- #19 [phil.ng], 22-10-18 07:36Sorry 中文吾好丶是風筒
- #18 [Krell], 22-10-18 06:36#17
"暖風通"? - #17 [phil.ng], 22-10-14 19:41禾 Jeff Rowland pre 內有數粒 dip switch, 出過事丶樂聞教用白電油丶再用暖風通丶即正常返
- #16 [Krell], 22-10-14 03:13謝謝各位!尤其audiofans, waj1080兩師兄。
閱讀舊帖,知道audiofans係Mark Levinson專家,亦係有動手能力嘅高手。我計劃在兩、三個月之後,開始將20.6所有電解電容器更換,其他發現受損嘅零件都同時換走。
如蒙audiofans師兄不吝指點兩招,小弟必定受益非淺。 - #15 [hahayanyan], 22-10-13 14:07oh..it is not a relay..it is a dpdt selector switch for voltage , that is why..6 thick legs..........
最後修改時間: 2022-10-13 14:08:47 - #14 [audiofans], 22-10-13 14:05.
- #13 [audiofans], 22-10-13 14:05.
- #12 [audiofans], 22-10-13 14:03看圖估機?呢份應該係Mark Levinson no 20 既soft start板,圖中果隻係轉電壓既select 制,轉電壓除左要轉呢個制外仲要轉jumper 位置,soft start既relay係外置於此板之外!
呢類select 制係Krell度好常用,亦時有接觸不良發生,最簡單就係bypass左佢,銲死你要既電壓設定 - #11 [hahayanyan], 22-10-13 11:59即係說..if the relay is 0.1ma.. Ok for lazy contact cleaner i have a Sony reel to reel.. Very sure the relay need cleaning... Ot sure the rating but it is use for operational control.. Should not be high current.. (not yet check the rating) or better not lazy ?
i did use 3000 ..sand paper for some relay.. haha and blow some air..
That one.. Seem 20A plus type
. Haha
最後修改時間: 2022-10-13 12:14:33 - #10 [LaLaLam], 22-10-13 11:48Haha....
電力工業真的是一個可怕的行業! - #9 [LaLaLam], 22-10-13 11:45Yes, you are right, contact cleaner contains residue such as silicone minerals which with form a layer of insulation materials between contacts under high temperature. Please note that high temp does not come from the relay coil but really occurs during arc flash between contacts(ref pic below), especially true from high power relays and contactors. The say high temperature arc flash can be higher than the sun's surface temperature....believe or not?
- #8 [hahayanyan], 22-10-13 11:20wonder..it is a SPDT relay ? 4 legs for switch..and 2 legs for power... but it look kind of interesting for the leg sizes and spacing.. ..must be some sort of high current type
Lala Master
why contact水 is not good ? it is not very effective...or residue may be harmful for some relay ?
最後修改時間: 2022-10-13 11:31:05 - #7 [Chinglan], 22-10-13 09:44.
最後修改時間: 2022-10-13 09:46:00 - #6 [LaLaLam], 22-10-13 09:22>.....與其磨咗啲鍍金或者鍍白金接點從而增加導電電阻....
其實contact burnisher並非銼或者砂紙,不如師兄先上網看甚麽是contact burnisher. - #5 [wah1080], 22-10-13 09:17可能係呢種電壓選擇制. 樓主可以自行睇下呢粒零件的另外一面便知道我有無估錯了.
- #4 [DY2036], 22-10-13 09:11與其磨咗啲鍍金或者鍍銀接點從而增加導電電阻,不如換個新嘅上去好過(可能要自己改裝加接線)。
最後修改時間: 2022-10-13 09:16:33 - #3 [LaLaLam], 22-10-13 07:49#1, 係咪Mark仔Power? 以前用過,隻 relay差不多樣,好少壞,用一種叫relay contact burnisher tools(如下圖),可以有效翻新,不能用contact水。
- #2 [richmond168], 22-10-13 01:56似乎係Relay,中文叫繼電器。理論上同類數值應該唔難搵,不過好少見到啲腳咁長,可能你要自己駁長嗰幾隻腳…
- #1 [Krell], 22-10-13 00:56各位好!
線路板估計應該係後級放大器嘅soft start線路,那零件係?呢種零件壽命長嗎?能否買到新嘅(腳位要一樣)?
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