- #1 [free2wong2005.3], 08-03-18 23:34
- #2 [myers], 08-03-19 09:38I think slightly thin sounding or U feel not 暖 or insufficient density are the main pitfalls of Triangle speakers. I suspect changing cable would not help much, just wondering would it be better if driven by tube amp? However, I haven't come across their latest range of speakers which replaced the Stratos range.
- #3 [suenchat], 08-03-19 10:51我無聽過 triangle, 但triangle 同 JMlab 都係法國野, 聲低會否相約?
要用線去tune厚/暖聲, 條線都唔方平, 效果相信不會太大! -
- #4 [mrbeansr], 08-03-19 11:49I have T. Celius and use cheap cables. I don't have good ears but I find that pure copper cable appears to be better.
I now use Wire World (Apprx. $1,200) which appears to be better than my previous AQ-CV4. - #5 [myers], 08-03-19 11:50Triangle 同 JMlab 都係法國野, 聲低會否相約? No, of course. I will rank Triangle higher than JM Lab. Listened to YBA + JM Lab, too sweet and a bit sluggish, may be YBA is the main culprit.
- #6 [IBMR51], 08-03-19 15:03I auditioned the top Triangle's in both the Central and Singapore.
I rank it higher than JM Lab. It has a MUCH more coherent presentation from lows to highs. Its mid vocals have more texture and harmonics. It bass is much tighter and faster than JML.
JML's strength is in its highs, more silky indeed (but easily sounds edgy if matched with wrong cables). It may be more easily to drive than Triangle. It main problem is still with the woofers, the sandwich ones. Still sounds slow and lag behind the highs. The small Micro has much more serious problem: the disappearance of lows!!!
Triangle however may have a sig. low second hand price. So think twice before purchase. - #7 [IBMR51], 08-03-19 15:05One more point. Both Triangle and JML do share similar French signature, a seductive female vocal. However for very dynamic music, Triangle presents the scene better.
- #8 [cyc04], 08-03-19 15:10I've listened to a pair of floor standing Triangle (should be Esprit) being hooked to Sp11 mark II and Mark Levinson power amp, and the music was passionate yet a bit cold and thin.
- #9 [letsrock], 08-03-19 15:21Using Triangle for 2 years, before that, JM Lab.
triangle performs better on vocal and has a wider soundstage. - #10 [lincoln], 08-03-19 15:22To me, Triangle speakers do sound pretty warm already. I am using the so call single crystal copper cable (not famous brand and not expensive at all), the combo sound quite natural and very attractive.
- #11 [myers], 08-03-19 16:30Triangle should rank quite high among French speakers providing that you haven't listened to JMR. JMR goes even further with sweet mid range, wider 3D sound stage and better density. Therefore music would become more coherent. Another French speaker is PEL which come close to JMR, will find a chance to listen it in Taipei.
- #12 [muzixman], 08-03-19 17:07myers and IBMR51,
wonder which model of JML spk are you referring to, I have listened to the old series Utopia and found driven by ML 20.5 and found the sound is quite good. It is better than the Mezzo Utopia.
I am told that the new BE series's tweeter have been improved but haven't heard it myself. - #13 [myers], 08-03-19 21:54Forgotten which generation of JM Lab I've listened but in the dealer's showroom in Central in 2005.
- #14 [muzixman], 08-03-19 21:58is it fitted with a 10' woofer and about 4' 10" tall?
- #15 [一休大師], 08-03-19 22:01我聽過麥哲倫,超超超正!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- #16 [一休大師], 08-03-19 22:04+套AA,+老細setting! 無話可說!!!!!九成半高度準確!!全頻分析力強!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!高至低無一缺!!!!堅!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- #17 [myers], 08-03-19 22:16Saw the Magellon Concerto cost more than $100,000. BTW, U mean this Magellon flagship model?
- #18 [一休大師], 08-03-19 22:18wa!有我like既chord amp!ha ha!!
- #19 [myers], 08-03-19 22:31This is a picture taken from a Korean hifi shop webpage, how lucky R the Koreans. I bet U won't be able to listen to this combo in HK!
- #20 [lincoln], 08-03-20 08:40Wa.....seems this guy use the Magellan as AV speakers, too close to the rear wall la. This should be the old version, new model cost even more.
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