- #1753 [richmond168], 24-11-27 21:25
- #1752 [cylam], 24-11-27 15:26師兄 請收PM,有部 Technics 1500搵你幫手
- #1751 [hahayanyan], 24-08-12 01:43Have ordered those cap and other components for a77, B77, A700. And 2 tracks machine from Teac and Sony
The B77 I have, is still good but end of each tape, speed not stable, I guess it is related to thsoe cap or other cap..
Am thinking let's go a few. Of few of them.. And get a Philips Or Telefunken, having a feeling I should not keep more than 4.. (I may have 8 or 9 now)
最後修改時間: 2024-08-12 01:47:20 -
- #1750 [dlld], 24-08-11 23:33B77 MK2 ,可以參考相片。個3粒 new 電容 for capstan , left and right spooling motor
最後修改時間: 2024-08-11 23:34:19 - #1749 [hahayanyan], 24-08-11 07:14Able to get back part of the 21 V,
end of tape bulb and sensor work now,
Capstan motor still not running,
and takeup right reel motor not running haha - #1748 [hahayanyan], 24-08-10 22:25Remove 30 wires...
Pcb 背後有11條線直接solder上去, 唔夠長拉出來, 但夠位做嘢, 做好定位應該唔需要整甩佢.. Haha
佢哋原本嘅安裝方法一定係連埋火牛這塊板...installed Together
today 要去做其他事情要停一停休息休息 for that ... Haha
真係要佩服細心全機 翻新的 發燒友, 唔簡單
最後修改時間: 2024-08-10 22:26:57 - #1747 [hahayanyan], 24-08-10 20:13That roll of cable and above..
About 19 wire to unplug
Pcb 背後仲有三組 secondary AC cable hard soldered to the back of the pcb... 安 常理 應該夠長, otherwise revox could not assembly it haha 但願如此
觀察 點樣影清楚啲相... Haha before I remove those wires
這些經驗 都是要慢慢累積 才能減少錯誤
最後修改時間: 2024-08-10 20:16:50 - #1746 [hahayanyan], 24-08-10 20:08Haha...
Some little and positive progress
Remove the hidden screw behind the solenoid... No need to remove the take up motor
Need to remove the top power socket bar (2 screw only) and the, otherwise the solenoid cannot be remove
似乎要unplug 27 V DC 一排電線.. pcb先係至可以褪到出嚟
最後修改時間: 2024-08-10 20:11:27 - #1745 [hahayanyan], 24-08-10 18:14真係need 耐性,
再進一步要拆咗take up motor and brake solenoid, 先可以拆開呢塊pcb for further work
如果你哋玩開呢啲東西, 這些問題都是遲早的 haha 選擇嘅係自己搞定係, paid for services
最後修改時間: 2024-08-10 18:15:08 - #1744 [hahayanyan], 24-08-10 18:13其中一個原因喜歡玩這個東西
係畀我一啲實際嘅 材料去學習
This A77, Capstan motor not running, End of tape bulb 唔著燈 = lost 21V
這個 是 學習維修的 小學課程, 希望透過這個東西 學習, 如果成功修復, 不需要問專家意見, 我就覺得自己升班喇
1) The transformer not dead, all secondary normal
2) 21V real dead dead
3) take up motor working, means d101 not yet dead,could not reach the point for further measurement to make, hence next step
4) need to remove solenoid and the take up motor, otherwise could not remove the pcb for further checking and fixing
Fun and 訓練耐性 and learning, 雖然這個機器都係幾千蚊, 可以學習嘅嘢價值高很多, 維修好東西 有意義 - #1743 [hahayanyan], 24-08-09 06:28
THAT is really quite dynamic
粒粒清冇拖泥帶水... Not bad
聽得好過癮, good. Music
最後修改時間: 2024-08-09 06:31:30 - #1742 [hahayanyan], 24-08-08 20:58嘩估唔到咁多人爭
Haha 我要相信將來.. Haha but not this one
This one is indeed interesting
Can be or it is better than. Thsoe quite over priced but good teac x2000 etc..
最後修改時間: 2024-08-08 20:58:30 - #1741 [fotheringay], 24-08-08 20:43
Haha suggested to have different kind of music to show more potential of the Revox and Aurex combo.
Here we go.
最後修改時間: 2024-08-08 20:53:15 - #1740 [info2k], 24-08-06 22:36嘻嘻,有時都要看機緣,剛查日本版很平宜,幾年前在邪惡海灣,買美版唔算貴。
https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/closedsearch/closedsearch?auccat=&tab_ex=commerce&ei=utf-8&aq=-1&oq=&sc_i=&exflg=&p=OTTO+NRA-5500&x=21&y=18 - #1739 [hahayanyan], 24-08-06 22:13剛剛休息片刻
Sanyo plus series device
我有的 is 耐性
最後修改時間: 2024-08-06 22:14:46 - #1738 [info2k], 24-08-06 21:50個人首選是 ADRES,Super D 規格亦相當不俗,Sanyo 及 Fisher 都有同款產品,
功能與 ADRES 接近,聽感亦各有特色,很抵買有機會值得一試。
https://www.kantama.com/adres/superD.htm - #1737 [hahayanyan], 24-08-06 20:49Haha 真係好玩一路聽tape, input 之結他落去...play along.., 好過用guitar amp play along in such situation haha
Only £20 - #1736 [hahayanyan], 24-08-06 19:26Back home with this mixer
- #1735 [hahayanyan], 24-08-06 04:25The test subject may Not be the best demo for dynamic expansion, this type of music and production, as it can sound nice even it is compressed down to mp3 level too
The width of the sound stage is quite obvious
the clarity between the male, the female, the bass line and the guitar.. Is also improved too
It seem to be a good tool for me. To record mp3 level of streaming content onto a tape (which I always do)
I need to get another G36 (I don't have it now) haha it was one at decent price but too far for a drive, the seller don't agree to ship at my risk haha
Well I have enough toys and shopping cheap old /vintage stuff is full of joy and my life time hobby haha
No rush - #1734 [fotheringay], 24-08-06 03:25I like the idea of subtle change. Like I said I am not lying that I can’t hear much difference but you can with good hearing. I am glad.
I did remember when U had the G36 it had helped to reduce the tape “hiss” noise.
It wasn’t like the Dolby C used in the Nakamichi which was very obvious.
I paid £20 on eBay so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find one or similar machine.
Good luck in hunting. - 下一頁 (1 of 88)
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第二部搞嘅係Studer A807, 由完全摸不着頭腦,到知道部機來龍去脈7788,整吓停下,整吓停下又半年。對我來說,如果唔係自己得閒,識整同有時間,B77 如果多問題的話,真係唔值得投資時間或者金錢落去搞。
反而啲Studer, 因為始終係專業嘢,設計、零件、工藝,及方便維修的程度,B77完全冇得比。覺得Studer啲機相對真係值得俾心機及資源去整好佢。嚟緊將會買入及調整另外一部Studer: A-810…
最後修改時間: 2024-11-27 21:28:56