自家技術的製造商,在官方網站上都能看到相關文件和測量說明檔案,通常有這樣公開說明的廠商所推出的產品水準都相當高,有興趣的朋友可以去研究看看。 - #59 [hinhin], 23-08-11 18:39好聲
- #58 [JTA], 23-08-11 17:30香港高級視聽展 2023
- #57 [JTA], 23-06-28 09:05
Interview: YG Acoustics - NEW Active Loudspeakers ???? #ygacoustics
- #56 [JTA], 23-02-19 16:10
The Peaks Series
- #55 [JTA], 21-11-23 09:04
- #54 [hahayanyan], 21-04-23 10:02#52
Really have some crazy company making it as such.**7kg..down to 30g... And glad they mentioned.. Recycle too Haha
Not excatly difficult but time consuming... And very expensive machine for such task too
Thx for sharing this
Haha - #53 [JTA], 21-04-23 09:38From YG Facebook
Loudspeaker drivers have to “fight” friction, which hinders their precise and timely movement. The quality of a speaker is measured, among others, by how “lossy” it is, i.e. how much friction exists in the system. A loudspeaker with a high-loss enclosure suffers from boxy, slow sound. Low losses, on the other hand, indicate a quick reaction-time, freedom from boxiness and a tight, punchy bass. To measure losses, the driver is examined both in free air and inside its enclosure. The lower its impedance peak drops when enclosed, the “lossier” the enclosure. The higher the impedance peak remains, the lower the loss (better). YG Acoustics™’ FocusedElimination™ eradicates standing-waves at their source through antiresonance technology, applied to pinpoint locations inside the cabinet. Following is evidence that cabinets employing FocusedElimination™ technology offer dramatically lower loss than enclosures fully stuffed with damping material. - #52 [JTA], 21-04-23 09:37From YG Facebook
YG Acoustics™’ BilletCore™ drivers start life as massive slabs of aircraft-grade aluminum alloy. The drivers are then precisely machined, until over 99% of the material is removed as tiny chips for recycling, and only the desired shape remains. The material is not bent, stamped, stretched, woven, cracked or otherwise stressed into submission. Any of those methods always induce fatigue. BilletCore™ drivers, in contrast, retain the full strength of the material. They are, however, significantly more difficult to manufacture: several hours of machining are required to produce a single BilletCore™ woofer cone from a solid slab of aircraft-grade aluminum alloy. The finished cone is 0.008” (0.2 mm) thick and weighs under 1 oz (30 g), whereas the raw solid billet is 2.5” (64 mm) thick and weighs 16 lbs (7 kg). - 下一頁 (1 of 4)
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E191: Factory Tour: YG Acoustics