- #3394 [fotheringay], 24-11-06 18:19
- #3393 [Springroll], 24-11-06 15:52A new history begins...
Better or worse...?! Let's see.
最後修改時間: 2024-11-06 15:52:43 - #3392 [Springroll], 24-11-06 04:45
- #3391 [Dynavector], 24-11-06 04:20
買定離手,不如 ....... 手舞足蹈!
GARNiDELiA 洗腦神曲「極楽浄土 [PROGRESS]」
呢個係新版極楽浄土,「極楽浄土 [PROGRESS]」
Original Version
最後修改時間: 2024-11-06 04:21:11 - #3390 [Springroll], 24-11-06 03:53
- #3389 [Springroll], 24-11-05 06:30
#3383 #3384
講開7,8,90 年代經典日本科幻動畫,最殿堂級上哂神枱嘅,一定係 1979 年推出嘅Gundam 機動戰士!!佢地位直頭等同動畫界嘅 Star Wars!!佢嘅後續系列,前傳,後傳,外傳,spin-off, variations,模型系列等等。。。五花百門,長開長有,從未停過!就連 Netflix 最近先至又啱啱上咗套新製作外傳!不過。。。佢嘅配樂就無乜好講。。。
而僅次於佢嘅,就肯定係80年代初嘅 Macross 超時空要塞!呢套畫靚歌正,佢嘅戰鬥機/機甲 dogfight 動畫埸面 (要記住當年仲係全手繪!),直頭空前,開創動畫界先河!!而佢嘅配樂同歌曲,亦係十分出色,尤以歌曲爆紅得緊要!全因為女主角"玲明美" 嘅魔力!!美樹本晴彥嘅靚絕人設畫風,絕對係將呢套動畫成為經典嘅一大功臣!而電影版主題曲 "愛・おぼえていますか" (eng "Do you remember love" 中文 "可曾記起愛") 亦成為日本動畫最經典歌曲 of all time!!
我當年都忍唔住入咗大堆 album。。。其實最主要都係因為個靚封面同裡面本小册子。。哈~~
最後修改時間: 2024-11-05 06:31:08 - #3388 [Dynavector], 24-11-04 08:00
加咗 tax 之後,要乜乜乜班勞工,乜乜乜完就可以聽歌......
最後修改時間: 2024-11-04 08:02:03 - #3387 [Springroll], 24-11-03 06:43
咁橋,今晚小弟又係聽舊歌,林子祥創作歌集,其中 "誰能明白我" 亦都係差唔多時期電影 "貓頭鷹與小飛象" 主題曲。 - #3386 [fotheringay], 24-11-03 05:11
Hong Kong was once the Hollywood of Far East and we led the way, not only in Asia but also to the world.
It was like the revolution of film making during the mid 70's to late 80's, new wave, horrors, Kung-Fu, comedy you name it we created like no limit.
Sadly it can't be said any more these days.
This is one song it stood out not only the movie it self but more importantly the OST, the music. - #3385 [fotheringay], 24-11-03 04:53
For more serious animation there is no doubt Studio Ghibli would be my most favourite admired productions.
- #3384 [fotheringay], 24-11-03 04:49
Akira.....a ground breaking Japanese Manga and not to mention I will never miss any of these.
Among it there were so many cult Manga's Crying Freeman, Cobra, 七金刚 and so on.....
最後修改時間: 2024-11-03 04:58:42 - #3383 [Springroll], 24-11-03 01:41
繼80年代尾經典 Akira,另一套響譽國際兼頗具影響力嘅日本科幻 animation 經典就係90 年代嘅 "Ghost in the Shell 攻殼機動隊"!而其實其英文戲名係更貼切呢套動畫想表現嘅深意。
Anyway, 佢隻 soundtrack music 同樣出色,非常有音效性嘅音樂,同非常有音樂性嘅音效!!哈哈~~ 聽過你就知。。。!;D
最後修改時間: 2024-11-03 01:43:35 - #3382 [fotheringay], 24-11-01 01:36
As a kid I was fascinated to watch the fight scene between Jason and his army to fight the skeleton army. It was so real!!!
There was no CGI but just human effort with imagination and patience. - #3381 [Springroll], 24-10-31 18:48喺未有 CGI 嘅年代,電影製作就係一件手工藝術精品!
最後修改時間: 2024-10-31 18:48:31 - #3380 [Mainlanddefender], 24-10-31 05:42
Long time no see!!!
Dvorak - Symphony no. 7
喺呢個各國民族意識抬頭嘅年代, 不如就講吓國民時期作曲家, Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904) 出生於捷克(當時奧圖曼帝國) 布拉格以北一個小村莊. 由爸爸栽培從小提琴家到作曲家. 起1877(36?) 年, 憑作品Slavonic Dance 開始衝出捷克, 亦在布拉姆斯提攜下令到國際認識呢一位作曲家. 要為人最熟悉相信一定係第九交響樂新世界. 不過今次想着墨佢最強烈民族意識作品, 第七交響樂.
作品完成創作於1885年在倫敦. 意念源於自己渺小而又簡單個人奮鬥經歷中面對當時捷克政治鬥爭, 以及自己國民情感, 同時亦都對國家繁榮的期望. 呢啲句子係咪似曾相識呢?
第一樂章一開始由深沉大提琴帶出緊張氣氛, 在定音鼓襯托下感覺波濤洶湧, 動盪. 慢慢進入抒情第二主題, 氣氛得到緩和, 慢慢又再帶入去英雄式激昂節奏, 時情時雨造成強烈對比, 張力吸引觀眾.
第二樂章Dvorak 形容充滿憐愛, 上帝及國家. 悠悠木管樂好似畫緊一幅風景畫, 小提琴伴奏更加將詩意帶到山水之間一樣. 幾次號角聲在向上帝乎叫, 之後管樂在互相對答, 像禱告. 銅管慢慢放大到整個畫面. 真係感覺到佢描述緊自己個國家. 之後進入第二主題, 用輕描小提琴聲去表達哀傷, 惋惜及煩躁. 可能因為嗰年佢失去媽媽及大仔, 所以作曲家在此樂章footnote 寫上 ‘from the sad year’ .
第三樂章亦都係最短嘅一個樂章, 一開始你會聽到好似民族舞節奏, 調子輕快簡單, 之後管弦樂澎湃豐富. 來回重複呢個pattern. 巴松管帶入轉到去另一個民族曲式, 之後又返去樂章開始節奏以緊湊形式結束.
最後一樂章, 背後意思係捷克人民在政治壓迫下頑強抵抗. 顯示出民族光輝. 頭段弦樂加定音鼓配合下聽到唔耐煩的控訴(白啲講一句 - 你哋到底玩夠未?!). 節奏稍為冷靜落嚟, 小提琴明快又再重新激動. 感覺就好似打仗, 一進一退. 整個樂章濃厚民族樂曲作為基調, 套上管弦樂曲式齊奏下結束.
Dvorak 喺英國頗受歡迎, 到今時今日我見到每個樂季都有佢蹤影. 唱片由Kertesz 帶領LSO. 呢位匈牙利指揮蜚聲國際. 起佢手下樂團收放自如清脆俐落, 特別係第三第四樂章, 氣勢凌厲, 整體只係略嫌多咗少少剛勁. 第七絕對唔會俾第九遜色. Kertesz 可謂英年早逝(44 ?), 可幸係佢60年代與LSO 留下不少精彩錄音, 聽罷更令人感慨.
另一版本係Neumann 指揮. 呢隻碟可以話係捷克精髓, 由作曲家去到唱片發行商都係捷克血統. 整體樂章相對偏慢, 高低起伏亦唔算太明顯. 去到慢版時候卻出奇地有意境, 令人陶醉. 我反而覺得第二樂章先至可以充分反映到箇中味道, 對照出嚟畫面更加宏大. 我相信只有本地薑先擁有呢啲特質. - #3379 [Springroll], 24-10-31 05:16
- #3378 [Springroll], 24-10-31 02:58For all 英倫友,
Budget 2024: Key points at a glance from Rachel Reeves's speech
Chancellor Rachel Reeves has delivered Labour’s first Budget since 2010, after the party’s return to power in July’s general election.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cdxl1zd07l1o - #3377 [Fotheringay], 24-10-30 20:43Springroll,
Apparently so but I have never been there myself.
However, I do have my own “Polarbears”!
No kidding!!
But sadly not a real wild polar bear but the first record by Snow Patrol.
They were called Polarbears before Snow Patrol but had to change because of duplicate name issue.
They made their first studio album and I guess they were taking the micky of themselves.
最後修改時間: 2024-10-30 20:43:49 - #3376 [Springroll], 24-10-30 19:44Wow... fotheringay 兄,Polar Bear living near your area?! Polar Bear in UK??! Can't believe it! What the world nowadays!!??
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/29/polar-bears-are-back-in-britain-but-should-they-really-be-living-here - #3375 [Springroll], 24-10-30 19:40#3374
"...yeah, are you ready?..."
No...not ready yet.... #_#!
I'm still in a transition of accepting an growing up indepent adult... my young gentleman... it's COOL indeed somewhat! ^_^ - 下一頁 (5 of 174)
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He runs his presidency as running a business so we’ll see his new tricks, if any.
To end the war in Ukraine on his first day?