- #78 [Spong], 24-07-11 11:00
- #77 [blackspin], 24-07-11 00:50Base on my experience, the CAS or streaming is inferior to the physical media, such and CD or SACD, and can at this moment can never come close to the turntable combo and phono stage with half of the money spent.....
I have audited a CAS system with Flagship dCS combo, custom made file server, pay attention to every details of the CAS system setup, it sound nice but it really not impressive when comparing to my turntable system just less than 1/5 of the money spent........ the owner of this top notch CAS system are now switched to vinyl, let go all his CAS components and digital source now.......... - #76 [hahayanyan], 24-07-11 00:37A dummy question
Nowaday HD Hi Res streaming...
How's that compare to Sacd..?
Or still need to spendega ££ for a streamer.. Etc to get close?
Am FM radio and LP.. And tape for feeling and fun
Hardly ditigal, youtube music for songs... For music not for hifi quality at all
最後修改時間: 2024-07-11 00:38:09 -
- #75 [blackspin], 24-07-11 00:31I was looking for the 40K SACD player but really limited choice in the market....... 40K in used market do not have any indeed........ I do not want to spend extra money for digital cable and one more power cable, that is why I have stuck with one chassis SACD player since I re-entry the vinyl world........
- #74 [hahayanyan], 24-07-10 15:14橫掂都翻生喇不如攞啲有用嘅資料
Haha 有時我都諗緊嗰啲 Dax DAC, 還有幾多還可以正常運作..
仲有啲上一兩杯嘅hi-fi發燒友會考慮呢this DAx DAC
Haha - #73 [CodyChan], 24-07-10 15:06仆街仔又發功搵老母舊貼!
收皮啦丁滿! 骨妹收晒經啦!
最後修改時間: 2024-07-10 15:08:05 - #72 [tingmoon], 24-07-10 12:42分開好玩好多
- #71 [V.C], 11-02-08 11:34旣然用dax decade dac,不如揾dax transcend transport用一套玩盡佢.
- #70 [trailwalker], 11-02-08 11:05Dirondo is an excellent CD player at this price range.
- #69 [AI], 10-04-17 14:49Ensemble CDP X 2!
- #68 [Vash], 10-04-17 14:24I'd give a vote to an 'used' Ensemble CDP.
http://www.stereophile.com/cdplayers/305ensemble/ - #67 [sybaritej], 10-04-17 14:14Suggestion on dac/transport :
-Any transport with BNC digital output and with internal clock modified.
-Reimyo Harmonix DAP-777 (DAC). Of the 4 digital inputs, BNC is by far the best.
-JPS Labs AC+ for DAP-777 (Harmonix Studio Master makes the Reimyo DAP-777 sounds far too soft).
Should be better than 4萬一部過的cd player. - #66 [howin], 10-04-16 18:124皮野買部解碼玩CAS好過.........
- #65 [fio.], 10-04-16 12:27how much is Audio Note CDT-2 MK?
- #64 [ccheung], 09-07-26 14:45NorthStar Transport and M192 MKII DAC la.
- #63 [168wa], 09-07-24 17:17g08啦,2萬就夠啦
- #62 [cwcskk], 09-07-24 16:36四萬真係高不成, 低不就
- #61 [harbourviiw], 09-05-02 20:56381 only 50K????
係真唔係呀? - #60 [紅色小人], 09-05-02 17:03Wadia 381 也是一體播放機的好選擇
- #59 [紅色小人], 09-05-02 17:02WADIA 381 ~$50K
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Those (old)members were discussing $40K budget in the year AD 2011;
BTW cost depreciation /inflation may needed considering too .