- #57315 [Jblfriends], 25-01-13 10:17
- #57314 [jblfriends], 25-01-13 08:50Linda Ronstadt 70年代取得成功,音樂生涯中跨越鄉村、民謠、搖滾、流行、拉丁音樂、爵士音樂等風格。
喺嗰個時候可以叫自己係 JB友,Linda Ronstadt唱片.
如果你用Solid state 放大器, 尤其喺SAE ,McIntosh, JBL horn聲會好硬! 呢好似Linda心口噉嘅! 好拮手,好拮耳.
今日老男人蜜乳 - 日本黑膠王子
我哋嘅討論區有黑膠王子Chi哥, 點解今日介紹呢個日本黑膠王子呢?
睇附圖, 日本黑膠王子有我哋所有嘅討論區HiFi友元素.
300B兄嘅 Marantz 7, Dyna 老師嘅Nagra,有好多黑膠似Chi哥. 佢仲有 JBL.
最後修改時間: 2025-01-13 09:04:59 - #57313 [Dynavector], 25-01-12 23:14
Late Night Concert : Linda Ronstadt – Live In Hollywood 1980
Linda Ronstadt Live In Hollywood from Television Center Studios on April 24, 1980.
1. Intro 0:00:00
2. I Can't Let Go 0:01:25
3. Party Girl 0:04:33
4. It's So Easy 0:08:47
5. Willin' 0:11:37
6. I Can't Help It 0:15:33
7. Just One Look 0:18:53
8. Look Out for My Love 0:22:24
9. Mad Love 0:26:22
10. Cost of Love 0:30:11
11. Blue Bayou 0:33:17
12. Lies 0:37:47
13. Faithless Love 0:40:58
14. Hurt So Bad 0:45:18
15. Silver Threads and Golden Needles 0:48:54
16. Band Introductions 0:51:43
17. Poor Poor Pitiful Me 0:54:03
18. You're No Good 0:58:15
19. How Do I Make You 1:04:38
20. Back in the U.S.A. 1:07:31
21. Heat Wave 1:10:39
22. Desperado 1:13:34
Linda Ronstadt: Lead vocals
Kenny Edwards: Guitar and banjo, backing vocals
Danny Kortchmar: Guitar, renowned session guitarist
Russ Kunkel: Drums
Bob Glaub: Bass
Billy Payne: Keyboards, from Little Feat
Dan Dugmore: Guitar and pedal steel guitar
Wendy Waldman: Backing vocals
Peter Asher: Percussion and backing vocals, Producer
- #57312 [Jblfriends], 25-01-12 18:30星期日都可以見到姨姨,真係好!
- #57311 [Dynavector], 25-01-12 16:21
- #57310 [Jblfriends], 25-01-12 11:58忽如一夜春風來,千樹萬樹梨花開。
如果你問自己,你嘅玩音響目標係想屋企嘅音響靚聲,或你可唔花大錢買靚聲器材,如果你話自己嘅選擇係第一選,咁可以買個Grace F9E就得喇。
老男人,賣廣告咩,唔係,八十年代分音黃用咗十幾年9E. 超值嘢,之後先昇級買Dynavector Nova.
最後修改時間: 2025-01-12 12:02:42 - #57309 [jblfriends], 25-01-12 10:02自古說:『真人不露相,露相不真人。Dyna san確實真男人不露相.
攝影專家 Chi哥原照相片就係佢睇到嘅嘢.
Quote: 現上在Lightroom加暖後的色調,不過以像有太陽已出來了,其實不真實的。
In everyday life, we inhabit a space of three dimensions – a vast 'cupboard' with height, width and depth, well known for centuries. Less obviously, we can consider time as an additional, fourth dimension, as Einstein famously revealed.
Dyna san昨晚推薦上白石萌音,歌唱技巧不錯,2020年一月,上白石萌音及佐藤健共演冬季連續劇《戀愛可以持續到天長地久》,佐藤健,佐藤健於2007至2008年曾演出特攝劇《幪面超人電王》.
追蹤Dyna san posts搵啲嘢講唔容易,好彩我識幪面超人. - #57308 [fotheringay], 25-01-12 07:03係色溫問題,現場確是偏藍色,之前放上的照片似我見到真實的眼前。
Sensor 出來的,肯定比光源攪到亂晒籠,最好當然在那刻做個manual white balance,但電腦也可以做。
最後修改時間: 2025-01-12 07:06:20 - #57307 [Dynavector], 25-01-12 06:02
色溫問題,影雪嘅色溫用大概8000K,如果still blue,再推高D。
- #57306 [fotheringay], 25-01-12 05:00jbl 兄,
最後修改時間: 2025-01-12 05:03:26 - #57305 [Dynavector], 25-01-11 23:55
- #57304 [jblfriends], 25-01-11 23:29Chi哥今次D相顏色感覺少少怪,唔知係軟件調整程式問題定係天氣?
但係點都好,正如你所講,只係屋企玩, 冇問題.
幾個月前見你有移軸鏡頭, 今日我喺 ebay 買到類似類型嘅力窮鏡頭.
最後修改時間: 2025-01-11 23:30:57 - #57303 [fotheringay], 25-01-11 20:57Norwich呢度冇落雪,但係仍然覺得好凍,所以我冇去到好遠去影鄉下相。
最後修改時間: 2025-01-11 20:57:49 - #57302 [Jblfriends], 25-01-11 18:00嘩!今日下午茶啲茶太……寒。亞伯咳呀!
- #57301 [Jblfriends], 25-01-11 16:50Ordinaryman 兄,
二千年前,當年香港外資行多,我打工嗰間investment bank 每個Banker 有公司會藉,有啲直頭大把水唔當會藉係咩,所以分比手下,我JB 小皮條善解人意,就係打唔還手,小唔還口嗰啲,所以banker 每月比五佰蚊quota 我上去自己飲洒,嗰處啲服務員個個X-Ray 眼,佢哋一望就知我乞兒皮條仔一個,果處啲中菜我只係陪客上去揾我公司private banker. 啲客其實我唔多啱key, 所以好多時我用其他理由推咗就走,但啲同事話嗰樹啲中菜好食過西餐。我睇過啲價錢,貴就一定,但對比深灣遊艇會,好似遊艇會貴啲。 - #57300 [Dynavector], 25-01-11 16:35
- #57299 [Ordinaryman], 25-01-11 16:08JB 兄,
記得好耐以前叫 Overseas Bankers Club, 分中菜及西菜部,高級地方,n年前記憶了,雖然叫Overseas, 好似中菜都有鮑參刺肚食,我估JB兄會同d鬼佬老細食西餐 - #57298 [jblfriends], 25-01-11 08:29窮人物語 - 世間本無事,庸人自擾之!
呢張陳佳CD 好 HiFi,由第 10首開始,低頻好勁.
最後修改時間: 2025-01-11 08:30:13 - #57297 [Jblfriends], 25-01-11 00:09Dyna San, 你今次推介老莫,鬼妹用French horn 演奏唔錯,我用apple 手機聽,唔係用耳筒。音色真係溫暖,仲發覺現場錄音電平一般。但明顯無用noise filter ,因為聲音無壓縮,仲有就係Zzzzzzzz
- #57296 [Dynavector], 25-01-10 22:25
Late Night Concert : An nemarie Federle / W.A.Mozart: Horn Concerto nr. 4 KV 495
Solo horn: Annemarie Federle,
Conductor: Peter Bogaert
Euregio Academy Orchestra.
A concert recording from the Hagen aTW performance of the EOA's 2023 edition.
Annemarie Federle is Principal Horn of the London Philharmonic Orchestra and the Aurora Orchestra, and she regularly appears as guest principal with other major orchestras in the UK, including the London Symphony, Royal Philharmonic, Philharmonia and BBC Scottish Symphony orchestras. Annemarie has enjoyed a diverse solo career, performing concertos with the LPO, English Chamber Orchestra, and London Mozart Players, among others, and recitals and chamber music across the UK and Europe, including at the Lucerne Festival.
Originally from Germany, Annemarie grew up in Cambridge and recently graduated with a First-Class Honours degree from the Royal Academy of Music in London.
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喺嗰個時候可以叫自己係 JB友,Linda Ronstadt唱片.
喺嗰個時候可以叫自己係 JB友,Linda Ronstadt唱片係唔可以無。