- #284 [Louisla], 19-11-20 23:55我近排都入了對TOY ONE, 雖然不是TT, 但都覺得超抵玩
- #283 [孟波], 19-11-20 22:36又炒冷飯
- #282 [aheung], 19-11-20 18:26呢對speaker易擺位
- #281 [juliancyt], 11-06-30 07:54Welcome back ching! Look forward to your sharing of playing the TT in such a well treat room! Pic would be appreciated :)
- #280 [sv.40], 11-06-30 01:26Hi all brothers, I am back...
So busy building my new private listening room over the past months. It has sound proving (insolation) plus some absorption stuff installed so I can play loud there. Indeed there are still a lot left to do but I already started playing music there and adjusting the sound tunning materials/room acoustics.
A real experience: it is a waste of time and money if you have Hi End gears but an average living room for HiFi.
Here are the low end stuff I am using to tune the room, but, you have to believe it that it is much better than the performance at my home before, and outperforms many mid-high end systems I heard before:
Speaker: Sonus Faber Toy Tower with original spikes but NO dish
Amp: Tag Mclaren PA20R Pre Amp
Power Amp: A professional power amp, Crest Auio 4601 (around 300W per channel class AB)
CD: Pioneer Professional CD Recorder Model: update tomorrow
Speaker Cable: Straigh Wire (model: TBC)
Interconnect: CD to Pre Amp: Cardas Neutral Reference, Pre-amp to power amp: Tag Mclaren F1 balanced
Floor: Concrete Floor with special carpet, effectively double backed.
Walls: Concrete Wall + Dry Wall, plus 3/4" to 1" Plywood on the front (some C Hing said that a room with wooden walls sounds better, haha)
The localisation, size of mouth, sound stage and density are all excellent, when consider the price of the speaker and other components.
I will bring my most loved Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation speaker and other higher end stuff to the new listening room after other materails for acoustic treatment arrived.
最後修改時間: 2011-06-30 01:33:12 - #279 [elo], 11-03-25 22:49>>人地前世欠S左你咩?!?!?
Because he is still mad about SV.40 hing can really show his Ferrari here.
Get real and get back to your class t computer music!
最後修改時間: 2011-03-25 22:50:42 - #278 [埃澤多], 11-03-25 21:08人地前世欠S左你咩?!?!?
C能線!!!!!! - #277 [38super], 11-03-25 20:24假如有師兄借對TT 俾亞CPU 大佬聽吓,叫佢出番個Review 又如何?
- #276 [rsx], 11-03-23 22:34if review33 were Legislative Council, cpu9588 would be Long Hair, whose contribution is just...for fun!
- #275 [cpu8088], 11-03-23 18:01again i just want to review the reviewers. not doing a review
- #274 [cpu8088], 11-03-23 18:00u got it all wrong
it was op who wanted to write a review and i did not say i want to write a review
why not remind him that his review is long overdue. he has the speakers already no need to wait but now he just shy away with some excuses.
well same logic for u if you want a review from me then why not u write a review first? - #273 [appleteapot], 11-03-23 17:43>>淨識叫人出review
就馬上龜縮 !!!!!!!
路過見到, 真係笑了, 無得頂, 謝謝! - #272 [micmic123], 11-03-23 17:2027/3 arrive
- #271 [好野], 11-03-23 17:09等等 ....!
要玩野 等下啦 !!
到時大貨一到成班r33 的兄弟
大家一齊有得玩 勁 ! - #270 [micmic123], 11-03-23 11:52no stock ....咩價錢 also no use ....
- #269 [Ken440], 11-03-23 11:50TT而家做緊咩價錢呢~~?
- #268 [roa], 11-03-23 11:16不論價錢,CM系列不是TT對手。
- #267 [micmic123], 11-03-23 10:10CM7 輸到咸
CM8 也輸 - #266 [hiend], 11-03-22 21:58B&W CM7 compare with SF TT, which should be higher grade? Or just different taste?
- #265 [BandH], 11-03-22 19:11如果各師兄收到貨, 就快好熱鬧! ^_^
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