- #22 [richmond168], 24-05-17 21:33曾經做過實驗,用普通的XLR cable 去做AES訊號線,超過3M冇聲出。
- #21 [阿福], 21-01-15 18:18Characteristic impedance 係定義及量測於應用頻率,數碼音響線同模擬音頻線嘅應用頻率差天共地,個特性阻抗完全唔可以用黎比較。
- #20 [benjamin61], 21-01-09 16:20小弟用 Ansuz XLR 作 AES.........沒有問題
- #19 [cityguy], 21-01-09 00:26
最後修改時間: 2021-01-09 00:29:07 - #18 [summer16], 21-01-08 16:54我自己試過用Siltech的XLR 訊號線當 數碼線接駁是有聲的。 不過改用Crystal 牌子的訊號線接駁,DAC 不能lock上信號。
結論係,XLR 訊號線當AES 數碼線 唔係一定得。 - #17 [rchow], 21-01-04 22:15明白,Thanks
- #16 [mcc_2001], 21-01-03 22:14
- #15 [mcc_2001], 21-01-03 21:33The 110ohm is characteristic impedance and the formula is shown below:
It cannot be measured by ordinary dmm. - #14 [rchow], 21-01-03 21:08這樣的話如用儀錶量度AES/EBU線應是110 ohm?可以試試去量度一下
- #13 [mcc_2001], 21-01-03 15:39AES EBU specs for digital audio cable require a sampling rate from 32 KHz to 193 KHz, bandwidth from 4.096 MHz to 24.5 MHz, and an impedance of 110 ohms ± 20%. These are very broad specifications, allowing everything from 88 ohm cables to 132 ohm cables. However, standard analog audio cables have impedances ranging from 45 ohms to 70 ohms. There is a lot of room for difference between the AES EBU digital audio cable impedances and the standard analog audio range, which could cause jitter and signal reflection problems. Those problems could then lead to receiver bit errors. To avoid these issues, 100 ohm to 120 ohm twisted pair cables are recommended.
- #12 [rcywong], 21-01-03 15:31Digital cable for AES/EBU digital audio signals requires accurate attenuation without skin effect disturbance and should be low capacitive and lower loss in data transmission.
最後修改時間: 2021-01-03 15:33:00 - #11 [254mm], 21-01-03 11:50Thanks for the confirmation
- #10 [phil.ng], 21-01-03 09:52條線只要是 1 去 1, 2 去 2,3 去 3,就一定有聲出
最後修改時間: 2021-01-03 09:53:51 - #9 [mcc_2001], 21-01-03 08:19音响用的XLR線,無論係數碼AES/EBU或者係音頻信號,個pin out都必須要跟下圖個 AES工業標準去做,pin 1 一定係 signal ground, pin2/3 就可能因年代關係,有些機種係相反左,就算2/3相反用係數碼線係冇問題,因aes或 spdif數碼係只看 transition, 但如條XLR係用係模擬音頻信號的話,那就會反相,但就一定有聲出。
- #8 [254mm], 21-01-03 00:30會否有可能沒声,因 balance 訊号线有銲腳位不同的銲法,有錯請指正。
- #7 [DD], 21-01-03 00:01好簡單, 望下廠線資料就知其實兩者一樣110ohm
インピーダンス特性 : 110Ω(XLR・AES/EBU)
最後修改時間: 2021-01-03 00:01:33 - #6 [Krell], 20-12-31 13:26AES/EBU應該要嚴格跟足標準。XLR (analogue) 線就多創作空間。
最後修改時間: 2020-12-31 13:37:25 - #5 [jimmyihv], 20-12-31 01:25There are many 110ohms XLR cable available in the market.
- #4 [Ming Sir], 20-12-30 22:40
- #3 [yukclee], 20-12-30 21:37聲是會有的,不過Digital的AES/EBU cable 根據規格是要110ohm impedance的,而一般audio balance cable設計impedance都會低些,所以用在digital上會較容易有noise及受干擾。
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