- #21 [uncleray], 16-08-19 14:04
- #22 [cornercube], 16-08-20 09:36
- #23 [009terry], 16-08-20 12:34回應#21
試問仲点會再有意欲去生產咁高成本嘅大帶機呢?!一部機須要牛數隻摩打E幾樣野就最氾本!人工又貴廠方賣幾多$比你呢?幾萬環是幾十萬?平佢無肉食貴你又唔會買!市場細到不得了!仲有唱片公司唔“十”port(成本問題)保養又係一個問題! 無得攪!
我都很鐘意大帶非常有音樂感!個樣又鬼咁吸引轉吓轉吓咁!但諗起保養維修仲有最大問題係囇地方!所以在廿年前已經放棄玩了! -
- #24 [uncleray], 16-08-20 17:03009Terry師兄又唔駛咁灰,希望在明天嗎!
最後修改時間: 2016-08-20 17:05:51 - #25 [kl122002], 16-08-20 17:31#18
有D無聊lo, 即錄落卡式帶又會不會特別好聲左?
或者唔要SACD, 重出4聲道黑膠是不是會忽然有左一陣黑膠味而好聽左?
open reel比起黑膠重, 唱播仲麻煩,
唔識的新手分分鐘用左ips 或者反轉播都唔定. - #26 [fotheringay], 16-08-20 18:46#18 and #25,
特別好聲左? May be not but certainly different.
It all depends on the electronics with the Tape Recorder, especially if you add EQ.
And so it may allow you to "tune" to your preferred "result" and feeling 特別好聲左 which may not be the case to another pair of ear though.
At the end of the day many studios are still using Tape Recorders and I think there must be a reason.
- #27 [009terry], 16-08-20 19:02uncleray兄!不是灰!只係做人要面對現實姐!
- #28 [paulpoon168], 16-08-20 19:09我老友話德國以前Studer 班工程師會出返Open Reel deck
- #29 [ordinaryman], 16-08-21 09:16Reel-to-reel tape sounds better than vinyl !?
The revival of reel-to-reel decks?
http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/5/9409563/reel-to-reel-tape-retro-audio-trend - #30 [uncleray], 16-08-21 09:51K1122002師兄 我們現今所買的CD,SACD,LP都是重新錄製制的, 而碟商錄製版本甚多 。 其實也不是原聲母盤 ! 聲音這東西好奇妙, 自己啱聽就可以 , 很難定斷 。
- #31 [kl122002], 16-08-21 11:27#30
但把CD 轉錄回去open real 再播的意味到底又是為了什麼? 為了analogue 而analogue?
有些事物不只是合耳就了事, 而是值不值得, 有沒有存在的意思. - #32 [cornercube], 16-08-21 11:41
- #33 [伊雲士], 16-08-21 14:27faded glory
- #34 [fotheringay], 16-08-21 15:35I rather describe it as treasure and glory from the past.
It was exclusive then and still is today.
It is not about the value as most are even cheaper to buy than an entry level CD player or turntable. Nonetheless it has a special place in one's heart.
It's never a subjective choice. - #35 [veryniceman2], 16-08-23 16:46請問開卷式錄音机能選曲嗎?一餅帶可錄多少隻CD?
- #36 [cornercube], 16-08-23 17:06一餅帶可錄多少隻CD, 視速度 & 長度...
錄音機le 類平靚正&細細部, 32G咭 錄到約50隻CD:
最後修改時間: 2016-08-23 17:14:41 - #37 [veryniceman2], 16-08-27 06:42香港有新机同新帶賣嗎?換帶易唔易?
- #38 [timtube], 16-08-27 11:32但把CD 轉錄回去open real 再播的意味到底又是為了什麼? 為了analogue 而analogue?
For the same reason people buying LP even when the original recording is in digital format e.g. every LP from Dire Strait - #39 [timtube], 16-08-27 11:342017 Revox R2R
- #40 [fotheringay], 16-08-27 16:46
That's very good news.
If it's true that the new REVOX is based on B-67 I am truly amazed how they squeeze the chunk of the electronics into such tiny console. I really can't wait for the review though I suspect the price for the final product will be mega.
A video shows one of my "Desert Disc" selections through the B77. - 下一頁 (2 of 88)
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