- #1 [marcustang], 10-08-15 10:09Spendor S-100 和SP-100兩者有什麼不同
- #2 [and.t], 10-08-16 14:16你有沒有睇中,係セmodel?
他們是同級數,分別只是新舊欵。 分期應是S100-1994前,SP100-1995-2007, 2008打後是SP-100R,中音改咗小小加咗粒Phase plug。S and SP 是Designed by Spencer 個仔Derek Hughes, R 就同Hughes family無關了。
小弟聽過SP-100 (Non-SE),又有聽過 Harbeth M40,但無聽過其他。唔敢亂評它的。做工S-100 classic look D,前後樟板現黑色,多D鑼絲。SP-100全木 (Black Ash, Teak, Rosewood, Rosenut, cherry), R大路D(行來的只有Cherry), SP-100曾有楓木Bird's eye signature版(around 1997-1998 not 2006 SE version),很靚樣,曾經ニ手很平,可能巳全北上了。
SP-100 是一對樣子,身價,及聲音不成正比的喇叭!聽セ都得(除Heavy Metal,Dancing music 外,Can Pop 都OK),人聲幾好,中音只差ATC DD,非超高分析力過隻但OK唔蒙,Classical及String木味幾好。鋼琴欠神韻一DD,太多木味,返之金屬味及爽朗度不及Dyna。下盤睇Power amp 級數,除時要貴佢2-3個開D amp 先推到好對12吋,遇强越强,你係咪話佢身價及聲音不成正比?講到個樣隋時比你老婆拒入門!
好多C-hing 中途放棄E對好嘢,(除非口味對)唔係因為對嘢唔掂! - #3 [eric300], 10-08-16 14:27And.T C hing, your message is great !what about BC-3 compare to Sp-100 as I'm interest to. Thanks eric
- #4 [and.t], 10-08-16 14:57Eric 兄
勿見笑,小弟連BC-1都未認真聽過,更吾好講rare item 的BC-3。 佢哋皆綱磁woofer, 應屬膽机恩物。 Spencer Hughes的傑作,純BBC血統。
最後修改時間: 2010-08-16 15:03:24 - #5 [tckl], 10-08-16 16:07當年係金絃中環聽過 s-100 播 pawnshop jazz, 個種美妙聲音到現在還留在腦中。 當年係 jR 頂級推,所以如 and t hing 講,要餵靚佢係幾大件事。
我以前有個朋友玩泥玩去都係肥及矇又慢,同係金絃聽時係差好遠... 係因為︼個朋友對佢 amp 情有獨鐘,所以最後都放棄了 s-100, 如果唔係我屋企無位,我就接手了。 到今日,擁有一對 s-100 或 sp-100 都係我理想。 哈哈。 - #6 [dy111], 10-08-16 18:42我有BC1 & SP1,但也想擁有BC3. 四隻單元相信高班過S-100或SP-100.而且罕有.
- #7 [and.t], 10-08-16 22:11Original BC1 two way
- #8 [and.t], 10-08-16 22:12SP-1
- #9 [and.t], 10-08-16 22:13BC-4, if you can see a pair with this condition, don't ask just take them home.
最後修改時間: 2010-08-16 22:20:35 - #10 [and.t], 10-08-16 22:14S-100, a humble look !
- #11 [and.t], 10-08-16 22:16SP-100 Signature bird's eye (firstly issued as LE), I've seen few in HK the time the selling price was very attractive. The picture is borrowed from a second hand shop in GuangZhou.
- #12 [cello], 10-08-17 01:33S-100我用緊,聽人聲一定掂,個12吋低音就真係好睇amp,我依家用8B推,低音量夠但不夠實.
- #13 [大久草], 10-08-18 01:04Hi and.t 師兄,
Thanks a lot for your wealth of info on Spendor flagship Classic Bookshelf. You mentioned about Harbeth too. I suppose the M40 or M40.1 would be comparable to the SP100.
I am keen to know what is your impression comparing Harbeth M40 against SP100.
The current asking price for M40.1 is simply outrageous. I think it's quite overpriced. - #14 [and.t], 10-08-18 13:45The current asking price for M40.1 is simply outrageous. I think it's quite overpriced........Agreed no more....
If you have a chat with the salesman from 格蘭, you can obtain the infromation of how many M40.1 was sold, as far as I know, they have no ex-stock for M40.1, so I bet not many pair being deliveried in HK and it leads that they are rarely being seen in second hand market,有都會好乸貴.
I have luckily seen a M40 displayed in a second hand shop, but they are gone in just two days. So no matter M40 or M40.1 are the sought after products.
SP100 and M40 (M40.1 巳上神枱,能負擔那價位帶的,所要求的理應巳超越SP100 or even SP100R 的級數了!), size wise and the application of drivers may give you an impression of something in common, however their 音色取向 are in different approaches.
SP100, 常有人形容it carries "黃昏"音色, I may partially agree it, if they are feed with 甚有質素的Power amp, they can be so 生龍活虎!
Its mid range and woofer are made with the material -- Bextrene-- that have been developed by Spencer Hughes in 60's when he was a speaker design engineer focusing on BBC projects. The same material and driver design is still being applied to today production (with very slight modification). May be it is the important factor that Spendor creates their own signature 音色, and remains it until now. I once listen some chamber music and ensemble pieces with SP100, but I've never thinking of they are 又肥又腫。If you are also a lover of LS 3/5a, you will be likely to fall in love with 100, 他只輸35a 的imagery and pin point sharpness, it is the 小喇叭的優勢, but 音色如出一源。 還有SP100 的高、中、低縫合得滴水不漏, 好多貴幾倍的so called modern speakers,唔係頭重就腳腫,都給比下去。
M40 小弟只是短聚,能多評。 But it is a modern design UK speaker, and it is not unreasonable their price level is above SP100. Their tweeter is of higher grade then SP, and the mid range is newly developed Radial (not that new but newer than Spendor)it involves more R&D cost. The woofer is plastic damped paper cone from Vifa. It sounds less typical UK 施文聲, more all arounded and quite good for POP, JAZZ and large scale orchestration works. 力量與速度的而且確稍勝SP100. 就只看你喜好音樂類型了。 如想試聽, I advice you forget about contact 格蘭, they don't have any appropriate amp to drive M40.1 with good sound, 試下post 個PM 比隔離台"Harbeth 同好會" D C-hing, 睇下有冇M40 用家肯招乎好過!
Financial wise, SP100平D, 但M40易甩D, 睇你點睇。 Amp matching 都係果句,不能掉以輊心, 而M40 要求D amp 更嚴格!!
以上purely小弟personal feeling,如有錯漏,請各C-hing 大大補充補充
最後修改時間: 2010-08-18 13:52:34 - #15 [marcustang], 10-08-18 19:21How about the bc-4 speakers.?
- #16 [marcustang], 10-08-18 19:24And.t hing could I come to your home? I wanna to hear the s-100 how good to be.
最後修改時間: 2010-08-18 19:25:06 - #17 [and.t], 10-08-18 19:35Sorry marcus hing,
I am on more the SP100 user la, but there are some nice SP100 hings reading this thread. Please post a request and see any C Hing will treat you a nice afternoon?? Frankly, I am still missing the sweet sound of SP100. The voice of 王菲 in "天空" I would rate it is the best with SP100.
However my SP-100 do help me trade out some gears successfully because it really sing out with nice tone, and yes I was using a very un-proportionally expensive power amp to feed them. My buyers should know I am not 方便 to name them out. - #18 [and.t], 10-08-19 00:32Typo:
I am 'on' (should be "no") more the SP100 user la, - #19 [and.t], 10-08-19 16:21BC-4, if you can see a pair with this condition, don't ask just take them home.
撞鬼咁多 typo, it be read as BC3 or BC-III not BC 4 !!! Sorry 晒 !
最後修改時間: 2010-08-19 16:22:44 - #20 [marcustang], 10-08-19 19:54And.t 兄 我现在用JBL Century Gold 和SP or s-100 怎样比较分别
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