- #2889 [hkkaho], 06-11-13 23:45
- #2888 [AlexKY], 06-11-09 23:09a closer look
- #2887 [AlexKY], 06-11-09 23:06最近在office set了個陣玩Tannoy 12吋......
因小弟在office周圍騰, 有二, 三個工作點, 分佈各處, 加上未做箱, 所以索性把Monitor單元朝天, 做擴散.
這樣當然沒有皇帝位, 但勝在office各處也收到, 效果也沒有想像中差(總比背住個音箱聽好).
Yeewaishun兄: Tannoy Gold Monitor(新野)有別於Tannoy Monitor Gold(古董), 小心D ebay seller玩文字遊戲. -
- #2886 [diytfy], 06-11-08 14:17Yeewaishun,
The older Tannoy uses alnico magnet and they are much more worth to own. Since there is almost no Alnico speaker being made today, their price is steadily increasing.
Especially those vintage type, their price , tear off all advertismentm, retailing, commission cost..etc ----- what you pay is what it deserved in 2nd hand market and real value.
All model you mentioned are later 70-80s product ceramic driver units, except the Monitor Gold might be vintage (rubber surrounds and paper accordance surrounds) Check carefully before you buy.
Good luck! - #2885 [yeewaishun], 06-11-07 00:26新手請教各位前輩,
1. 同是10B,SGM 和 SRM 那隻較合聽古典有何不同?
2. 如前述的SUPER MONITOR,或另一系列叫MONITOR GOLD的,或灰色的膠箱MONITOR系列,或找對TURNBERRY/STIRLING,那樣較合聽音樂,那隻音染最少?
謝謝各位指教。 - #2884 [j_l], 06-11-04 13:09DD
A million thanks ! - #2883 [diytfy], 06-11-04 11:54DD,
Do you have 'real' triode photo, no 'screen grid' and 'plate grid' cover? - #2882 [diytfy], 06-11-04 11:48DD hing,
Thanks for showing me a good example of triode tapped pentode. 'Hor' is a KT77, if not F2a11, at least^___^ - #2881 [cylam], 06-11-04 11:29CY,
I would think writers in a topical thread should not go too far away from the topic; most readers wish to read related contents centering around the topic - What other amps are good for Tannoy? How does Tannoy compare with XXX speakers? How to take care of speakers including Tannoy? What the historical, technical background around the period when vintage speakers such as Tannoy was designed and produced? etc..
Agree 200% except some topics really go too far. That's why I am so happy to see the Tannoy amplifier....hahaha - #2880 [dd845], 06-11-04 11:16JL hing
My Gold 15 setting.. - #2879 [dd845], 06-11-04 09:42書生想找尋相中人?
http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/photo/2003-07/25/content_991673.htm - #2878 [dd845], 06-11-04 09:37JL 兄
David - #2877 [mychan], 06-11-04 00:16Where can get information of speaker S6 or S8?
Thanks! - #2876 [m6], 06-11-03 23:53Got your Tannoys?
Still serch Tannoy?
No la!
I am very busy!
New working place...
The 25/a only sings once a month.
Later la.
pang - #2875 [老友], 06-11-03 23:47電夆
呢個時間坉禶|上網 - #2874 [rcwy], 06-11-03 23:44大偉兄
有事求教, 請查電郵, 謝甚
:p - #2873 [j_l], 06-11-03 23:42大偉兄
有事求教, 請查電郵, 謝甚 - #2872 [dd845], 06-11-03 11:08.
- #2871 [dd845], 06-11-03 11:08This is something like looking for a woman's beautie from 'Hor Lee Sau'
Maybe 聽聲收貨,河利秀is ok wor..^+++@ - #2870 [rcwy], 06-11-03 08:56CY,
I would think writers in a topical thread should not go too far away from the topic; most readers wish to read related contents centering around the topic - What other amps are good for Tannoy? How does Tannoy compare with XXX speakers? How to take care of speakers including Tannoy? What the historical, technical background around the period when vintage speakers such as Tannoy was designed and produced? etc..
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i want to upgrade SPK now,but still thinking which one i should buy, my ideal spk have JBL and Tannoy.
if that is same prcies range choose between JBL D130+bullet tweeter and Tannoy 10'' Gold monitor, which one is better??
much of my time is listening Jazz,class,radio etc...
the spk should be similar like the photo,