- #48 [kk7777], 12-11-05 20:42
- #47 [NotSoHi], 10-11-24 16:10再說 hifiuser 你所指果D,你是否用的上?
如我冇記錯,有D studio為達到隔音目的.成間房係懸浮,同埋兩度門 - #46 [NotSoHi], 10-11-24 16:00其實kc hing 所指的是bass trap的一種.
如我冇記錯這種bass trap 係須要密封的
(有錯請指教) -
- #45 [hifiuser], 10-11-24 14:50我要講多一樣資料比大家知,我所有門係實蕊門黎,係有少少關係。
但用左呢 d 隔音物料,隔音性能係會大大增加。
我呢款是單層隔音,有一款係雙層隔音,多數用於 Studio 或鋼琴室。
如要好隔音,我諗可以揀雙層隔音方式。 - #44 [hifiuser], 10-11-24 12:04隔音門條
- #43 [hifiuser], 10-11-24 12:03側邊相
- #42 [hifiuser], 10-11-24 12:02相片 2
- #41 [hifiuser], 10-11-24 12:01多謝 Kenneth 兄既介紹,而家裝左隔音物料。
感謝 Kenneth 兄既推介,稍後係聽歌,測試一下係房可以隔到幾多,再同大家分享。
呢張係門底隔音物料 - #40 [DeepSea^^], 10-08-02 15:43
- #39 [hifiuser], 10-08-02 15:13akg 兄你的做法係..?
- #38 [hifiuser], 10-08-02 15:11吾該各師兄分享!
最後修改時間: 2010-08-02 15:13:21 - #37 [SonySCD1], 10-08-01 17:03hifiuser hing,
In general 50STC is very difficult to achieve and it is not realistic to make in the residential building.
For the double door is the most applicable suggestion to be used. However, if you need some more information, you can send PM to discuss.
Here is some door drop seal and perimeter seal for acoustic door purpose. It is relatively cheap and easy to achieve, while you have the renovation works to your home now. - #36 [akg], 10-08-01 16:05KC. 我都不是專業人仕. 隔音文章看了何止2篇. 官方非官方, 專業非專業, 中港台的, 百篇都唔止了.
但HIFI友結合自家狀況, 按自已的需求. 唯有不斷在材料和金錢上取捨.
反正我現在也仍在改善隔音門. 完工之日再說. - #35 [k.c], 10-08-01 15:46木料對隔音作用不大. 你自己都知. 但你又話實心木門好?
我根本講唔過你, 唯有借人兩篇文章頂下癮.
又或者你既做法或用料唔妥當? - #34 [gingergarlac], 10-08-01 15:39工廠間寫字樓裝修間都是用木板/石膏板在中間加吸音棉。效果是相當好,并非專業人士。基本上用夾板做的空心門都已經隔得唔錯。錄音室間音門是否是實心/空心,相信要問做錄音室人士。相信空心門內加吸音外+水松,效果已很好。
- #33 [akg], 10-08-01 15:36alan, 家裡的DOUBLE DOOR一點也不COSTLY. 仲好簡單添. 走廊一道門, 主人房一道門.
- #32 [Pilotrol], 10-08-01 15:28Dear Hifiuser Hing
I had little experiance to help my friend to build a professional record studio before, I learned some useful tips from him and hope those little tips can help you out.
Usually, architects and aoucstical engineers will use STC rate (Sound Transmission class) to measure a building partition attenuates airborne of sound.
For Examples
STC 25 - Normal speech can be easily heard and understood
STC 30 - Loud speech can be easily heard and understood
STC 35 - Loud speech heard, but not understood
STC 40 - Loud speech now only a murmur
STC 45 - Loud speech not heard, music systems / heavy traffic noise still a potential problem
STC 50 - Very loud sounds such as musical instruments or a stereo can be faintly heard
STC 60 - Excellent soundproofing
For recording studio, the engineers usually will use double door seals method to isolate the sound from studio to control room, but the isolation standard would be STC 60 or above. However, double door seals method is extremely costly, but also will waste lots of space, so I don't think it is suitable method for your home construction...!
Normally, if a sound isolation door can reach STC 50 or above would be good enough to block most of the sound you don't want to hear. If you want to learn more about the product of sound isolated door, you can try the follows:
Good Luck!
Best regards
最後修改時間: 2010-08-01 15:32:43 - #31 [akg], 10-08-01 15:22哈哈. 我就是要認真. 因為我當下還在DIY改善家裡的隔音門. 門內夾吸音棉的做法很快被否定了. 原因太簡單. 用吸音棉完全捂住耳朵看看隔不隔音.
內藏吸音綿的做法我想主要還是成本. 空心門_平. 再加吸音棉, 有好過無. 哈哈.
最後修改時間: 2010-08-01 15:24:04 - #30 [k.c], 10-08-01 15:16方唔方便做小小實驗
無謂咁認真. 見你否定內藏吸音綿既門先講多幾句.
以前做家居裝修及工廠間寫字樓都有做過.并非專業人士. - #29 [akg], 10-08-01 15:13olddude, 玻璃門是好, hifi聽音室, 錄音室也都用玻璃門啊. 不是最好. 因為很有效和價錢平. 雙層玻璃就更好. 但要全玻璃才行. 有木框的玻璃門效果就大打折扣了.
9成人還是會用木門. 用實心門再想辦法門背釘隔音橡膠皮或很薄的鋁板, 再上漆. 這方法最實效. 又不影響家居美觀.
最後修改時間: 2010-08-01 15:18:27 - 下一頁 (1 of 3)
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