- #57608 [jblfriends], 25-02-16 09:31
- #57607 [Dynavector], 25-02-15 21:39
The Spanish violinist María Dueñas releases her second DG album, on which she plays Nicolò Paganini's iconic 24 Caprices. She couples the pieces, which are known as some of the hardest works that have ever been written for violin, with a selection of later works inspired by Paganini, presenting music by composers ranging from Berlioz and Kreisler to Gabriela Ortiz.
“Paganini's 24 Caprices are a milestone for every violinist,” explains Dueñas, when asked about her choice of repertoire. “I grew up listening to and performing them, and when we hear the word ‘caprice’ we instantly think of Paganini, but there are so many other caprices, from Saint-Saëns's Rondo capriccioso to works by contemporary composers like Cervelló, for example. I really wanted to show how a lot of little moments from the musical world all come together.”
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 21:39:42 - #57606 [jblfriends], 25-02-15 21:14月球上有人類未知的神秘! 它是什麼? 意味着月球上有姨姨!
為了慶祝月球上有姨姨,它擁有月相和專利地相功能。月相盤上可以看到兩輪塗有 Super-LumiNova®(白光)的超大月亮,月相盤在 2 點鐘位置的小錶盤中旋轉。位於10點鐘位置的小錶盤中的地相功能是彩色的。
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 21:19:07 -
- #57605 [jblfriends], 25-02-15 19:41
- #57604 [fotheringay], 25-02-15 17:57點解蚌精咁似曹達華嘅?唔通嗰陣時已經有變性人transgender??
- #57603 [hifibb], 25-02-15 17:54晒蝦乾.
- #57602 [hifibb], 25-02-15 17:538個大洋遊車船河.
- #57601 [Jblfriends], 25-02-15 12:11嘩!好靚女喎!
Thank you, Dyna San. - #57600 [Dynavector], 25-02-15 10:51
蚌精 - #57599 [Jblfriends], 25-02-15 09:58Dyna San,
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 10:03:52 - #57598 [Dynavector], 25-02-15 09:41
- #57597 [jblfriends], 25-02-15 09:36聽,睇 Dyna san推介德國籍日本鋼琴家音樂視頻,嗰個頻率圖,
帶畀我有啲啟蒙, 鋼琴發聲頻率大約27hz - 4.1k.
神賜予人耳特別功能 (睇下面):
由於人耳對耳機嘅頻率響應有唔同嘅增益因素,所以對「正常」頻率響應嘅一般形狀會有 2-9khz 之間嘅相當高。換句話講,對我哋耳仔嘅物理形狀會放大某啲頻率。
重播風姨姨用耳機too bad too bad,用揚聲器聽,好私服!想"必必"!
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 09:40:05 - #57596 [Dynavector], 25-02-14 21:28
German-Japanese pianist Alice Sara Ott releases her new album, on which she immerses herself in the rarely performed world of John Field, the lesser-known “father” of the beloved Nocturne. “Engaging with Field's nocturnes was a deeply rewarding experience,” says Ott. “Their beauty and grace affected me profoundly and enriched my life while I was preparing for this recording. By recording this album, I hope to share the story of this historically important composer and to encourage listeners to discover the origins of the Nocturne.”
The album is a visual and auditory exploration of the pianist's journey through the music of a nearly forgotten composer. It is not only the first recording of Field's complete Nocturnes on DG but also the first Dolby Atmos version ever. Additionally, in a complete first for classical music, the album will be accompanied by a series of sophisticated music videos, uniquely crafted in a cutting-edge LED studio, pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling. The full 45m film will immerse viewers in the pianist's imagination and her connection to Field's music, offering a rare glimpse into the artist’s mind during her creative process.
最後修改時間: 2025-02-15 20:39:38 - #57595 [Jblfriends], 25-02-14 14:09上個月睇咗井之頭除夕篇,先前以為只係MyTV super 先有得睇,原來YouTube 都有,可惜日文版要睇字幕!
- #57594 [300Bguy], 25-02-14 13:32沖出國際了。。。
- #57593 [jblfriends], 25-02-14 09:08Dyna靚相介紹大阪萬博公園.
最後修改時間: 2025-02-14 09:10:08 - #57592 [Dynavector], 25-02-14 07:33
最後修改時間: 2025-02-14 07:34:36 - #57591 [fotheringay], 25-02-13 22:25
如果用混音器可以發出好聲, 噉就冇問題喇!.......
噉得唔得? - #57590 [fotheringay], 25-02-13 22:15
公餘場 No.2 :.......木咀Chi推介
最後修改時間: 2025-02-13 22:16:22 - #57589 [jblfriends], 25-02-13 21:59
舊時嘅 analogue world HiFi友,即使一條訊號線,有佢哋嘅自我追求概概念.
如果你去錄音室,console上有許多旋鈕. 錄音工程師整一張好嘅碟,你會話,你錄嘅CD好好聲.
如果用混音器可以發出好聲, 噉就冇問題喇!
最後修改時間: 2025-02-13 22:03:36 - 下一頁 (1 of 2876)
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Wilson beneech 報告Frequency Response on Axis 15 degree同30 degree在指定頻率Roll off 不大,原來放屁管有兩條,怪不得Dyna San 用咁多錢買,聽小提琴當然好私服喇!
亞伯你知啲咩嘢技術呀? 咩嘢十五度,三十度呀?你…. 你..你笑亞伯,我用30度剪你吖。
離軸(on-axis)頻率響應(15 度) - 在距離揚聲器表面(2 或 3 公尺)15 度離軸(on-axis)處水平測量。你…. 你..你笑亞伯,我用30度剪你吖。
測量可聽頻譜中距中心位置 15 度處的揚聲器輸出。這模仿了您在聆聽位置時揚聲器稍微向內傾斜時所聽到的聲音,但並非直接對準您的耳朵。
最後修改時間: 2025-02-16 09:45:16