- #1 [higuy], 11-05-20 09:30想請教各位師兄止述两種機边個靚聲,本現用紧Linn Majik DS,想換机試Naim,求教 謝謝
- #2 [bc], 11-05-20 12:07Ching, What is your system? Linn MDS are very convenience to play music & can product a good sound ..I am using it more than a year,,,
- #3 [higuy], 11-05-20 12:35Ching,
I use Lin Majik DS for playback
QNAP and pc storage, Gouldmund Int.amp, can product good sound, friends recommended Naim Untiserve, just want to compare both.
- #4 [bc], 11-05-20 13:28Ching, It is easy..ask your friend get the Naim Untiserve to try ,(A,b compare) which one suite for you..
For myself, I add a Wyred4sound DAC2 on last month,,it was improved a lot, a lot....one of the reson is using the DAC -balance XLR - Simaudio I7 int.amp. - #5 [higuy], 11-05-20 14:18Ching, How much for Wyred4sound DAC2 ?do you mean that Linn MDS digital out to Wyred4? better?
- #6 [bc], 11-05-20 14:50Ching, Wyred4sound DAC2 Hong good around HK$12xxx, MDS Coax to Wyred DAC, XLR to I7 to Dyna F220...sound much much better..
In the end of last year, I plan to upgrade the MDS to ADS but sudden Linn has launch a new ADS1 and high up to $55K above...so i looking for add a DAC... I am very much enjoy this setting..
Now I can use the save money to upgrade my AV system..
- #7 [higuy], 11-05-21 01:51Glad to share your experience ,of course to add on a high quality Dac is better than to upgrade Linn Player.
- #8 [higuy], 11-05-21 02:06我用咗PSaudio Digital Link III for LDS playback 冇着數可能太低班了有升頻但聲音太假唔夾!
- #9 [bc], 11-05-21 14:13師兄,試聼吓wyred4sound dac2吧,可造性很高,誹常平衡,一定有驚喜,我現用neotech2002 XLR約二千多元已夠聴,試用過它們九千元的高級銀,嘩!滑到暈,但我未有銀兩。可惜。同時又試過三萬多之kharma xlr但又不乘正比。
最後修改時間: 2011-05-21 14:19:59 - #10 [higuy], 11-05-21 14:21BC 兄,我剛放晒Balance嘢,玩Goldmund冇Balance,但言色应不受影响,XLR 之正在音塲,用Wyred4sound dac2, RCA有否浪費?边度買?星際?
- #11 [higuy], 11-05-21 14:32再請教你點樣轉歌?我仍用Itune 轉Aiff 貪佢有CD cover,if use Flac format cannot add on CD cover, any suggestion?
- #12 [bc], 11-05-21 16:20我用dBPower rip Flac for Linn, rip one Wav set for iPhone...
Wyred沒有零售,只有一online store代售,請看wyred4sound-影音天地裡有資料;我沒有用rca to i7,因i7 XLR我覺得最好聲,我都有聼過很多只用rca都好好聲的hifi,相信一部好DAC兩樣output是不會差太遠。謝。 - #13 [higuy], 11-05-21 17:06中環宝韻唱片有Dac 2 會看一看,$13,200 好過換Linn 大佬,希望
- #14 [bc], 11-05-21 17:57宝韻唱片set up好似是dac1及其他器材都幾普通!我想你或call online store 可否在什麼地方可聼聼。
- #15 [batmanames04], 11-05-22 10:11i have listened to both w4s1 and w4s2. there is little bit sound different but not sky and water.
w4s2 24/192 usb capable - #16 [odysseyhk], 11-05-22 10:36bc, followed your post in Wyred4Sound thread and found that you have a few questions on W4S.
You are right that 宝韻唱片 set up is only average for their daily use. We only loan them the W4S DAC1 but did not help them improve other part hifi system.
W4S DAC2 and DAC1 are both using discrete opamp designed by W4S. They are much better than other DAC which use opamp chip off the shelf.
DAC2 improved over DAC1 mainly on the power supply which is using much better diode and very good low ESR capacitors. When you have a good system and record, the improvement is good and definitely work the extra money just for the sonic improvement.
Regarding RCA vs XLR, they are both excellent. However, XLR is better under the W4S DAC1/DAC2 design.
If you have amp with true balanced input. Please use balanced out of W4S. ES9018 is a 8 channel DAC. The XLR is better than RCA as W4S is utilizing all 8 DAC in the ES9018 chip for balanced out.
Left channel +ve & -ve + Right channel +ve & -ve. Each driven by 2 DACs. With this design, it is just excellent dynamic range. - #17 [batmanames04], 11-05-22 15:14i think it is better loan them dac2 as most guys think that wyred4sound dac2 much much better than wyred4sound dac1
- #18 [odysseyhk], 11-05-22 22:48Batmanames04, We considered loan out of our product but we worry that they are not set up properly and not getting the expected performance. Especially for CAS, there are so many things can go wrong.
So home visit is a better approach. But we don't have time to cover all customer. We bring along DAC2 for home visit for selected customer setup. Hope it helps other make decision.
最後修改時間: 2011-05-22 22:53:29 - #19 [higuy], 11-05-31 19:56batmanames hing, where to listen w4s2? some ching said that it can compare with Weiss Dac,smooth or dynamic sound, eager to know
- #20 [tingmoon], 25-02-03 12:46naim
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