- #238 [Aopen], 24-11-29 08:18thorens td1500 可否更換其他牌子唱臂?
- #237 [hkkaho], 24-01-25 15:34td 320 可以升級咩電源好? thx
- #236 [lloyd888], 23-06-17 17:21請教新手想入1600 +hana ML + soulnote E1
謝各位! -
- #235 [rcywong], 23-05-22 21:17Not bad at all.....ha...
- #234 [rcywong], 23-05-22 21:05The speed is still running smooth although it was over 50 years.
- #233 [椿三十郎], 23-05-22 16:13德國佬做事一流,以前用其他盤3345實有d古怪嘢,Thorens永冇甩轆
- #232 [rcywong], 23-05-22 15:42My TD124 MKII.
- #231 [椿三十郎], 23-05-22 14:45Thorens 160 MKII + Origin Live Onyx + Ortofon M20FL報到
- #230 [cslo333], 23-05-22 11:14Blackspin ching thanks
I have clean stylus and vinyl before play, it is sometime hit the rock - must need to clean.
I download the SME 3009 S3 pdf try try the fine tuning result.
No setup tonearm tool or templates ^^
lets hard to play again...I try to reset all in normal base on the PDF first. start from 0 to fine tune better stages.
... thanks if any share to me thorens fans.
最後修改時間: 2023-05-22 11:14:58 - #229 [blackspin], 23-05-22 03:43Why not search for the Thorens and SME user manual on internet and download them.......... frankly, you can resolve all the problem by reading the user manual. Do you have the SME tonearm setup template and the Stylus pressure gauge? If not, you better get these two setup tools first. And your Shure V15 type4 is a great in tracking, is the stylus original and how long it have been used? Did you clean the stylus after playing the vinyl?
- #228 [cslo333], 23-05-21 13:55各位師兄有請教
1, 稱砣拉擺
2, 左邊重量
3, 稱砣拉桿線
4, 一至兩gram
THORENS 321, 最近撠到少少嘢,都條跳線跳針,好難調教,請問有冇依據作調教方向?多謝請指教 - #227 [hahayanyan], 20-09-02 15:00it was "Four 能仕" long long ago AT HK something like it at hong kong
THEN long ,long time AGO..china GIVE THEM a name "" 多能仕" - #226 [Joeyd], 20-09-02 13:18Thanks hahayanyan 兄。
- #225 [hahayanyan], 20-09-02 13:07may be 40 ..or more yrs ago............
- #224 [Joeyd], 20-09-02 12:58冇留意過佢中文名,請問由幾時開始個中譯名叫" 多能仕"?
- #223 [wkltd], 20-06-01 13:16謝謝
- #222 [Cslo333], 20-05-31 21:29地鐵站C2出口即向左走;圖大約位置;街外鋪;在鋪側掛住
最後修改時間: 2020-05-31 21:30:52 - #221 [hc21924900], 20-05-31 19:48#219
U may try Ap Liu st. - #220 [Cslo333], 20-05-29 17:30
- #219 [wkltd], 20-05-28 20:35請問各位唱片鎮的橡筋斷了,在香港什麼地方可以買到?謝謝。
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