- #56450 [jblfriends], 24-10-23 21:37
- #56449 [Jblfriends], 24-10-23 13:59300B兄突然提美度。記得得七,八十年代,男人嘅手錶夢中情人係金勞,八十年代尾,一隻President Date Day 賣十皮嘢,茶樓部長會戴山度士,美力土仿金勞型。
我老男人當年戴金勞上新華,亞雄以為我發咗,我問Mark 20.5 佢話可以借機三日。老男人2004年負資產,窮光蛋要賣勞。
最後修改時間: 2024-10-23 14:02:08 - #56448 [300Bguy], 24-10-23 13:14要睇埋實物先可判斷囉。。。廣告相一定靚嘅~
- #56447 [300Bguy], 24-10-23 13:12Mido呢個“抄”款幾好,個人不太抗拒嘅。。。
- #56446 [Jblfriends], 24-10-23 08:58繼續電磁風暴話題:
地星有南北極形成磁力場保護,可以保護地星免受一般太空發生電磁風暴影響,電磁風暴多由於太陽產生,其中地星人所講嘅太陽黒子係太陽表面較冷嘅部份,由於太陽磁場嘅巨大變化引起。太陽風暴由來自太陽的帶電粒子形成。 Viwu viwu viwu
其實地星磁場唔強,強度只係70 uT, AR 鋼磁Alnico 嘅磁場強度係0.15 Tesla, 比地球磁場強3000倍。
最後修改時間: 2024-10-23 09:11:17 - #56445 [jblfriends], 24-10-23 06:58依家大家注意”那星”,好彩無個till 音,如果唔係就till 那星。
姨姨與你雨同路見真心 ,電磁風暴一樣星星襯.
最後修改時間: 2024-10-23 07:06:50 - #56444 [Jblfriends], 24-10-22 13:56聖德肋撒堂 1932年4月23日奠基!
80年代老陳同Leo Fung 住窩打老道,唔知佢哋有無入過去感受Hong Kong 嘅Cantate Domino呢?
最後修改時間: 2024-10-22 13:57:27 - #56443 [jblfriends], 24-10-22 13:41....
最後修改時間: 2024-10-22 13:42:32 - #56442 [300Bguy], 24-10-22 13:15
- #56441 [Jblfriends], 24-10-22 06:52Chi 兄,
我一向睇白姨姨啲相片,日本攝影師未能令相片有如置身其中感覺,所以有一種”隔”嘅感覺!如果Chi 哥同白姨姨影寫真集就好呀!
最後修改時間: 2024-10-22 07:00:05 - #56440 [fotheringay], 24-10-22 05:31........
最後修改時間: 2024-10-22 05:32:07 - #56439 [fotheringay], 24-10-22 04:25Ring of Brodgar of Orkney.
- #56438 [fotheringay], 24-10-21 19:33Snowy mountains on our way to Turso (the most northern town in Scotland) on a golden afternoon and it's to for straws harvesting time.
Four days later on our return journey the snow had gone.
最後修改時間: 2024-10-21 19:35:14 - #56437 [fotheringay], 24-10-21 18:37
During our holiday we watched the movie "KNOW1NG(Knowing)" a movie I enjoyed watching when it came out in 2009.
" Knowing draws on a lot of biblical inspiration, most notably in its handling of the idea of prophecy and the apocalypse. While it's certainly not the first sci-fi film to tackle biblical symbolism – just look at Dune's messiah/Chosen One prophecy – Knowing actually explores a wide array of religious themes."
" What is the tree at the end of Knowing?
The new land Abby and Caleb explore in the final scene also has a giant tree that could be the Tree of Knowledge planted in the Garden of Eden — and since Caleb and Abby are chosen to recreate humanity, they could be seen as a new version of Adam and Eve. " - #56436 [Jblfriends], 24-10-21 15:25Ordinaryman 兄,
實情係這兩年間借下午荼時間修讀白姨姨同風姨姨慾女心聖。但啓蒙我嘅Dyna San 功力突然盡失。所以我自己繼續修練。你講嗰啲知識,我又點會知呢! 回答你問題差啲走火入魔呀!
最後修改時間: 2024-10-21 15:37:24 - #56435 [Ordinaryman], 24-10-21 15:02原來JB兄對西洋天文和易經都很有研究,利害利害
相信2025年會很難過,尤其是經濟 - #56434 [jblfriends], 24-10-21 06:52預計太陽活動極大期出現在 2025 年 7 月,屆時將有 115 個太陽黑子
參考上述太陽活動,水克火,相生相克, that is no problem喇!
‘坎’卦與‘離’卦之水深火熱 ... ‘坎’為水,上下皆水為坎;‘離’為火,上下皆火為離。 『坎』與『離』為第29卦與第30卦,也是上經最後兩卦.
最後修改時間: 2024-10-21 07:01:10 - #56433 [fotheringay], 24-10-21 06:49Someone said my B&W pictures are like "Looks like we're witnessing the post human-extincted Earth!! So beautiful and peaceful finally!"
"So "New Hope" to "The Life of the Green Planet Earth" .
最後修改時間: 2024-10-21 06:49:55 - #56432 [Jblfriends], 24-10-21 06:00Ordinaryman 兄,
見圖,想起近期網上講明年運,有啲Prediction 講得真scary.
Chi 兄上靚相,真係好。
Dyna San 推介新歌仔,真係very good.
最後修改時間: 2024-10-21 06:18:40 - #56431 [ordinaryman], 24-10-21 04:42昨日多年少見的大雨帶來水浸
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