- #1 [uncleray], 16-08-16 23:47本人想了解“開圈式錄音機”之有關聲音,機器品牌,質量,技巧運作,望各同好師兄能提出討論 !
- #2 [孟波], 16-08-17 08:34咁你先攪清楚個名字,
開卷式錄音機。唔係開圈式。 - #3 [uncleray], 16-08-17 11:41小弟見識小,請見諒 ! 請各師兄賜教。
最後修改時間: 2016-08-17 11:42:38 -
- #4 [thomasl], 16-08-17 12:19uncleray兄:
年前在影音軟件討論區有幸巧遇一位玩open wheel的師兄stradivari4cello
Hi thomasl 兄,
I have one Tascam 4track and one Ampex 2track tape deck. Talking about the sonic alone, 2track is the best of all formats, to compare for performance, Fritz Reiner version is always my favorite one. Same as music lover, I do collect LPs & CDs.
(轉貼一張他的珍藏,希望他不介意!) - #5 [kl122002], 16-08-17 13:46以前有玩, 只是現在重玩是有點不智的感覺.
機器已很少又易壞, 而錄音帶本身也已日子有功, 脫磁粉, 發霉等問題.
只是聲音上, 我覺可以和黑膠有得探討一下.
最後修改時間: 2016-08-17 13:46:47 - #6 [thomasl], 16-08-17 14:04對不起,我都寫錯左,英文係Open Reel tape....哈哈!
- #7 [cornercube], 16-08-17 14:08>>#5..現在重玩是有點不智的感覺 X2
- #8 [uncleray], 16-08-17 17:41本人只有玩CD,現時如要入手選擇的話,請問在LP和Open Reel tape兩個中, 選擇那個好 ?
- #9 [cornercube], 16-08-17 17:52$$$$$多& 時間多, 兩個 都very OK.
玩埋膽 玩埋線...... - #10 [254mm], 16-08-17 17:55LP, HMV 起碼仲有賣 LP 碟, Open Reel, 肯定幾十年機, 個磁頭老化了, 磁隙闊了, 高音會弱了, 仲有, 買唔到新磁帶了, 仲有乜好玩
- #11 [fotheringay], 16-08-17 18:26
I use it on a regular basis with three machines, REVOX B77, REVOX A77 and AKAI 1721L.
If it's worth owning it's a personal choice though all factors, tapes availability and technical issues, must be considered.
I don't think it's a preferred medium in domestic use, rather a supplement to your LP, CD or CAS system.
Having said that if you are of certain age like me who always dream to own one but never been able to afford it when young and now you have the chance to fulfil your dream and I would say why not?
The rewards are there just like playing vinyl. It could be painful at times but like they say "No Pain No Gain".
A few homemade vidreos for your reference.
- #12 [thomasl], 16-08-17 18:50
- #13 [ordinaryman], 16-08-18 03:53"...if you are of certain age like me who always dream to own one but never been able to afford it when young and now you have the chance to fulfil your dream...."
Are you talking about me?
"No Pain No Gain"
To me, "no money no gain". - #14 [ordinaryman], 16-08-18 05:27I've been looking at reel-to-reel recorders for years but still can't decide.
Before our reel-to-reel experts show up here, may be let me offer my 2 cents first.
10.5 in. or 7 in. reels capable?
Recorders capable of handling 10.5 reels are eye candies.
2 channels or 4 channels?
2 channels recorders should produce better sound but 4 big meters look cooler than 2 to me. Some people buy a 4 channel but use only tracks 1 and 3 for stereo. Compatibility with other recorders and pre-recorded tapes is an issue.
7.5 ips + 3.75 ips or 15 ips capable?
15 ips sure sounds better but it consumes a lot more tapes. Compatibility with other recorders is also an issue.
Brand names?
I heard that some, like Akai, don't offer replacement parts for repairs anymore but some, such as Teac, still do.
Very limited choices. Pricey.
They are vintages, a lot of mechanical parts and electronics are ready to fail.
Still want one?
C hing please continue.... - #15 [jj3380], 16-08-18 07:38聽過也考慮過,無數碼味及耐聽,但最後因軟件戓維修問題而放棄。
- #16 [254mm], 16-08-18 10:54電子零件, 除非係特別零件例如線圈(錄音偏壓振盪), 都應仲配到, 但機械零件, 若爆了, 沒得配, 尤其是錄音頭, 整架錄音機靈魂, 磁隙闊了, 錄高音能力降低了, 仲點救?呢方面, R33 都有個 網友, akaigx, 有玩開 Open Reel Recorder, 亦識修理, 他會熟行去邊度找配件, 奇怪, 他沒在此題目出現, 怕忙吧
最後修改時間: 2016-08-18 11:00:02 - #17 [cornercube], 16-08-18 11:14>>#16..錄音頭, 整架錄音機靈魂 X2
揾akai 有d 機用 玻璃頭 或者
Technics d 機用HPF頭
但壓帶轆, 主軸, motor... le d 零件
最後修改時間: 2016-08-18 11:22:38 - #18 [uncleray], 16-08-18 11:31很多謝聽到各位師兄的意見 ! 主要是配件及維修上問題,亦是考慮之一。但我也想知道,如把CD直錄到開圈裏,那出來的聲效是如何 ? 那種模擬聲音會否比CD更動聽 ?
- #19 [cornercube], 16-08-18 11:50>>#18..把CD直錄到開圈裏,那出來的聲效是..
留意錄音座 S/N.
唔用杜比 就 有輕微 Si Si聲送,
用咗 d聲 或會 衰咗dd;
動態範圍又會 受制 S/N.
最後修改時間: 2016-08-18 12:01:45 - #20 [ordinaryman], 16-08-18 12:388-track is a watered-down version of reel-to-reel recorders. Hi-end 8-track players like the Akai 81 and Akai 80 (Roberts 808), the motors, flywheels and magnetic heads that they use are comparable to their reel-to-reel counterparts. Some reel-to-reel decks can also play 8-track cartridges.
8-track tapes are same 1/4 inch wide and are played at a speed of 3.75 ips. With the right deck and the right 8-track cartridge and the right song, I can hear very decent music quality (not often).
8-track system is a no-brainer for me as decks could be as cheap as $50 and cartridges are as low as $5. If you want quality, avoid 8-track at all cost. "No money no gain". - 下一頁 (1 of 88)
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