- #1 [jblfriends], 06-02-05 09:40
- #2 [jblfriends], 06-02-05 09:44左圖為 AR-MST 高音, 右圖為AR 3 , 2ax 高音
- #3 [jblfriends], 06-02-05 09:46下圖為不同年代 AR 高音
- #4 [jblfriends], 06-02-05 09:47下圖為不同年代 AR 高音
- #5 [stc], 06-02-10 02:31Any experience on AR3a to share with us? That's a great speaker in the 70s.
- #6 [vintagefan], 06-02-10 16:52AR-3 係非常出色的speaker,甚有韻味,人我覺得最正係人聲.不過,AR-3的礎鴗騆麻煩,要貼牆,而且現時找到的AR-3,不多比較殘舊或有點小問題.
AR-3係絕對值得收藏及玩味的喇叭.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. - #7 [jblfriends], 06-02-12 09:52Stc 兄, vintagefan 兄 幸有你兩有興趣談vintage AR speaker, 多謝, 小弟自少喜愛AR speaker, 當時係1980年,第一次見AR 9 在中環明發行, Amp係 Crown SA-2, 聲音當然係小弟自己心目中 State of Art. 因家居九龍, 童年時候經常到鴨寮街, 當時經常見二手AR speaker, 第一次見到 AR3a 就唔開胃, 白而殘到偏黃色揚捱, 高音掣iring用電蠸旬cover, 真係見其貌就……,
當時報紙有Hi-Fi專欄, 星期一買新報, 在報張上最多報到就係AR (明發行marketing strategy), 作者陳兆康(明發太子爺)偶有在AR product review 回 憶起AR 3a 無敵握五, 當時年幼的我百思不得其解, 為何這舊木會有此魔力?
To be continue…..
上星期同D Hi-Fi take photos, 圖中就係小弟自己心目中握五筋, JBL 2441 horn 頭 同 3a 中音 (後其粉磁 品種), 請 參考..
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v704/chanpicco/AR3avia2441.jpg[/IMG] - #8 [jblfriends], 06-02-12 09:54請 參考..
- #9 [jblfriends], 06-02-12 21:35請參考..
3a 中音 (後其粉磁品種) + 3a 半球型高音用 (巨型Alnico磁體). - #10 [review33], 06-02-13 01:12Believe me or not, I have a pair of 3a(Imp) living together with another pair of my beloved though the later is 15 times much more expensive than the former, the 3a still performs better in replay of precussion.
Here is my pair of 3a Improved. - #11 [jblfriends], 06-02-17 17:04My AR collections.
- #12 [jblfriends], 06-02-17 17:05My AR collections.
- #13 [jblfriends], 06-02-17 17:06AR collections- AR-MST
- #14 [jblfriends], 06-02-17 17:14AR collections - 10 inches Alnico woofer AR-2ax
- #15 [fiman], 06-02-17 17:501954,Edgar invented the air suspension woofer.It broke two world record.
the lowest frequency can be reached.
the lowest Harmonic distoration. - #16 [fiman], 06-02-17 17:54AR first model is AR-1.
- #17 [fiman], 06-02-17 17:59one tweeter shown below with metal cone is called
AR ti tweeter with magnetic fluid in the voice gap which is used in AR TSW series speakers. - #18 [fiman], 06-02-17 18:02some tweeters shown below used AR four point suspension.It is not as good as three point suspension.
- #19 [fiman], 06-02-17 18:34Edgar Villchur AR-1 is a 2 way system,the drivers were made by Western Electric,their 755A
- #20 [fiman], 06-02-17 18:35Edgar Villchur AR-1 is a 2 way system,drivers were made by Western Electric,their 755A
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